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Info regarding the unreleased RE 3.5 (updated)

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  • #31
    ITT: Someone going by easily disprovable hearsay argues with two people who actually interviewed the creators of the games themselves on these very topics and calls them "trolls", and concludes each response with the fairy tale line "it's up to you to believe or not". Seems legit.


    • #32
      Well, now i'm curious about the "new" facts regarding 1.5
      Last edited by Jaeger; 07-26-2014, 05:11 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jaeger View Post
        Well, now i'm curious about the "new" facts regarding 1.5
        I second that. Dish 'em out MarvieT!


        • #34
          Drunk History: RE 1.5, as told by someone who heard a random couple of rumors


          • #35
            Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
            Drunk History: RE 1.5, as told by someone who heard a random couple of rumors
            Oh my god could we do that with the whole series ? that would be amazing.

            "(slurred)So claire shows up and she's all like get away from her you bitch and William was all like...Gragrgh!"


            • #36
              It'd be nice if there wasn't a NDA getting in the way of some new 1.5 information.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • #37
                Hello everyone. Long time I don't come here, it seems there was some stuff happening while I was gone. Lol it's funny when people says you're lying but don't present proof, and like I said previously, the stuff I posted here were based on research, including info I got from people who claim to have the 3.5 beta. So... I can't proove anything, since there is, indeed the possibility some sources are corrupt. However, like I said, I believe in my sources, and is up to people to believe them or not. Anyway, this thread was created to show only possibilities of how would the plot of RE 3.5 be, I mean, the game was never finished, the stuff I said was going to possibly be made, but the creators scrapped a lot to make the final retail version, so... The build for RE 3.5 is incomplete, just like RE 1.5. You can find some scrapped scenarios and ideas, characters models, but not a plot. The only way to prove anything concrete is through a research on the build and mix it with facts related to the game, just like a did thanks to my fellow sources. I only know who has the build, I don't have it. And I will not tease anyone with crazy stuff just like the curator have done.

                Thank you Ridley W. Hayes, very valuable links. I read them all, but I failed though to see anything contrary to what I said. There was even stuff related to the girl and dog in one of the articles, that become, like I said, Fiona and Hewie in Demento. Of course even Clock Tower 3 had a share, but very subtle, very very subtle, only minor ideas. Well... RE 3.5 were supposed to be simillar to Clock Tower 3 indeed, to have a stalker following you and all you know. The first attempt was with the crazy uroborus like, progenitor virus. But it would cost too much, then they changed it to the hook man. CAPCOM was really excited at the time with making horror games. In the beta you can find all versions, since they shared the same build.

                Oh thank you Jaeger ^^ Oh, Enigmatism415 thank you too. I will post my research regarding 1.5 soon, hope everyone gets DRUNK reading it haha *.8 Oh, and I have some clues regarding Silent Hill, the first game, beta build, it's very vague though, but, whatever. There seems to be a version of the game with the scrapped naked children, who become in the final version invisible and were named Larval Stalkers. The name of the "build" is Silent Hill Trade Demo SLUS-80707. I need more conclusive stuff to back it up, but this build was given to the press when the game was very early in development. It's very rare though =( I'm going to create a thread for it in the SH section once I have more information regarding this subject. ^^
                Last edited by MarvieT; 07-29-2014, 08:13 AM. Reason: minor typing mistakes


                • #38
                  Someone should make a Drunk History: RE 1.5 (based on all the known rumors it ever had), and a Drunk History: RE 3.5 (based on MarvieT's rumors and sources and all others), and have someone make a machinima animation of it, with News Bot throwing his hands up and walking out at the end. I'd watch it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by MarvieT View Post
                    Oh, and I have some clues regarding Silent Hill, the first game, beta build, it's very vague though, but, whatever. There seems to be a version of the game with the scrapped naked children, who become in the final version invisible and were named Larval Stalkers. The name of the "build" is Silent Hill Trade Demo SLUS-80707. I need more conclusive stuff to back it up, but this build was given to the press when the game was very early in development. It's very rare though =( I'm going to create a thread for it in the SH section once I have more information regarding this ubject. ^^
                    The SH Trade Demo was given to press ONE MONTH before the game was released in the USA. The Trade Demo is almost identical to the retail USA version of the game. Keep your lies to yourself.

