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Dominant Plaga... and the t-Virus?

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  • Dominant Plaga... and the t-Virus?

    Since BH4 was released, I haven't been able to shake Luis Sera's "I think I've seen a sample of the virus at the lab at the department." It's so out of the blue, yet framed as though it is important.

    Let's consider this. In the BIO series, gene manipulation has always been performed with the t-Virus based on the concept of genetic transduction via a retroviral vector, as it makes the process simple due to Progenitor having the latent ability to rewrite DNA in general. The virus was used as the vector to incorporate reptile and fly genes into a human ovum in order to create the Hunter and Chimera, for example.

    We know now that the dominant species is artificially developed by incorporating the Salazar family's control of the Plaga via sound capability, while the mutagenic properties of the original Plaga are also strengthened and the host is able to maintain control. All done through gene manipulation. The "Plaga Type 2 & 3" models are the same, along with Belikova's synthetic species; all developed with gene manipulation upon the original Plaga. But we already know from the very beginning of the series that in this universe, the t-Virus is the ultimate tool for gene manipulation.

    Under this line of thinking, it would mean that Del Lago, El Gigante, U-3, Verdugo, U-8, all of those lovable creatures, were actually created through application of the t-Virus on top of the Plaga, enhancing the mutagenic capacity of both. This would go some way to explain them rather than just "magic parasite" considering it incorporates knowledge we already have from the series. This would also explain why there are so many different-looking Plaga in all of the artificial creatures. These are also present in the island lab in beakers. They wouldn't need to store the regular Plaga in beakers when they have a limitless supply of eggs.

    I don't know why the involvement of the t-Virus has never been outright stated. Perhaps they feel the mode of gene manipulation should be obvious to fans of the series? Perhaps Mikami took whatever material there was about it with him and the current developers are forced to leave it vague? Perhaps Mikami just didn't write anything about it but had it in mind? But honestly, it is the best explanation for all of this stuff.

  • #2
    Did Mikami have any involvement on the game's dialogue though? I mean, sure, he'd still have to approve/check it if he didn't write it but still seems like a long shot.


    • #3
      Mikami is literally credited as "Script Writer", it's a safe bet he handled the dialogue.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #4
        The general impression I received from RE4 was that Mikami wanted the creatures to be distanced from the T-Virus and being Umbrella creations as much as possible to go along with the "total revamp of the series" thing he had going on.

        So while the T-Virus being used in conjunction with the parasite could explain those creatures you specified its likely that he simply didn't think about it too deeply at their conception.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • #5
          Notizie Bot :I thought that the regenerator which would be a kind of Crimson Head of ganado, adding 3 plagas parasites is the T-virus to create regenerator, for this attack as a zombie with the lowest instincts of a simple ganado.


          • #6
            Well now at least we know he's italian haha.


            • #7
              I rather think that Saddler somehow seized a T-Virus sample and kept it in his lab just for investigation and comparisson purposes. The game pretty much gives credit to "las plagas" on the creation of every creature, if I´m not wrong Krauser is the only one who carries something more than just plagas into his body.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • #8
                Krauser had the dominant species Plaga.

                One thing to note is that the regular Plaga is mutagenic, but its mutations are common. On the other hand, the artificially created dominant species Plaga has completely random mutations. The t-Virus was known for its random mutations, which is why Umbrella relied on cloning for B.O.W. production.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #9
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  Since BH4 was released, I haven't been able to shake Luis Sera's "I think I've seen a sample of the virus at the lab at the department." It's so out of the blue, yet framed as though it is important.
                  Sorry I just have to ask this...

                  Ignoring the simple facts here, aside from the truth of anything else related to the creation of said enemies, how much stock can you put in his original statement... isn't he lying to Leon really? He wasn't likely working at the police department in truth was he? I don't doubt that he saw a sample somewhere or that it was not involved somewhere here, but you have to question the original intent of that statement because he was covering the fact he was involved with the incident Leon is currently experiencing. Correct?


                  • #10
                    He was lying about being a cop, of course; but the "lab" could still be referring to the laboratory on the island base where he created the dominant species.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

