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Recording an in-depth No Damage commentary for RE3. Come take a look!

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  • #16

    ^Part 4

    Downtown, up to before the Power Plant. I didn't expect the end to be so... Dead. But that's what happens when I post a section where I dally around, because if there is nothing happening in the video, there is only so much filler I can use. Fortunately, the one thing that happened to come along was... interesting. A little.

    Uploads are going to be pretty sporadic over the next week. How does everyone like it so far?


    • #17
      I'm surprised to see you didn't glitch Nemesis on the third encounter. In a No-Save No-Damage run it would be probably best to glitch him by the gem puzzle location as things can go wrong very quickly when you fight him in the restaurant (either he loops Carlos in the first seconds against the wall or Carlos moves too close to Jill when Nemesis is running and she could get hit by his superman punch).

      A small tidbit. The reason why Nicholai blows up the gasoline station is because he learns, in the electric car, that Jill is from the S.T.A.R.S unit. He is a monitor so he is aware that Nemesis has been sent to kill all members of S.T.A.R.S. By faking his death, he can continue freely with his activities and remain out of fight from Nemesis (since Nemesis also tracks down whatever person he sees along with the targets). Logically speaking, the gasoline station event with Nicholai is most likely the canon event.

      I hope to see the Mikhail scene too. Since you're going for 100%, I hope you didn't forget that one.

      BioHazard YouTube Channel
      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


      • #18
        My definition of 100% was totally arbitrary, just getting all weapons + nemesis items + Jill's Diary. Didn't know of a Nemesis glitch on 3rd encounter.

        If you check out smallvillecs' channel, he made a video in a few attempts of Carlos beating Nemesis no damage without firing a shot.

        As for the Nicholai thing - he fakes his death in the Sales Office, too. You can hear him scream after the zombies bash through.


        • #19
          Impressive channel! I liked the FF7 ones - Yuffie level 1 vs Ruby weapon is great idea I'd like to see commentary on a Chris bad ending under 1hr RE1 PSX run.


          • #20
            Thought about it. Most of the RE1 runs I've done were Best Ending. Thanks to the discovery of a bunch of new glitches though, I feel a lot more pressure to use those if I decided to run RE1 again, but the big sequence break (plant skip) requires some luck to do, I think. I could possibly commentate on the 58:04 PS2 Chris run that ZENO (Japanese guy) did a long time ago if Sephjul doesn't do one first.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
              Thought about it. Most of the RE1 runs I've done were Best Ending. Thanks to the discovery of a bunch of new glitches though, I feel a lot more pressure to use those if I decided to run RE1 again, but the big sequence break (plant skip) requires some luck to do, I think. I could possibly commentate on the 58:04 PS2 Chris run that ZENO (Japanese guy) did a long time ago if Sephjul doesn't do one first.
              Cool. What's the plant skip?


              • #22

                This is probably not the most recent setup, but I'm sure you get the point; you can avoid going to the east side of the mansion for the chemical pickup. It's hard as balls to do, and we're not 100% sure on the setup. Thing is, he didn't start from the door closing, so the plant is probably in a different animation cycle by now.

                Though y'know, after seeing the video again, and realizing he didn't start from the door closing, this trick may be easier to do with use of a pause frame buffer (like in Zelda OoT), I think, but we'd have to come up with a setup for it. I'll talk to Sephjul.


                • #23
                  That's pretty awesome, never thought of trying that. Still some secrets in that game! Have you managed to do it at all? Or just once in a 100 attempts or something? Looks like the character is moving in a certain sequence.

                  I noticed the other video regarding serum skip - how is that done? Looks like he just opens the inventory screen during the cut scene or something.


                  • #24
                    he opens the inventory at a specific frame, during the camera transition frame + event frame which allows him to interrupt the event and move during the cutscene.

                    At present, the plant skip is still seemingly random, but I believe a frame buffer will make it consistent enough to work during a speedrun. The idea behind all of these tricks is to come up with a setup which will allow you to do something consistently. Otherwise, it's X number of attempts until Y time expires, then the runner will reset. If the sequence break takes any more than 1 minute to execute, then it's not worth the time.

                    I haven't tried any of the stuff myself, as I only have a base understanding of how the tricks work.

                    EDIT: this is a list of all known tricks and sequence breaks in RE1. If you happen to find a way to do them yourself in a more consistent manner, we'd all like to know.

