This'll be fun! From what I understand here are all of them
1. 2 Gorrilas in the RPD garage
2. Giant Alligator/s in the sewers (interesting since so little is known about this battle)
3. Birkin Form 1 in Warehouse
4. Birkin Form 2 in labs (assaults Leon in power room and possibly Elza by the MO disk door hence the infamouse manspider scene)
5. Birkin form 3/4 (possible that one battle takes place on the platform and other inside the train where the rocket launcher is used)
1. 2 Gorrilas in the RPD garage
2. Giant Alligator/s in the sewers (interesting since so little is known about this battle)
3. Birkin Form 1 in Warehouse
4. Birkin Form 2 in labs (assaults Leon in power room and possibly Elza by the MO disk door hence the infamouse manspider scene)
5. Birkin form 3/4 (possible that one battle takes place on the platform and other inside the train where the rocket launcher is used)