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Resident Evil and Onimusha Composer Admits He's a Fraud

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  • Resident Evil and Onimusha Composer Admits He's a Fraud

    Mamoru Samuragochi, the deaf composer who was thought to have created the soundtracks for Resident Evil and Onimusha titles, has admitted someone else has been writing his music for almost two decades.

    The Japan Times reports that Samuragochi, known as a "modern Beethoven" due to his hearing impairment, went deaf at the age of 35 but continued to work using "absolute pitch".

    In Japan, he's most famous for his piece Hiroshima Symphony, a tribute to the survivors of the atomic bomb attacks. His other work includes compositions for Resident Evil: The Director's Cut in 1997 (called Biohazard in Japan), which he did "while hiding his severe hearing disability and living under harsh conditions," according to his website.

    "In 1999, right before he started composing the music for the game Onimusha he completely lost his hearing," the site continues. "However the piece he composed, “Symphony, Rising Sun” was highly acclaimed and was noticed by the public as a master piece."

    It now turns out that none of these pieces were created by Samuragochi, and that they were instead the work of an individual unable to come forward for personal reasons, according to his lawyer.

    Samuragochi's solicitor said that his client was "deeply sorry as he has betrayed fans and disappointed others".

    "He knows he could not possibly make any excuse for what he has done. He is mentally distressed and not in a condition to properly express his own thoughts".
    Last edited by Darkness; 02-06-2014, 12:17 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    His other work includes compositions for Resident Evil: The Director's Cut in 1997 (called Biohazard in Japan), which he did "while hiding his severe hearing disability and living under harsh conditions," according to his website.
    From which we get this gem ...


    • #3


      • #4
        That or some new technology was invented for him to get his hearing back and he heared mansion basement and was too embarassed to take credit for it so he made up this story of the music not being his

        Edit: ^^^ This is weired we have the same sig and they're both in sync
        Last edited by Deathlygasm; 02-06-2014, 01:14 PM.


        • #5
          well fuck me sideways with a spoon


          • #6
            Oh many more frauds do we need in the Resident Evil franchise???

            First Shinji this with Mamoru Samuragochi???

            Amirite News Bot?
            Last edited by Undead Sega; 02-19-2014, 07:21 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Undead Sega View Post
              Oh many more frauds do we need in the Resident Evil franchise???

              First Shinji this with Mamoru Samuragochi???

              Amirite News Bot?
              Mikami isn't a fraud, just grossly exaggerated.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #8
                Well it is a shame that there isnt hard prove to back-up what you are saying or claiming what he is, even though I strangely believe you

                When will there be a time where this 'truth' will come out News Bot?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Undead Sega View Post
                  Well it is a shame that there isnt hard prove to back-up what you are saying or claiming what he is, even though I strangely believe you

                  When will there be a time where this 'truth' will come out News Bot?
                  You're over thinking it and blowing NB's issues out of proportion. It's just him being often credited for things he didn't do.

                  I can post some that's already been cited, such as this interview with Tokuro Fujiwara I posted on here almost a couple of years back that was doing the rounds. Fujiwara was Mikami's boss at the time the game was being made, and was the original designer on Sweet Home - which was the main influence on Biohazard. He paints a picture where most of the main idea not only didn't come from Mikami but himself and rather that Mikami was just in charge of making it happen as the development director. But aside from that, Mikami was apparently picked because he had belief in him after saying... in Fujiwara's words paraphrased here - Mikami was a massive wuss who didn't like being scared.

                  The following is a translation of a March 3rd, 2009 blog post by Fuunoshin, retrieved from the site NESGBGG. The post includes excerpts from interviews with various game developers, with the majority of excerpts originating from an interview with Tokuro Fujiwara, the creator of series such as Resident Evil. It appeared in Vol. 12 of […]

                  Given that there are clear fingerprints of Sweet Home all over the first game, and the guy designed that game... and is listed on the credits for the finished Biohazard as the general/executive producer - seems fair enough. But Mikami got and ran with the honor of apparently creating the entire game because his name was there as the director even though the general producer of the title says otherwise...


                  • #10
                    Pretty much haha. I remember some goofball went to JP Kellams at Platinum Games (who worked with Mikami on God Hand, etc) claiming I was spouting Mikami as a massive fraud, leading to some insults toward me from JP. In reality, all I said is that he didn't do things people (not even necessarily Mikami himself) credit him for. As I said, he's a great developer who happens to be an exaggerated figure, not a fraud. People immediately assume that's what you're saying when you challenge their idols, though.

                    Mikami also did some distasteful things during BIO1's development to certain members of the team.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 02-20-2014, 06:30 AM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Mikami also did some distasteful things during BIO1's development to certain members of the team.
                      Never heard much about this, could you share any deets?
                      If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


                      • #12
                        I agree, possibility you could shed more light onto this?

                        (Possibly, this could be the 'next thing' you could work on ;) )


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Mikami also did some distasteful things during BIO1's development to certain members of the team.
                          I'd love to know of the specifics too.
                          If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P