                    I'm currently apartment hunting/job hunting in NYC, so it'll be a while before I post another video.
                    Last edited by Carcinogen; 03-26-2014, 01:44 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                      he opens the inventory at a specific frame, during the camera transition frame + event frame which allows him to interrupt the event and move during the cutscene.

                      At present, the plant skip is still seemingly random, but I believe a frame buffer will make it consistent enough to work during a speedrun. The idea behind all of these tricks is to come up with a setup which will allow you to do something consistently. Otherwise, it's X number of attempts until Y time expires, then the runner will reset. If the sequence break takes any more than 1 minute to execute, then it's not worth the time.

                      I haven't tried any of the stuff myself, as I only have a base understanding of how the tricks work.

                      EDIT: this is a list of all known tricks and sequence breaks in RE1. If you happen to find a way to do them yourself in a more consistent manner, we'd all like to know.

                      I'm currently apartment hunting/job hunting in NYC, so it'll be a while before I post another video.
                      OH SNAP. I'm actually moving into an apartment in two days myself, but when the smoke clears I'll definitely check this out. RE1/Remake are the only games I enjoyed doing speed runs of. The mansion, all the puzzles; I dunno, I just love it.

                      Edit: Watched the plant skip. Mind=blown. Alright, I've gotta put in the right now. Does this by chance only work in the Japanese version? Screw it, trying anyways.

                      Edit#2: Well, I tried it several times with Chris. The only thing I succeeded in was dying for the first time ever, via fucking plant lol.
                      Last edited by REmaster; 03-27-2014, 04:53 AM.
                      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                        OH SNAP. I'm actually moving into an apartment in two days myself, but when the smoke clears I'll definitely check this out. RE1/Remake are the only games I enjoyed doing speed runs of. The mansion, all the puzzles; I dunno, I just love it.

                        Edit: Watched the plant skip. Mind=blown. Alright, I've gotta put in the right now. Does this by chance only work in the Japanese version? Screw it, trying anyways.

                        Edit#2: Well, I tried it several times with Chris. The only thing I succeeded in was dying for the first time ever, via fucking plant lol.
                        It's all in the timing/your location/input. In other words, quite difficult I tried it briefly, I'm pretty sure I nearly got it, but the last step I always get bitch slapped back. You have to run it into near the wall side so when it hits you the first time you are still on the same screen, and then it seems you have to step back a little for some reason so it changes the camera angle, then run into it again and sort of wiggle to the right until it bitch slaps you on the back. Then turn towards the key and run to glory. I also imagine the tentacles need to be down when you begin this, so if you screw up and they're already up it may never work.. More info from the guy who did it would be handy


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Scream View Post
                          It's all in the timing/your location/input. In other words, quite difficult I tried it briefly, I'm pretty sure I nearly got it, but the last step I always get bitch slapped back. You have to run it into near the wall side so when it hits you the first time you are still on the same screen, and then it seems you have to step back a little for some reason so it changes the camera angle, then run into it again and sort of wiggle to the right until it bitch slaps you on the back. Then turn towards the key and run to glory. I also imagine the tentacles need to be down when you begin this, so if you screw up and they're already up it may never work.. More info from the guy who did it would be handy
                          Yea I kept trying to run while hugging the wall but it slapped the hell out of me lol. Didn't know about the backstep/angle change though and I also never reset the plant so I'll have to give it another go tonight.
                          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                            Yea I kept trying to run while hugging the wall but it slapped the hell out of me lol. Didn't know about the backstep/angle change though and I also never reset the plant so I'll have to give it another go tonight.
                            Here's a run I found that uses it (at the appropriate point):

                            I wasn't using a controller when I did it, so could be why I failed, looks fairly easy here though..


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Scream View Post
                              Here's a run I found that uses it (at the appropriate point):

                              I wasn't using a controller when I did it, so could be why I failed, looks fairly easy here though..
                              Damn it does look easy, maybe I should try it with Jill. I wonder if the glitch is exclusive to her since she has a smaller model? I keep getting to the last step where my back is turned to the plant and I'm facing the wall but I can never turn left to get past it.
                              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                              • #30
                                It definitely works in all PlayStation versions as Jill, possibly the PC version too, but DS and Saturn are unconfirmed. It will probably work on Saturn, but I have a feeling that something will be different in that version because all the models in the Saturn version are rendered as Quadrilaterals instead of Trinomials.

                                Also, take into account input lag from the emulator.

