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What future builds?

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  • What future builds?

    Hi,new poster.
    I've been thinking about all the builds of RE 1.5 that are rumoured to exist.
    There's the PVB,MGD,the old bioflames footage and also the PsM stuff,and that's just what I know exists.

    This got me thinking,we've all seen the posts saying the leaks ruined things for us,and scared away any potential new stuff,right?

    I'm not trying to be an instigator,but I don't really see how.

    We are talking about a community of people,that for 10-15 years has endeavoured to find as much about this game as possible,from ask Capcom threads,to petitions and countless websites,and none of it,really produced much.

    All the countless false dawns,all the scammers,fakers and teasers.
    This is clearly a beta that moves in quiet and expensive circles,a game dozens of people would be mortified to see as a freely downloadable ISO. Why? Because nobody wants to see a rare £10,000 beta become worthless overnight.

    I really do feel for IGAS,and the shitty means behind the leak. However I choose to project my anger at those charging the extortionate fees in the first place.

    These are the people who truely decide whether or not the game sees the light of day. I hope the reason is money,I would hope we don't simply have a 'ive got something you don't' thing going on,at least I can understand someone not wanting to devalue their piece.

    Anyway,with all this is mind,(and I'm welcome to all corrections anyone can make to my train of thought here,I'm quite aware that you lads are ThE authority)

    Does anybody think any other builds were coming? Not including the finished Igas build that we will /would have got anyway?
    After so long with nothing I find that hard to grasp. And we would still be left with the issue of devaluation,it would still require someone willing to put an expensive beta out there for free.

    As I say,you guys are the experts and my knowledge pales in comparison,but these are my thoughts and I strongly welcome feedback/opinion. Just please keep in mind I'm
    Not looking to offend any beta collectors,these are just observations.
    Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?

  • #2
    Owning a rare build draws alot of attention in this community, a good chunk of it is negative attention. You get asshole after asshole demanding you release the build regardless of the consequences it might have on your status in the beta community. it's escalated to death threats before. Another thing to take into account is that if you leak a rare build and take out its value, you will not be looked upon kindly when trying to trade for other betas in the future. Some of it is money but its also a matter of principle and trust. Unfortunately in IGAS' case their boat had a few leaks and it made them look bad to the people who were giving them info about the later builds.

    And no, i don't think we would have gotten all the builds used.
    Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 03-18-2014, 01:39 PM.


    • #3
      It was unfortunate Igas had to take the path they did because of that git Colvins actions,
      You have a good point about Beta-circles. I was thinking about it from a purely fiscal point of view,but your right. Having money isn't enough,you need money and access,access one doesn't get without trust I guess.

      I'm not sure I believe any other build was ever forthcoming,at least to is fans,except of course the project.
      Last edited by Welshboydave; 03-18-2014, 01:55 PM.
      Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


      • #4
        I never realized these beta cirlces were so tight-nit. I mean, what is the point of having something if nobody will ever see the light of day of it other than yourself? To play something very unstable for a few minutes and be done with it? I mean that is all you can really do with some of these betas. Oh well.

        Just makes me wonder how tight-nit the people that could possibly possess the beta of RE0 on the N64 are if they actually exist.

        "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


        • #5
          Strikes me as we are talking about betas that the owner actually has no real right of ownership,except for the dent in the wallet.
          We are still no closer to the PsM build,nor does anyone have the old bioflames build.

          As bad as it is for the collector who needs £10,000 of beta on their hardrive,never to see the light of day,the only real chance we ever have of seeing this is through leaks.

          Whoever owns these builds knows how bad the community craves them,and after 15 years I think it's rather unlikely anybody will wish to share.
          The only chance we have of seeing any other builds,IMO is another leak.
          Last edited by Welshboydave; 03-18-2014, 05:29 PM.
          Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


          • #6
            This applies to the software community in general not just RE, but sometimes things contain personal information about an individual or company, or sometimes it might contain information pertaining to things like encryption which a company doesn't want in the hands of the public. These factors plus many, many more are what causes people to remain private or companies to hand out C&D orders, to protect company integrity, to protect employee privacy, or sometimes just to protect them selves. Leaking prototypes can be harmless, but it can also be very destructive not only for one individual but for an entire corporation, this is why it's unrealistic to expect to see all this kind of material and exactly why people would back out of a deal when security is being threatened. It isn't always about money or greed as much as people like to make it out to be, sometimes it just isn't possible if you ever want to see more in the future.

            And BTW, the original build that leaked late last year is the same build as the PSM build.
            Last edited by Guest; 03-19-2014, 10:51 PM.


