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Mikami: Remake's Poor Sales Created RE4's Focus

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
    That's strange he said that. Those backgrounds from RE0 and REmake are basically a bunch of jpeg images looped together to create animated pre-rendered backgrounds. I think if PS1 could handle Fear Effect 1&2 which had very similar technology (STR videos for backgrounds) then PS2 should be able to handle the same thing only with higher resolution.
    Oops...Sorry, looks like I read the wrong thing. The GAMECUBE didn't have the same processing power as the PS2.
    Sorry, my english sucks. It's everything on here:


    • #32
      Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
      Talking about Outbreak though, I was bitterly disappointed that it was ps2 exclusive, I just couldn't wrap my head around a game being made for online gaming, but not being released for the Xbox, which at that point already had a well established online gaming platform with Xbox Live. I was contemplating getting my ps2 ready for online gaming, just so I could play Outbreak online, but once I heard they scrapped the online mode from the PAL release, I shafted any and all support for Capcom on the ps2.
      This is what I meant when I said that Capcom management couldn't have gotten it more wrong that gen.

      Games were constantly released on incorrect platforms exclusively. Capcom had, until around 1999, been fairly loose on any sort of exclusivity by contract. Usually any platform exclusive titles were simply because they were either developed for that platform and other new platforms came along before porting took place (a large number of NES/SNES titles apply under this), or the other way around and there was a clear single platform the game could go on.

      But instead of just sticking to this knowing the PS2 was gaining sales, or that they could have supported the X-Box with better games than Dino Crisis 3... somehow this idea completely got muddled. You had two popular hack and slash titles on PS2 (DMC and Onimusha), which Capcom then halfheartedly released the first Onimusha on X-Box only to have it undersell and put them off doing that again or with DMC or basically anything else (plus obviously that X-Box sold like crap in Japan not helping). You have an online title on the two current online consoles, but then make it exclusive to the one it was more difficult to support in every possible way. And then you put one of your hit franchises exclusively to the console that, yes while quite powerful, is not only the worst selling of it's then current generation - it's the worst selling platform for the company who makes the console in their history. Mikami was obviously so specific about RE4 not being ported it's where we get the whole cutting off his head/harakiri thing... again showing that somewhere the company was looking at the bottom line and trying to make more money by finally realizing it needs to go back to more multi platform, or at least where there are more possible buyers - however too little too late.

      And we're not even yet covering long and troubled development scheduled, cannibalized games used for other projects, internal development squabbles, pressure and overwork on producers and directors, and all other such troublesome issues. Hell maybe we should be surprised there even was a RE4 launched eventually. Or that the troublesome exclusivity still continues with certain of Capcom's IP's when it makes more financial sense to not limit your release platforms in this day and age. That specifically baffles me a lot.
      Last edited by Rombie; 10-01-2013, 06:11 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
        That's strange he said that. Those backgrounds from RE0 and REmake are basically a bunch of jpeg images looped together to create animated pre-rendered backgrounds. I think if PS1 could handle Fear Effect 1&2 which had very similar technology (STR videos for backgrounds) then PS2 should be able to handle the same thing only with higher resolution.
        issues: DVD loadings, 3d models(zambies, characters, guns), lighting, fog, sky, moving elements like leaves, trees...


        • #34
          Just look at the PS2 port of RE4. Yes, it was/is possible, but there was an obvious downgrade. I think the emphasis in REmake was on graphics, graphics, graphics - and the PS2, while certainly capable, just would not do (we need more, more, more! better, faster, stronger!). The lighting and fire/other various elements look like poo on the PS2 unfortunately.

          Some scenes comparing the Gamecube and PS2 versions of Resident Evil 4. The Gamecube version obviously looks much better. In each comp
          Last edited by doriantoki; 10-01-2013, 08:04 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by yurieu View Post
            issues: DVD loadings, 3d models(zambies, characters, guns), lighting, fog, sky, moving elements like leaves, trees...
            Yes, except those are not so much of issues but more of downgrading job. What did you mean by issues with moving elements (leaves, trees)? Because they are not real time, they are part of each frame of pre-rendered backgrounds. Also could you elaborate on DVD loading thing? PS2 is probably slower, I don't know exact comparison speeds, but PS2 is quite capable of running animated backgrounds, 3D models, effects and all that at the same time. As a prime example I'd use Onimusha 2, which is also by Capcom and uses exactly the things we're talking about. If they were able to make a game like that run on PS2 and look so great then they should be able to do the same for REmake & RE0, utilizing similar technology.
            Last edited by MiLØ; 10-02-2013, 05:23 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Rombie View Post
              Mikami himself has a lot to answer for in regards to the Nintendo exclusivity, it seems like he was the one who really pushed for it. Between it and other console exclusives, Capcom's management couldn't have gotten it more wrong in that generation. In the end, Mikami ended up paying for it with the loss of Clover.
              Yup, That is exactly how I remember it. He was openly mocking sony at the time too. Shortly after Resident Evil's failure on the cube he started complaining about Final Fantasy's sales on Playstation. Something to the effect that the only reason people were buying it was because it was trendy. Fun times
              Last edited by veronesis; 10-02-2013, 05:07 PM.


