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Resident Evil 2 Nightmare Mode No Damage (PC) with Commentary.

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  • Resident Evil 2 Nightmare Mode No Damage (PC) with Commentary.

    Sup dudes, apparently people liked my RE3 No Damage run quite a lot, so I decided to apply the same exploratory style to RE2 this time, only on Hard/Nightmare on PC! I would play it on Dreamcast, but see, I lack a Dreamcast right now. I can get one pretty fast, though.

    So far I only have the segment leading up to the Police Station, but it's still very different from Normal Mode. I'll work on another this weekend and have it uploaded on Monday, but tell me what you think so far!

  • #2
    I like how almost every time you have an edit in the video your face gets closer to the camera.


    • #3
      Hehe i want to see you how you're gonna handle the final boss in Leon A scenario without receiving any damage in freaking nightmare mode !


      • #4
        What the heck is "Nightmare mode"?


        • #5
          Originally posted by DarkSpyda04 View Post
          What the heck is "Nightmare mode"?
          Watch the video, he explains it...


          • #6
            Nice work Carcinogen. I'm surprised to see you making your first save so soon. You're going for the S Rank, right?

            By the way, you don't absolutely need the shotgun for that zombie. I know you can get past it with Claire (although I'm not entirely sure if this can be replicated with Leon because his character model has a slightly bigger hit-box) or, if you're lucky, you might also get a critical handgun shot which will kill the zombie. Keep this in mind if you attempt to do Claire A.

            BioHazard YouTube Channel
            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


            • #7
              Wait, really, it can be done with Claire? Unless Jikkachan did it and I was a moron and missed that detail, then I haven't seen it before. 0_0

              Both Jake Tabor and Jikkachan have managed to do no-grab basketball court dodges with Leon, so there's a chance that might work too.

              I finished recording all the gameplay for Claire A last night, and I'm going to work on Leon B tonight, then record a couple more commentaries to get back on schedule.

              The reason I made my first save so quickly was because I wanted to get around all the opening cutscenes in case something failed in the police station... I kind-of route these things as I go along, you see. :p

              But yeah, as long as you stay under 6 saves, you can still get an S.
              Last edited by Carcinogen; 05-03-2014, 03:04 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Carcinogen View Post
                Wait, really, it can be done with Claire? Unless Jikkachan did it and I was a moron and missed that detail, then I haven't seen it before. 0_0

                Both Jake Tabor and Jikkachan have managed to do no-grab basketball court dodges with Leon, so there's a chance that might work too.
                Yes, but this was done in TAS format. It's feasible but it might depend on zombie RNG.

                The no-grab basketball court dodges with Leon needs too much luck to be pulled. I've seen it, done it but it's too difficult to pull off on a consistent basis. Claire's much easier, provided the first zombie doesn't advance too much. Still, requires a lot of "sense" to know when you can get it right.

                Looking forward for the next videos. Question. Did you let the zombies break through the windows in Leon B? I know Claire B kind of bypasses that due to the route (since you're likely to go pick up the Lighter ASAP).

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • #9
                  Wow. I will have to remember that when I do Knife/No Damage after this...

                  As for the zombies in Leon B, I'm pretty sure I put down the cable on the east side of the police station, as I wanted to make a speedrun setup file for Hard Mode anyway.

                  Uploaded Part 2 of Leon A, it will be up tomorrow.


                  • #10

                    Here's Part 2 (Finally). Sorry it took me so long to finish, because I started streaming at twitch ( again on a schedule and it's gotten a lot harder to find time to make youtube videos now... careful balancing act.

                    I already finished recording the Leon A and Claire A gameplay, but there's no commentary for them yet. :p


                    • #11
                      There is an english translation patch for the sourcenext version !


                      • #12
                        With good positioning you can stab the zombies through the fence. Takes FOREVER to kill them on NM mode (especially since the zombies up to the RPD fall down a lot, compared to others in NM mode). And one always spawns to break the fence - but you can just shoot him down and move on.

                        EDIT: This is where I probably first saw it.
                        Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 05-10-2014, 08:42 PM.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, that's Toshihito's video. Old Japanese player. Came from this website:

                          I'm saving that crap for knife/no damage. Tried to record it a couple of times, but it was very annoying to do.


                          • #14

                            Oh! I almost forgot. Here's Part 3.

                            I tripled my average viewercount and got partner/sub on Twitch since my last video... I spent some hardcore hours streaming for the last few weeks to get it. Now I'm going on a 4 day streaming schedule, which means I can start doing more of these. If I keep going the way I'm going, I think I'm going to be the most popular RE stream on Twitch *_*

                            Be sure to follow me :3

                            FFX No Sphere Grid - Maybe finishing Blitzball finally for Wakka's Ultimate Weapon?
                            Last edited by Carcinogen; 05-29-2014, 03:32 PM.


                            • #15
                              Two notes regarding your latest video.

                              1.) I know this is indifferent to what you're doing but should you opt to engage the crocodile in a firefight, the modified handgun is the best option. If I remember correctly, you only need about 2 clips which can be unloaded without much trouble due to the burst ability even if you're reloading during combat. This also frees shotgun and magnum ammunition for later occasions. Likewise, Claire, too, also an odd choice for that fight - the crossbow. Only 18 bolts (or 6 shots) are necessary to defeat it but you need to make sure every single bolt lands which may require close range.

                              2.) You're using the Sub-Machine Gun against the Lickers wrong. You're supposed to lightly tap the action button continuously, rather than keep your finger on the button. This allows to save ammunition and makes battles slightly faster, although the pacing needs to good too. It's not too risky unless you take too long between shots since each burst forces the Licker back. One of the good things you learn in Extreme Battle LV.3.
                              Last edited by Kegluneq; 05-29-2014, 10:05 PM.

                              BioHazard YouTube Channel
                              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project

