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Recording an in-depth No Damage commentary for RE3. Come take a look!

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  • Recording an in-depth No Damage commentary for RE3. Come take a look!

    ^That's part 1. I'm releasing a new commentary video Monday-Thursdays until it's done, there were about 14 parts.

    I'm going to dump the entire set of videos without commentary this weekend, probably on Saturday.

    The things I'm going to cover in the videos will be informative and entertaining, even if you've already played RE3 a dozen times.

    I wanted to demonstrate how to get through any area easily without taking damage, but also get into the game mechanics in depth and show how to go over the easiest strategies to beat Nemesis each time... Essentially, show that you can do everything in the game in 2 1/2 hours or less, but also do so while being informative about every single thing the game can possibly do.

    Didn't get an A-Rank because I saved a bunch of times (yes, I know, it seems like overkill). Anyone can get an A-rank with these strategies if they don't save and just use the F. Aid Boxes that Nemesis drops instead.

    I already completed the run, but I'll post the next commentary here when I get it properly recorded and edited. Tell me what you guys think!
    Last edited by Carcinogen; 04-08-2014, 01:25 AM. Reason: fixed link

  • #2
    I'm really looking forward to this. I love RE3's mechanics. Are you going to do something similar for mercs? I find myself playing that more than the story in RE3


    • #3
      For Mercs? Maybe, but I haven't played through mercenaries but maybe a couple of times. I played through the main RE3 scenario probably 150 times.


      • #4
        I followed your stream on Twitch a day or two ago and popped in a few times (I'm Eladard, not sure if you remember me).

        Nice job on the walkthrough. I'm looking forward to watching the whole thing.


        • #5
          Good to see you here, Carcinogen. This is Grant Bitman.

          Congratulations on this. I'll have to watch it this weekend. Resident Evil 3 feels more challenging than Resident Evil 2 when it comes to No Damage due to how badly things can go depending on enemy location or behaviour. Mercenaries is off the table though. I only saw someone clearing the whole game with a knife and getting No Damage but he had to save 43 times which amounted to roughly a save every 7 minutes. Mercenaries is doable if you're willing to do a TAS, though. I've been asked to do a Nikolai mercs run on Retro Games using only the knife with No Damage and TAS but the timer makes me wonder if it can be pulled off at all..
          Last edited by Kegluneq; 03-13-2014, 08:57 PM.

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • #6
            Renard - probably not. nothing against you, i just have poor memory of people (especially in my stream) unless i see them a subsequent number of times. lol. don't worry, i'll at least recognize you're from this forum now.

            Bitman - Well, fancy seeing you here! ofc there's a modding forum here too. Um... I'm not finished with the commentary videos yet, but i've already finished the videos themselves and am in the process of editing them for a batch upload into a single video. I'm trying to go balls-out with the commentary and spread it out a day at a time so I can make it entertaining even for someone who's seen or played the game dozens of times. Would you happen to know of a damage value table anywhere?

            I know two people who have done Knife + No Damage + No Save, there's HKGoldenMrA (on youtube) and another player from China named Sashi Ryusou (at The other runs I've seen were just Knife No Damage with Saves or Knife Kill All No Damage with Saves (I think Smallvillecs and a player on TKOMoonligh's youtube channel).


            • #7
              I remember a spot in mercs near the end of the run. I believe its where you burn the twine off the gate in main mission. Well in this area there are a couple of dogs and also a stack of pallets. If you climb up on the pallets you can dodge the dogs and gain the time bonus as many times as you want! its a cheap trick but you can rescue more people knowing you can gain the time bonus!


              • #8

                Here's part 2! I know I said I would do it Monday-Thursday, but I want to fastforward through the boring parts. I just now realized I could embed too (lol) so I'll just leave it here. This is from the first Nemesis encounter to the next Nemesis encounter. Not a lot of randomness yet, mostly about collision, movement, and spacing again. Enemy pattern randomization and item randomization will start to kick in more around Part 4, so I'll post another tomorrow.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                  I know two people who have done Knife + No Damage + No Save, there's HKGoldenMrA (on youtube) and another player from China named Sashi Ryusou (at The other runs I've seen were just Knife No Damage with Saves or Knife Kill All No Damage with Saves (I think Smallvillecs and a player on TKOMoonligh's youtube channel).
                  I was coming here to see if you've heard of these players haha. Here's HKGoldenMrA's run if people want to see knife only stuff (no commentary)
                  Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 03-14-2014, 04:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    I've actually been talking to smallvillecs about RE2 and RE3 knife techs for a little while now and learned a lot of things I wouldn't have caught from just watching his videos.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                      Bitman - Well, fancy seeing you here! ofc there's a modding forum here too. Um... I'm not finished with the commentary videos yet, but i've already finished the videos themselves and am in the process of editing them for a batch upload into a single video. I'm trying to go balls-out with the commentary and spread it out a day at a time so I can make it entertaining even for someone who's seen or played the game dozens of times. Would you happen to know of a damage value table anywhere?
                      I'm glad to see commentary being added. A lot of times people see speedrunning but don't understand some of the things that happen or why speedrunners do some things that might seem otherwise counter-productive unless they have a good knowledge of the mechanics. Your input provides more depth to the video, and it makes things more entertaining. Unfortunately, I do not know any damage values for Resident Evil 3. Maybe the guys at the Resident Evil 1 2 3 forums might be able to figure that out. I'd recommend asking there, or speaking with the guy who made the table for Resident Evil 2 values.