            • #7
              That's always been a concern in the back of my mind. I remember hearing awhile back that these prototypes are digitally branded so that in the event a leak should occur, they can trace it back to the source. I'd hate to see some journalist or developer be blacklisted because of a 17 year old failed prototype. On the other hand i think time might be on the original leakers side. Whatever encryption and personal data that was contained in the vanilla build is most likely long outdated and any plot details are of course obsolete all these years after the retail release. Its like the one and only time someone tried to release the N64 version of RE0 and received a C & D order from capcom because the retail version was still selling and they were worried the beta would put that at risk.
              Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 03-19-2014, 06:08 PM.


              • #8
                From first hand experience in other communities in the past 15 years this sort of practice isn't exclusive to video game betas. An example off the top of my head is a 4 track demo of two teenagers recording songs had a legit offer (which was declined) for 3x what was paid for the 40% build of 1.5. The community reaction to the owner coming forward with it parallels this community's reaction to the curator, the attempts at fakes, etc.

                An object's value is worth what anyone is willing to pay for it, and (should the owner find it acceptable) that alone is enough to keep it unsurfaced should someone come into possession of it. That doesn't even begin to include the agreements that preceded the exchange. Is it a shame? Yes. Is it fair? Absolutely. Will we see any other builds of 1.5? Maybe, but if we do it will be so far along into the distant future that you likely will no longer care. We'll never know until it happens.
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • #9
                  Somebody could have it and not even know, it could be stuck in storage somewhere collecting dust like the re1 gbc in Leeds of all places

                  This should be the rare/betaz collecters scene theme song


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by geluda View Post
                    This applies to the software community in general not just RE, but sometimes things contain personal information about an individual or company, or sometimes it might contain information pertaining to things like encryption which a company doesn't want in the hands of the public. These factors plus many, many more are what causes people to remain private or companies to hand out C&D orders, to protect company integrity, to protect employee privacy, or sometimes just to protect them selves. Leaking prototypes can be harmless, but it can also be very destructive not only for one individual but for an entire corporation, this is why it's unrealistic to expect to see all this kind of material and exactly why people would back out of a deal when security is being threatened. It isn't always about money or greed as much as people like to make it out to be, sometimes it just isn't possible if you ever want to see more in the future.

                    And BTW, the original build that leaked late last year is the same build as the PSM build.
                    Really? I didn't know the MZD build was a modified PsM build.

                    As has been mentioned,when a company has assets tô protect it's understandable,but the project has loads of publicity,if Capcom are not aware of it in some capacity I'd be surprised.
                    There was the ask Capcom thread a few years ago,Capcom are quite aware of the publics desire for this beta.

                    I understand what you say about beta releases in general,and I don't doubt your quite right,however I don't want to generalise this,I'm talking about the different versions of 1.5,

                    As I said,igas project has recieved loads of publicity,and 2 versions (to my knowledge) have been leaked in the last year,
                    I don't want to tempt fate,but it doesn't seem to Capcom has a great deal of interest,
                    When you mention less now to have more later,is that a generalisation or are you talking about 1.5?
                    Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


                    • #11
                      I'm not sure you are aware, but "two" 1.5 builds leaked over the past couple of years, the Magic Zombie Door build which is a modified PSM (40%) build, and the untouched PSM (40%) build its self which came from an alternative source.

                      If you want a real example that's relevant to this community look at the Biohazard 2 beta 2 leak back in early 2000, it leaked, was traced back to one individual and that particular individual got into a lot of trouble for it. The reality is that a lot of people still have ties not only to the RE community but also the gaming industry as a whole, and even though ten years have passed since the beta 2 leak, other people probably aren't going to sacrifice everything just for the sake of a few thousand people on the Internet. Sure they might want to get involved, and sure Capcom might support this project, but if it means things are going to get real and it's actually going to effect someone's personal and professional life, you have to know where to draw the line. It's not as simple as just releasing the betas, people have lives, jobs, friends, families, children, all that comes first than some twenty year old game that never made it.


                      • #12
                        Oh right,I have both the MZD and the untouched 40%,although I wasn't aware that the 40% and the PsM were one snd the same. Cheers mate.
                        I get what your saying about real world consequences and it obviously wouldn't be worth it,if they were to get into trouble.
                        With regards to your example of somebody getting into trouble,as has been mentioned above the timing could have been the biggest factor. Nintendo were still making money on resident evil 2 into at least 2002 with its platinum release,and way past 2003 due to its GameCube release,

                        We've also seen two builds of this game surface in the last year,and it seems the only negative things to come from it have been the fact that at least the first was stolen,

                        There is undoubtedly the possibility of say a Capcom employee who could be traced if it leaked,maybe Capcom have tried with the two released builds,only to find nobody could be held accountable.
                        In this case,I can only hope we see it one day.
                        Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?

