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A timeline of RE15's history and the hunt for it (1996-2013)

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  • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
    i saw someone try and sell martin's modification after someone bought it from someone who torrent his mod. maybe best to cut loose from resident evil community when 1.5 project is over. so many fakes, liers and false informations.
    I think after a fully playable and completed 1.5 is released to the community you'll see most of the "hardcore" and shady behavior disappear, with the exception of collectors pursuing the Era 2 and 80% builds. And even then, those of us who have daydreamed of a completed 1.5 for nearly two decades will be content with the IGAS release.
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
      i saw someone try and sell martin's modification after someone bought it from someone who torrent his mod. maybe best to cut loose from resident evil community when 1.5 project is over. so many fakes, liers and false informations.
      I somehow find it unbelievable that you wouldn't find that in ANY community where that would be the outcome where is a such a demand on ANYTHING on an unreleased game. You're offering up not just more info when you showcase something but the hope to some that a playable build is out there... which of course when you look at the history of it, it's amazing in some ways it has taken as long as it has for what's happened.

      The major issue is time. You're looking at almost 16 years of obsession for some people here.... I'm not excusing it, but you honestly can't be that surprised about it. Longer it takes, the more mad people get it seems.

      But I agree with Graco, the madness will mostly die off when your build is out there.


      • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
        I somehow find it unbelievable that you wouldn't find that in ANY community where that would be the outcome where is a such a demand on ANYTHING on an unreleased game.
        something like two decades of years i work with media, do games, and also collect. i have not seen and experience so direct what we had to deal with from resident evil fanbase on 1.5. nothing of the things with video games like early prototype of super mario 2, sonic xtreme, fake zelda prototypes, discovery of campus cartridges, dreamtr and socks and more match this type of behavior. i understand need for protect standing of community. you are not everyone and everyone are not you. but balance of insane obsessive and acceptable behavior is very unbalanced in resident fandom.


        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
          something like two decades of years i work with media, do games, and also collect. i have not seen and experience so direct what we had to deal with from resident evil fanbase on 1.5. nothing of the things with video games like early prototype of super mario 2, sonic xtreme, fake zelda prototypes, discovery of campus cartridges, dreamtr and socks and more match this type of behavior. i understand need for protect standing of community. you are not everyone and everyone are not you. but balance of insane obsessive and acceptable behavior is very unbalanced in resident fandom.
          Thanks for everyone who clarified. I re-read my post (above) and wasn't trying to be a dick, so I'm sorry if it came across that way. Some of the reasons for withholding 1.5 are understandable - such as fear for Capcom. But if a build was silently released on the net it would go viral and there wouldn't be anything Capcom could do.

          As far as the cost that some have paid for a build, I'd drop $$$ in a second. But I'm grateful to the team to even being able to play the demo.


          • Originally posted by earthprime View Post
            Some of the reasons for withholding 1.5 are understandable - such as fear for Capcom. But if a build was silently released on the net it would go viral and there wouldn't be anything Capcom could do.
            Indeed, in the modern day world of wifi internet connections, torrent sites, anonfiles, etc, there's really no excuse for someone not releasing lost prototypes anonymously on the internet. Of course, with the PVB of RE 1.5, we know why that should be delayed, but anyone out there with a later or different build of RE 1.5 could anonfiles that stuff.


            • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
              something like two decades of years i work with media, do games, and also collect. i have not seen and experience so direct what we had to deal with from resident evil fanbase on 1.5. nothing of the things with video games like early prototype of super mario 2, sonic xtreme, fake zelda prototypes, discovery of campus cartridges, dreamtr and socks and more match this type of behavior. i understand need for protect standing of community. you are not everyone and everyone are not you. but balance of insane obsessive and acceptable behavior is very unbalanced in resident fandom.
              Amen on that. This whole RE15 thing ... it's insane. I've been a video game fan since the original Space War, and there hasn't been anything like this in my experience. There are days you drink it up, and days you wish you'd never gotten involved.

              See ya'll in a few weeks.


              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                something like two decades of years i work with media, do games, and also collect. i have not seen and experience so direct what we had to deal with from resident evil fanbase on 1.5. nothing of the things with video games like early prototype of super mario 2, sonic xtreme, fake zelda prototypes, discovery of campus cartridges, dreamtr and socks and more match this type of behavior. i understand need for protect standing of community. you are not everyone and everyone are not you. but balance of insane obsessive and acceptable behavior is very unbalanced in resident fandom.
                But of course it's direct. You're personally involved. Which is why it seems unbalanced to you. And so again you continue to make blanket statements for the community as if your work allows you to tar everyone in the opposite fashion to my defense. However, You are not everyone and everyone is not you, either. ;)

                That's my issue I guess. I never deny there has been very insane things said or done by individuals to you or others involved, would be silly to say otherwise. But simply that 15 years of almost nothing is going to bring out the madmen. Those other things you listed, am sure they are major - but none of them had 15 years of over done hype attached. This is an odd situation too but entirely unique. There wouldn't be someone like Mandel covering it like he did either if it wasn't.

