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A timeline of RE15's history and the hunt for it (1996-2013)

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  • #76
    Must say, these are very well wrote. Just learn a lot, thank you


    • #77
      Not been here in a while, but I'm very interested in reading this. Just wanted to say thanks in advance for your work.


      • #78
        Cheers, good long read that, the "PSM Curator" section brought back some memories, mostly of frustration, but at least it was a clear indication that after all those years, at least one copy/build of the game existed outside of Capcom.

        Was also interesting reading up about the "Church", I had absolutely no idea about that since I'm really not that active within the RE community anymore and have always been mostly a lurker anyway, just reading the discussions rather than getting involved in them.

        Although personally I'm in the camp that just really would love an original untouched build of 1.5, I'm still not going to say no to the work that IGAS is doing. I enjoyed messing about with the "MZD" build for a short while, but knowing and seeing how it had been tampered with just made it a bittersweet experience, sad to say.


        • #79
          Thanks. Have enough for two more sections now. Hope to post Part 5 in the near future. Part 6 won't be finished until the Team releases the RE15 Trial Edition - and then that'll be the end of my history. Someone else will have to write "the rest of the story."
          Last edited by RMandel; 08-14-2013, 01:44 AM.


          • #80
            I see. The latest update is what stirred up b.zork's comment on YouTube.

            Keep up the formidable work Mandel. Don't be intimated by people who have a problem with the real information getting out. These documentation is, without a doubt, the most interesting read I've had in all of my years of lurking the BioHazard community.

            BioHazard YouTube Channel
            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


            • #81
              I wouldn't go so far as to call it "real information." The outright nonsense regarding PU at one point is evidence that it is far from that. While RMandel is doing nice work, you should wait until he has his material up to a complete standard before regarding it as truthfact. They are, after all, mostly a collection of publicly available sources that give a one-sided outlook on everything.

              (apologies if that sounded harsh, it wasn't intended, I value the work and effort greatly)
              Last edited by News Bot; 08-14-2013, 10:18 AM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #82
                There are a few inconsistencies and possibly incorrect information on his documentation, but understandably so, either as a means to prevent people from connecting all the dots, or because Mandel doesn't have access to all information. I do expect that sometime after the I.G.A.S' project is unveiled, a lot of what Mandel has written will be revised. It would be nice if the team itself provided some inputs on the behind-the-scenes ordeal, but without the condition that these facts would be polished to conveniently fabricate a line of events that suited their side of the story.

                It's been a long and messy journey. I don't think people know that some of the key members that made all of this possible (i.g. our ability to play BH2 Prototype) made some of the gravest mistakes along the way. It's these flaws that make things a lot more interesting, though. Goes to show you how much this community has managed to accomplish, even with all the bumps that happened along the way.
                Last edited by Kegluneq; 08-14-2013, 11:45 AM.

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • #83
                  Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                  RMandel: in the Rpd is especially in irons room there should be no even the female zombie?

                  I thought that when we return in the room of irons attacked by zombies, we hear the cries of our irons being devoured by zombies, the same happened with resident evil 2 with Robert Kendo in the Armory.
                  Can I play the version you have, please?


                  • #84
                    Kendo in the armory... does not compute...
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • #85
                      Well, News Bot and Kegluneq are both right.

                      As far as News Bot goes, my RE15 history is essentially "Cliff Notes" for a much fuller and in-depth work which I hope someone will do someday, "when the time is right." A good place to start, get your bearings, revive your memories, etc. That's what I always intended. I don't have all the pieces to the puzzle, and I sometimes get fits trying to fit together the ones I do. Maybe part of my problem is that I try too hard.

                      As far as Kegluneq goes, there's a lot of misinformation out there. I'm aware that I've been deliberately fed some, too. Some of it I've been able to catch, but the rest ... well, I haven't been on the scene long enough to know what's truly BS and what isn't. That's for the rest of you - as well as those in the know - to sort out later. It's like I told somebody else on one of the other boards who asked me about it. The history of RE15 and the tale of the hunt for it is like an iceberg - with far more below the surface than above - and I'm trying to sound it with essentially primitive first-generation sonar. The people who come along behind me are going to do a lot better job than I ... yet somebody's got to blaze the trail in the first place, however imperfectly.

                      Kegluneq makes a good, point, though. We sometimes forget that the players in this 16-year long drama are all too human. We put some of them up on a pedestal, just as some put RE15 on an alta-- er, um, pedestal as well.

                      I hereby nominate News Bot for the position of being my harshest critic. He's certainly qualified, and I need somebody for the job. Any objections? That's a complement, BTW. You've raked me over the coals more than once in the past, but I've always tried to learn something new from each experience. Reminds me of a CPO I once served with in the Navy ages ago ....

                      Oh, I may as well tell you guys now. I've just changed jobs. That means my work hours are going to change rather drastically (I'll be working a lot more), and I'm probably going to have to leave the scene. I'm going to go ahead and finish what I started, but it'll be up to somebody else (or others,maybe) to correct/revise/update "when the time comes."

                      Just wanted you to know.
                      Last edited by RMandel; 08-15-2013, 01:54 AM.


                      • #86
                        Quite fun reading the history section, i came into the online RE community during White Umbrella, fun times indeed, kind of hard to remember with the state of things now.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by rewak View Post
                          Quite fun reading the history section, i came into the online RE community during White Umbrella, fun times indeed, kind of hard to remember with the state of things now.
                          I thought your name looked familiar. Good to meet you, sir. That "hard to remember" is one of the reasons why this project in the first place. Thanks.

                          Part 5 is now up. You have been warned. And to answer some questions now ...

                          Not a chance.
                          You need to discuss THAT in Aleff's thread.
                          Last edited by RMandel; 08-17-2013, 04:29 AM.


                          • #88
                            Part 3 ends awkwardly. That's a quote, right?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by rewak View Post
                              Quite fun reading the history section, i came into the online RE community during White Umbrella, fun times indeed, kind of hard to remember with the state of things now.
                              I'll forever make sure you don't forget that you recommended the absolute shittiest movie I've ever seen my entire life and I hope for you to one day get an appropriate punishment for said movie recommendation. So that's at least one 10+ year old grudge that shall haunt you until the day I feel you've felt appropriate suffering!


                              • #90
                                That part #5. I'm kinda dissapointed, I'll be honest. Just when I thought I was understanding the bigger picture of all this drama you came with these reports, and now I see that I only managed to turn a small rock at the top of Mount Everest.

                                That also explains why I once had in my inbox a lot of screenshots of the pure build. With so many copies floating around...
                                Hail the heros of the revolution!

