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Outgrowing Resident Evil

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  • #76
    It's also an art in my opinion, something that should be appreciated like painting or pottery. When cameras were first introduced it offered a new medium for artists to express them selves, but people didn't stop doing paintings or creating sculptures, and people still appreciate those art forms today. In gaming however once a new medium comes along the old one gets abandoned almost immediately and an entire art form gets left behind. For instance background rendering is like a digital painting, and 3D modelling is like a digital sculpture, put them together and you have a completely interactive piece of art that rivals that of any classical piece. It's just a shame to see these art forms get abandoned for profit, as there is so much more to explore and more ideas to express that simply can't be crammed into a ten year life span of an obsolete console.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
      i dont have the time to give a shit about quality

      Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
      gaming is for entertainment, shouldnt even go beyond that point. shouldnt be a religious cult or a gathering of praise for something that isnt even real to begin with.'re saying this on a Resident Evil forum.
      Last edited by REmaster; 06-13-2014, 08:43 AM.
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • #78
        It's half and half. I've changed somewhat since I was handed a disc with 'Biohazard' scrawled in marker. I have a wife, four kids, I'm trying to buy a house...a far cry from a teen whose main concern was exams (turns out, studying is over rated). I played Resident Evil games over and over, just for the hell of it. Now I'm vaguely lucky to actually finish a game.

        On the other hand, Resident Evil is a completely different game to the one I started playing. It's turned into something I simply don't have much interest in. It's possible that interest would return, if Capcom pulled there thumb out there arse and acknowledged that, no, people don't pay Resident Evil for machine guns and explosions - they play for scary shit to happen. I just never see that happening, so long as they make money.


        • #79
          Sigh. I too think the series (as well as the genre overall) - has gone downhill. I guess that is because it is so hard to keep up with the newest trends while trying to cater to the older, loyal fans that have stuck by these horror franchises since day 1.

          Video game companies know that the majority of gamer geeks nowadays want fast paced shooting, so that had to be incorporated into the series or it may have been on its last legs years ago with what was then a more slower paced, emphasis on exploration as opposed to this generation where violence and s*** is the norm. Eventually, I reckon the old style of horror games became unfashionable. We'd already received so many entries into the series concerning viral outbreaks, zombies and self-destruct systems blowing everything to pieces.

          Survival horror never used to be about guns, as such. It was about conserving your bullets and (most) horror games of the past had a stronger focus on solving puzzles. Nowadays, you still get the odd puzzle to test your wit, but it is mainly all about the action, co-op aspects and weapons upgrading.

          When I was introduced to Resident Evil 2 via my sister, who played proper, "serious" games, unlike me, I thought it was like the hottest game...EVER! At least, at the time anyway. Before that, I mainly just played Tekken and WWF Attitude, the latter of which was loads of fun due to the super amazing create-a-wrestler mode, now famous in glitch-ridden, poorer imitations such as WWE 2K15.

          I always loved to watch creepy films and this game was like an interactive horror game. Then naturally, I wanted to play the first game and collect anything related. Hell, I freaking love that the opening scene in the original game had real actors in it. Then we got that cheesy introduction to the characters: Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, etc. Then around 2000, I rented Resident Evil 3: Nemesis from Movie Xpress and wound up eventually buying a Dreamcast to play Code: Veronica, since my sister had one, but she was fussy with people touching her things. I'd always get up really early each morning and just play these games all the time for 2 years straight. Then in 2002, I was working in Comet, which has since closed down. Well, I was getting a training allowance and saved up to get a GameCube. It was funny. Back then, it looked like a purple briefcase with the way it was shaped. Then I bought the remake and what a glorious game it was. I'd even take my GameCube to my grandmother's and entertain her on Friday nights. Ah, those were the days. My grandmother died in 2004, by the way. So sad...