                This forum and the sub-community of those invested in 1.5 are probably far more split between those who are interested and those who are insane, sure maybe I can agree. But in the fan community at large 1.5 may not be that big a deal to many as well. So again a blanket tar doesn't apply.

                Finally you talk about the resident base making problems but you have to admit too some of the issues aren't event from purely the fanbase. There are systemic issues with those within the prototype community and how that functions that are just as problematic to your situation. And lots of those people probably aren't fans, they just want fame, notoriety, and bragging rights over a much wanted item by others. No matter the franchise.

                I really am curious as to why you and the rest of the team continue to work on releasing a product for all the annoying angry shits around here anyway. I mean what's the incentive? If this community is really that bad why not quit a long time ago? Is there really that much reward when you're getting threats and the like?
                Last edited by Rombie; 09-13-2013, 06:38 PM.


                • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                  Amen on that. This whole RE15 thing ... it's insane. I've been a video game fan since the original Space War, and there hasn't been anything like this in my experience. There are days you drink it up, and days you wish you'd never gotten involved.

                  See ya'll in a few weeks.
                  For me, I guess, it was seeing RE 1.5 advertised in the gaming magazines back then and thinking "Wow, this looks sooo cool!" and then when RE 2 was finally released, "What? What is this?! This isn't even the same game at all! Where did all of that cool stuff go? This is a totally different game!" Oh, don't get me wrong, I greatly enjoyed RE 2, but the mysterious screenshots and videos I saw of RE 1.5 were very alluring, and the years of searching made it sort of a Holy Grail to me and many others.

                  So, I can understand the passion people have for the game. However, it goes too many steps beyond that seeing all the total crazed psychotic fans sending death threats and "I'm gonna take it from you and kill you" type messages to any and everyone they think might have it. Seems to be RE 1.5 Psychosis. What's even more perplexing are the people who have only known about the game a very short time who take on that psychotic 1.5 attitude, not even coming from following it as long as I and others have from the very beginning. That's most perplexing of all, they didn't grow up knowing about it, the quest, or anything, still they go 1.5 mad over it.


                  • Its the colors they used. The deep blues and reds hypnotize the senses.


                    • Originally posted by earthprime View Post
                      Its the colors they used. The deep blues and reds hypnotize the senses.
                      That's exactly what it is, the only reason I care about Re1.5 is the blue & red colors!


                      • Is Martin Biohazard (Dark Biohazard) associated with this project? I see periodic patch releases from him, but I can't tell if they're for this team's work on 1.5 or some custom mod of his own.


                        • Originally posted by earthprime View Post
                          Is Martin Biohazard (Dark Biohazard) associated with this project? I see periodic patch releases from him, but I can't tell if they're for this team's work on 1.5 or some custom mod of his own.
                          No dude, I'm not associated with they.


                          • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                            No dude, I'm not associated with they.
                            Thanks for clearing that up, I was starting to think ...... hey wait a minute!


                            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                              I really am curious as to why you and the rest of the team continue to work on releasing a product for all the annoying angry shits around here anyway. I mean what's the incentive? If this community is really that bad why not quit a long time ago? Is there really that much reward when you're getting threats and the like?
                              For the same reason why everyone who bitches and moans about this community ends up doing highly valuable things - this community might be rotten at times, but I guarantee you that very few communities come close to ever accomplishing half the things that the BH community does.

                              I dare anyone to go out and find at least 5 communities that have dug up as much stuff related to its series as the BH fans. Pro-tip: They won't. Despite being a bunch of lunatics and maniacs and obsessive jerks and assholes with a variety of mental disorders, we are still proudly one of the best communities when it comes to getting stuff done. You could easily name a dozen, maybe two dozens, heck maybe even three dozens of members of this community that have contributed significantly to the scene. That's something incredibly hard to find in any other community.

                              BioHazard YouTube Channel
                              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                              • You don't need to lecture me on that. I've been a part of it for the past 17 years. But you should be telling BZork that himself. He's the one telling me/us the community is the worst he's ever dealt with. Blatantly ignoring what positive stuff is out there and belittling a large % of the community who are fine, and probably lots who probably don't give a rats ass about 1.5. too.
                                Last edited by Rombie; 09-25-2013, 03:56 AM.

