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A timeline of RE15's history and the hunt for it (1996-2013)

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  • I must now retract all I reported on last year's loss of the final build, along with the whole 'seven builds' myth. My chief 'source' sold me a bill of goods, and laced it with enough truth so I'd buy it. There's a LOT more I could say about that, and how I've been led by the nose, but right now my nose hurts and I have one hell of a hangover - given all that's happened and all I've learned in the past 24 hours. So, if you'll forgive me, I'm going to get something for this headache ... and some medicine for my nose.

    The link is down to my RE15 history, and will stay down until a major rewrite is done. As for the old version, don't put too much stock in anything after September 2011 that I reported as coming 'from a confidential source.' Thank you.
    Last edited by RMandel; 09-25-2013, 09:47 PM.


    • Oh so there weren't 7 builds after all. Hmm, well at least it was a fun myth while it lasted. But the person (private collector) who approached team IGAS did exist, right? Maybe he had an access to unspecified number of builds and your source exaggerated it to 7.

      Either way, thanks for update, and one way of looking at it is that this misinformation is also a part of history of "Hunt for RE15". So I'm keeping your original PDF


      • Well, we know from Team IGAS that they were in contact with a private collector who had the 80% build, who disappeared in December 2012 when evidence became public that the PVB had been passed around multiple hands.


        • Right, so he had a 80% build for sure, plus maybe some other builds, but total number of 7 was fabricated.


          • It's always interesting to me to read about that. Of course I won't be so disrespectful to ask who it was and where it took place etc, but was there evidence the build holder did actually have the 80%? I know I probably sound like captain obvious but I've always wondered about it since the early days. It may seem like a silly question but it will make me feel better about the whole thing at least.

            "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


            • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
              It's always interesting to me to read about that. Of course I won't be so disrespectful to ask who it was and where it took place etc, but was there evidence the build holder did actually have the 80%? I know I probably sound like captain obvious but I've always wondered about it since the early days. It may seem like a silly question but it will make me feel better about the whole thing at least.
              I'm actually curious about what was provided as the undeniable proof in this exchange. And, is there a possibility that we could see it? Probably not, but new and high quality media of the 80% build would be excellent.
              Last edited by Graco; 09-26-2013, 03:23 PM.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • this is from my second less informative but apparently more reliable source. There WAS a private collector, the final build WAS involved, and the deal fell apart. The TeM has apparently tried to get back in touch with him several times,it with no luck. There's apparently something else involved in the deal - What it is, I won't say - and yes, 'multiple builds' of RE15 were involved - not just the PVB and final.Just how many and what they were, this other source didn't know.

                Most of that info has been acknowledged in one form or another by the Team or their mouthpieces, so I feel pretty good about It. The rest? too much bunkum in it to sort out right now. Will have to do more digging.

                Looks like I made the mistake all researchers do at some point. Got too obsessed and got carried away. My bad.
                Last edited by RMandel; 09-26-2013, 05:11 PM.


                • It's no biggie man.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                    I'm actually curious about what was provided as the undeniable proof in this exchange. And, is there a possibility that we could see it? Probably not, but new and high quality media of the 80% build would be excellent.
                    This is precisely what I'd like to know as well. Hopefully the sample of evidence was at least somewhat helpful to their project.


                    • Folks and moderators, I'm sorry to have to hijack this thread, but I just stumbled across a post over on Assembler that's just so full of ... well ... since I can't seem to create an account over there to respond, the only thing left is to respond to it here. So with my apologies ....


                      There's some troll over there going by the ID of Anathemia that is spewing the most incredible garbage about me, the Team, and the raw build of RE15. WTF?!?! I sold the Team their copy of the raw build?!?! Horseshit!!! It's one thing to get your facts confused, or to have someone feed you a line (as I can recently attest), but THIS?!?! I bought my copy from a former Team member, you lummox - not the other way around!! It's a matter of public record!!! You sound like that guy who started trolling on 4chan last month, claiming to be someone from the Team, and spewing forth the same stream of fetid feces - mixing things from public Team statements, the fan-collected RE15 database, and MY history with all sorts of distorted drivel. Let me give you a piece of advice, Anathemia - get your facts straight. All you sound like is that special sub-class of troll, who mixes up a ball full of half-truths, full-blown lies, and deliberate distortions, who then throws it into a forum thread just to watch it explode, and then laughs heartily at the confusion and carnage created thereof. You make me sick!

                      And what's that bit about some obscure fan history book that spends all of three paragraphs on RE15?! Yeah, you freak - I went and looked it up. It's pretty much 10% old Capcom press releases and 90% ten-year-old Internet rumor mill that was pretty ripe even back then! I guess there's SOME comparison, given what I've just had to put up with, but I've been trying very hard to get everything about RE15 right as much as I can! You're not helping matters any! Maybe if he'd known what I know now, then maybe he wouldn't have gotten things so wrong - but so did a LOT of old publications, even the professional ones. And did you deliberately forgot to mention the group of fans who took what he wrote and have been trying to straighten it out ever since? Sound familiar?! Puh-leeze!!! Tell you what - why don't I give a list of almost every publication that spends three paragraphs or less on RE15 from ten years or more ago, almost half of which got it JUST as wrong? Like that freakin' hilarious Game Masters review? Remember - Leon starving on the RPD roof, or something like that? No, wait - I already have. It's in the first section of my own RE15 history, and Kegluneq's got all of that and more in his massive RE15 archive. But, I guess your type cares more for "fun" than they do facts, eh?

                      All you're doing is deliberately confusing things for most people - who simply want to know the truth about RE15 and the controversy surrounding it. Why have you taken it upon yourself to lead them astray? Is this something you like to do, you sub-troll? It's one thing to troll for trolling's sake - just ask the Dynamic Duo over at the Team - but what you're doing is even worse. So, on behalf of everyone seeking the truth about RE15, I'd just like to say this:



                      Sorry about that, folks. Like I said, I couldn't get in over at Assembler, and this deserved a response. My most sincere apologies for you having to hear all of that - but the guy got me mad. As mad as ... well ... never mind.


                      • That's pretty childish, but whatever. We know where that build comes from anyway, you don't need to be a genius to figure it out.


                        • Did I miss something or are the links in the original post dead? I downloaded RMandel's PDF but I won't get on my home computer for quite a while and I would like to read on. RMandel said its one big file in the start post, but the mediafire links are invalid.


                          • Yes links are down until further notice. Explanation is on the previous page: post #151.


                            • New version coming soon. Just wait a while longer ....


                              • I am looking forward to it RMandel. It's great to have a chronology.