          By the time Resident Evil 4 came and went, I thought it was brilliant and it was good to know the series could be upgraded like that, and still be amazing, yet it was obviously a really different plate of fish, but as great as it was in 2005 when it initially came out, I knew the series was never going to be the same. Eventually, all my beloved horror series effing went to s*** such as Silent Hill when its prequel was not even released on a console to start off, and one noted game entitled Rule of Rose got banned in the UK. Even bloody classics I loved like Alone in the Dark ended up tarnished with their belated reboot releases. The least they could have done is follow up to The New Nightmare which I thought was quite an interesting game.

          A lot of personal s*** happened to me in the last several years too, so I found myself caring about games less and less as I primarily focused on buying horror DVDs.

          Then Capcom screwed up big time with Wesker. He was the very thing that made the series worth going back to. But in his final game, he was just so very bland. I had a hard time believing it was the same Wesker too. The connection with Las Plagas boggles my mind. What the heck did he need that for? I know the virus was allegedly from an African flower or something, but still. They wasted him.

          I don't know. I'm like any fan. I'll probably keep buying them. But I found Revelations 2 to be way better than 5 and 6.


          • #80
            I think its moreso the fact that the games just started getting shitty. On the other hand it was funny reading all the posts on here of people saying the last straw for the series had been pulled but then REV2 and REmake Hd came out and restored many fans hope in the series. I hope Re7 continues this trend, I really really do.


            • #81
              Can't say I really grew out of it since I was always more of a Silent Hill fan. I think it's because of that I was able to enjoy the games more than some post CV. Except 5, Sheva is stupid useless >.> But I'm not so blind as to not realize that Rev1+2 were steps back to the right direction


              • #82
                There has been rumors of an RE7 unveiling this year.


                • #83
                  @News Bot I really like the way bits information that we get from examining the items and environment which is present in classic REs....In revelations 2 there is no such thing....I love examining environments and items...and using them is a great way to tell stories...for example if u have played Souls series which i love also, almost 90% of the story told by examining items and weapons....Do u think there is a chance we would see that in future games?


                  • #84
                    Games started to get shitty a decade ago :/

                    As much as I loved 4, the story is really pretty awful and the characters were all so flat and dull. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be sticking with the series myself, I mean RE turns 20 years old next year, and the last 13 of it have been awful really. Even the revelations games which have been the only games I've enjoyed still aren't enough. Its almost like losing a leg and having someone put a bandage on your bloody stump. That isn't gonna do anything. The stories have gotten so much weaker as time goes on and theres been so little pay off in the series as a fan. We never got to really get into the Umbrella corporation, the characters haven't grown much if at all, and how the original story arc was finished in game 5 still infuriates me to this day because it felt rushed and answered almost no questions I wanted the answers too. But what do you expect from a series that seems to choose to answer your questions in supplemental material, rather than in game.


                    • #85
                      When is E3. I cannot wait for RE7 news.


                      • #86


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by BSAA . Org View Post
                          When is E3. I cannot wait for RE7 news.
                          Mid June this year. A bit later than the last few years.


                          • #88
                            RE2 was the first one I ever played around 2003.. It was something so fresh, new and very scary for me. I never played anything like it before so i tracked down 3 and played that as well. As time went on I tracked down and played all of them and bought every one I could. As my taste for different and newer video games grew I was more then glad to see RE was growing up with me. while mostly everyone complained that RE4 onward didn't really feel like RE i always disagreed... So I myself never out grew it... I just grew up with it.


                            • #89
                              I think its because the older games actually all linked together - storywise, locations and such.

                              With the newer games (apart from a few references to characters etc here and there)they indeed feel like isolated incidents rather than a continuous story arc.
                              Sometimes, it almost feels like these references are shoehorned in there for fan service, than for the actual story.

                              Story wise, I don't feel the storylines have gotten worse, Capcom are either running out of ideas (a problem for long term series - look at what happened to Family Guy and The Simpsons after 10 years or so)

                              I'd prefer it if they REALLY took it back to its roots - or reboot the series while keeping most of the original cast (RE1,2,3)
                              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                              • #90
                                Smashing. I wonder just what the hell RE7 will be about and who it will star. We've had Leon quite a fair number of times as well as Chris by now.