              • #37
                Mikami is a graphics whore. That's pretty much the main reason he wanted the GameCube exclusivity. However, that doesn't mean it was a bad choice, the games certainly benefited greatly, but it hurt sales and he knew that. I imagine him being called in by his bosses to be told that they'd shelve the series if BH4 didn't succeed might've been the final blow to his ego at the time.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #38
                  Funny how PSX with inferior graphics beat N64 on sales, then PS2 beat GC and then Wii beat PS3 and Xbox 360. Looks like if most people don´t give a shit about graphics.
                  The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                    Funny how PSX with inferior graphics beat N64 on sales, then PS2 beat GC and then Wii beat PS3 and Xbox 360. Looks like if most people don´t give a shit about graphics.
                    It's a bit more complicated than that, things like marketing, prices and a games library are some of the biggest factors.

                    I'm definitely one of those people though who who worries about gameplay first and foremost before anything, graphics and sound/music can only enhance a game. I'll use Rez as an example, it's a music based game where the gameplay directly impacts the flow of the musical score, but take away the music and there is still gameplay, the music simply enhances it.

                    Saying that though, I'm still a big frame rate whore, mostly depends on the type of game, but most of the time I want nothing less than a solid 60fps.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      Funny how PSX with inferior graphics beat N64 on sales, then PS2 beat GC and then Wii beat PS3 and Xbox 360. Looks like if most people don´t give a shit about graphics.
                      As Vixtro said, way more complicated than that. The marketing campaign for Wii was huge. They created artificial demand by withholding stock (the Wii was "out of stock", and selling out as soon as it was restocked for how long?). And finally, the biggest deal, they tapped into a casual market, which, while "gamers" wouldn't like to admit, is by the far the hugest market of them all.
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 10-03-2013, 01:17 PM.


                      • #41
                        It can't have sold that bad - they ported both 1 and 0 onto the Wii - which made the game even better (can now be played in HD via WiiU for example)
                        and I must say, it looks fantastic - minus the letterbox 4:3 window but at least it isn't stretched into widescreen on my 50 inch HDTV.

                        No matter what Capcom say - RE remake remains (as many fans and reviewers agree) the best RE game they ever made. The only reason they say it didn't is so they could change the formula for RE4.
                        Sure the RE formula was getting alittle stale, then why didn't they improve it more?
                        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                          It can't have sold that bad - they ported both 1 and 0 onto the Wii - which made the game even better (can now be played in HD via WiiU for example)
                          and I must say, it looks fantastic - minus the letterbox 4:3 window but at least it isn't stretched into widescreen on my 50 inch HDTV.
                          Um, it is not going to be "HD" on the WiiU. The WiiU may upscale the image but all you have is a blurrier image. For true "HD" (except the backgrounds), an emulator is the only way currently.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                            It can't have sold that bad - they ported both 1 and 0 onto the Wii - which made the game even better (can now be played in HD via WiiU for example)
                            and I must say, it looks fantastic - minus the letterbox 4:3 window but at least it isn't stretched into widescreen on my 50 inch HDTV.

                            No matter what Capcom say - RE remake remains (as many fans and reviewers agree) the best RE game they ever made. The only reason they say it didn't is so they could change the formula for RE4.
                            Sure the RE formula was getting alittle stale, then why didn't they improve it more?
                            No the reason they said it didn't is because it didn't. Even though RE4 sold less on the GC it still sold more on the platform than the Remake. That's a simply fact. As is the fact the Wii versions barely sold either. The problem was the fact it was an exclusive to Nintendo platforms only.
                            Last edited by Rombie; 10-03-2013, 10:39 PM.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              It can't have sold that bad - they ported both 1 and 0 onto the Wii - which made the game even better (can now be played in HD via WiiU for example)
                              and I must say, it looks fantastic - minus the letterbox 4:3 window but at least it isn't stretched into widescreen on my 50 inch HDTV.

                              No matter what Capcom say - RE remake remains (as many fans and reviewers agree) the best RE game they ever made. The only reason they say it didn't is so they could change the formula for RE4.
                              Sure the RE formula was getting alittle stale, then why didn't they improve it more?
                              I completely agree. The REmake was the best and Zero was also fantastic in my opinion. Imagine a Resident Evil 2 in that style...ha, we fans have been waiting for such a game for years's sad...


                              • #45
                                It wouldn't surprise me if Capcom released a remake of RE2 now in the series' current state.
                                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."

