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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Experimental Walkthrough.

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  • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Experimental Walkthrough.

    Hello, everyone!
    I'd like to present you the unusual video walkthrough of Resident Evil 3. This stuff includes:

    - no commentaries
    - no cinematic cutscenes
    - no inventory screen
    - no locations' transition animations
    - alternative soundtrack
    - progress side columns

    Glad if you liked and enjoyed it. And thanks for your further comments.

    First part of this mess:

  • #2
    Do not know if want .

    Also, what "alternative soundtrack" are you using?


    • #3
      Just mix from different OSTs. I wanted to add a bit creativity to walkthroughs in general. It's ok if you don't.


      • #4
        Second part:


        • #5
          I like it, especially the new OST. It seems well edited and well put together, feeling like a show. Great job.


          • #6
            - There's a misspelling in the second part, you wrote "Devid's Memo".
            - I wonder, why skip the cinematics but keep the cutscenes ? Is there a specific reason for this ?
            - Gameplay-wise, I like your style. The end of the second Nemesis fight is awesome.
            - Changing the music of the game sounded like a heresy, but you actually did it right, the tracks you're using fit quite nicely to the game, congrats. Would you mind sharing the tracklist with us ?


            • #7
              Akimbo, Sly, thank you for your comments.

              - Yes, such a sad mistake. Several times checked, can't believe I didn't notice.
              - The main reason is control. Cinematic cutscenes are musically uncontrollable, the game keeps it original, which ruins the different atmosphere, tone structure, summoned by my OST choices. The gameplay cutscenes stayed because they can be played without music. Logically, of course, I could cut them too and almost did, but then I realized it would be good to test myself more and make some additional searching for escort this events. As a result - only, but full gameplay video. For better, for worse.

              Thanks for the next two notes. I appreciate it, especially the last one. It was quite a risky and I'm glad someone liked it.

              Yes, when I'm done with the series, I'll put a list of all used tracks.


              • #8
                Bloody hell, it's a relief that people can actually stilll make walkthroughs to games without their stupid sensationalist annoying voices! It's nice to see something different for a change and I like the unique way you have edited this. Good work.


                • #9
                  Ohmycod, thanks a lot.

                  Next part:


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Fifth part.


                      • #12
                        Half of the walkrthough. Sixth part:


                        • #13
                          This is pretty cool, keep uploading.


                          • #14

                            Seventh. First part of clocktower we have here.


                            • #15

                              Eighth part. First compulsory Nemesis.