                      Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                      I know two people who have done Knife + No Damage + No Save, there's HKGoldenMrA (on youtube) and another player from China named Sashi Ryusou (at The other runs I've seen were just Knife No Damage with Saves or Knife Kill All No Damage with Saves (I think Smallvillecs and a player on TKOMoonligh's youtube channel).
                      Yes, wunderbar, if my memory does not escape me. That guy has, in my opinion, the greatest degree of understanding of Resident Evil 3 - kind of like Jikka-chan for Resident Evil 2. For example, when I was doing my series of videos for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, one of my plans was to do my knife fight against Nemesis without taking damage (it was a throwback to the first series of videos I had created for BioHazard 1.5). There were two ways of doing this - either by luring Nemesis from afar to grab me, evade his tentacle and use that window to knife him or twice which would result in a 10 minute video, or, by brute forcing and going up close. I opted for the second choice but I could not find a way around his 270ยบ degree tentacle whip which requires perfect timing to evade if you attempt to knife downwards him at the same he does that animation (something which I actually managed to pull off) or a very narrow frame-window if you try to dodge it. Wunderbar actually figured out what medium distance was necessary to keep to prevent Nemesis from triggering that tentacle whip, something which I never could, despite how many times I had fought Nemesis. If you're going for Mercenaries No Damage, I'd recommend watching his video because he kills everything with the knife and with very solid strategies for each enemy.

                      By the way, have you thought about doing a series of videos fighting Nemesis No Damage glitchless? That was one of my original plans which I had to give up due to the format I choose for my videos (different arsenal of weapons, reload during combat..) but I'm pretty sure a skilled player could definitely pull that one off. The handgun with enhanced ammo, the freezing grenade rounds and the western shotgun can control Nemesis' pacing. The first two fights would be a problem but if you have fast reflexes you might be able to telegraph his running superman punch.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • #12
                        That superman punch destroyed so many of my attempts on the Clock Tower Nemesis fight. Though I was probably asking for it by practicing a clockwise-running route to deal with his rocket launcher instead of a counter-clockwise running route directly to the glitch corner. I think I would have had better luck hitting the Emergency Brake because then I wouldn't have to try to find strategies to get him to empty his rocket launcher.

                        Any glitchless Nemesis fight is hard because you can't use Freeze Rounds for it unless he's in the middle of an attack-type stance. It falls apart so badly if he's walking and you try to shoot grenades at him that way.

                        I used all the guns in my video, but mostly vs. standard enemies to optimize TTK. Reload during combat as an arbitrary rule sounds like a nightmare though.
                        Last edited by Carcinogen; 03-17-2014, 01:52 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                          That superman punch destroyed so many of my attempts on the Clock Tower Nemesis fight. Though I was probably asking for it by practicing a clockwise-running route to deal with his rocket launcher instead of a counter-clockwise running route directly to the glitch corner. I think I would have had better luck hitting the Emergency Brake because then I wouldn't have to try to find strategies to get him to empty his rocket launcher.

                          Any glitchless Nemesis fight is hard because you can't use Freeze Rounds for it unless he's in the middle of an attack-type stance. It falls apart so badly if he's walking and you try to shoot grenades at him that way.

                          I used all the guns in my video, but mostly vs. standard enemies to optimize TTK. Reload during combat as an arbitrary rule sounds like a nightmare though.
                          Yes, that's one of the things I never payed much of attention until I recorded my videos. The superman punch is insanely difficult to telegraph in the second half of any fight against Nemesis. The only cue I could use for it was the sound (since he can always opt to stop and try to grab Jill instead) and even that was sometimes missing from the animation. It requires some brutal reflexes to dodge and it was one of the other reasons why I also gave up on No Damage glitchless Nemesis fights.

                          The freezing rounds work great if you can get Nemesis in a small space - I remember that one of the tricks I used for the Clocktower Balcony fight was to get him between the staircase and the spotlight. That way, even if he attempted to dodge my grenade round he would still not have enough space to dodge it properly and get hit by it as long as I was firing my rounds into the middle space. But I find the enhanced ammo for the handgun much more effective. 3 rounds, unless Nemesis is too close, will generally be plenty of enough to maintain control over his pacing and create a good distance.

                          And yes, the reload during combat is indeed one of the most arbitrary rules I ever created. I guess it's just that I always figured that if the game didn't featured a reload system ALA Silent Hill (in which the game automatically reloads for you after you lower your gun) it's probably because the designers intended for combat to be played like this (with the inventory reload most likely being something that didn't intend to but left out in the first and subsequent games of the series for speedrunning purposes).

                          By the way, what other things do you have planned for future playthroughs? I'm enjoying seeing new ideas pop up. The Resident Evil competitive scene had been stale for a few years but some new playthroughs popping up have made things a lot more interesting to watch lately.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • #14
                            I'm going to be recording commentary mostly over the next month or so, then practice RE2 knife for SGDQ. After that, REmake and RE3 stuff. Trying to work up 24 hour RE marathons where I beat as many as I can in a day.


                            • #15

                              Part 3. ^

                              Just the one Nemesis fight up to before the restaurant.