                    The date on the files on the disc is January 16th 1999, and the game was released in the USA some time in February.
                    lostreleases // demopals


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by MarvieT View Post
                      Hello everyone. Long time I don't come here, it seems there was some stuff happening while I was gone. Lol it's funny when people says you're lying but don't present proof, and like I said previously, the stuff I posted here were based on research, including info I got from people who claim to have the 3.5 beta. So... I can't proove anything, since there is, indeed the possibility some sources are corrupt. However, like I said, I believe in my sources, and is up to people to believe them or not.dAnyway, this thread was created to show only possibilities of how would the plot of RE 3.5 be, I mean, the game was never finished, the stuff I said was going to possibly be made, but the creators scrapped a lot to make the final retail version, so... The build for RE 3.5 is incomplete, just like RE 1.5. You can find some scrapped scenarios and ideas, characters models, but not a plot. The only way to prove anything concrete is through a research on the build and mix it with facts related to the game, just like a did thanks to my fellow sources. I only know who has the build, I don't have it. And I will not tease anyone with crazy stuff just like the curator have done.

                      Thank you Ridley W. Hayes, very valuable links. I read them all, but I failed though to see anything contrary to what I said. There was even stuff related to the girl and dog in one of the articles, that become, like I said, Fiona and Hewie in Demento. Of course even Clock Tower 3 had a share, but very subtle, very very subtle, only minor ideas. Well... RE 3.5 were supposed to be simillar to Clock Tower 3 indeed, to have a stalker following you and all you know. The first attempt was with the crazy uroborus like, progenitor virus. But it would cost too much, then they changed it to the hook man. CAPCOM was really excited at the time with making horror games. In the beta you can find all versions, since they shared the same build.
                      All of your "sources" are liars.

                      You haven't listed any possibilities with BIO4's original stories because everything you've said never existed. There is no singular "3.5." There are four distinctive versions if you separate them by story. There are no scrapped character models from the original versions, only scrapped models for the final version. There is no active relation between BIO4 and Demento. They were created by completely different people, with the only potential similarity being the fact that Demento's original story draft was written by the same writer as BIO4 and he might have reused some ideas, and while possible, it can't be verified due to his death.

                      1) The stories for the Stylish and Castle versions of BIO4 were complete.
                      2) The "fog" creature is not the Progenitor Virus. It is a completely different virus closer to Uroboros.
                      3) BIO4 was not meant to have a stalker at all. They already used this idea for BIO3 and wanted something new.

                      P.S. I'm sure you have no malicious intent or are purposefully trying to lie, but you are just flat-out incorrect on almost everything you say due to in part to gullibility.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #41
                        Hello Anders. I was going to thank you for some of your information, but since you were being so rude, I guess it's not necessary. Besides, it's not like you're telling the truth, I would like some proof before. If you could please share with us a link to download the build it would be amazing. I believe there are two demos for Silent Hill, the normal demo and the trade demo. If this is not the true earliest version of Silent Hill with the naked children I would like for you to enlighten us with your knowledge regarding that. I am still searching stuff related to Silent Hill beta, so I only posted what I knew, like I said I don't have enough sources to back my SH beta research yet.

                        Hum... I thought this was a site for people who likes Resident Evil (and Silent Hill), to be friends not a place where people treat the others the way they are treating me. Since the beginning I said it's up to people to believe what I said about RE 3.5 or not, or then, to proove me I'm wrong with valid links, not words. There might be a possibility my sources are indeed corrupted, I don't trust them entirely, that's why I created this thread, to know what does people think about it and to share information, but it seems like almost everyone only cares about trolling someone who came to this site for the first time as a member. Very unfortunate, it's like if I'm lying, and I'm not, I'm only telling what I know, it might be a lie but it might not, it's up to you people to find out, to help me find out, showing proof. This is the meaning of this thread I created for god's sake.
                        Last edited by MarvieT; 07-29-2014, 09:26 AM.


                        • #42
                          So... Many people are saying that I'm lying... It's easy telling me that, what about some proof? Hum, funny, no one has it. And you call yourselves RE fans lol You all know you can't proove me I'm wrong, that's the reason for the hate.

                          What about the others, if some of you think I'm spreadig wrong information, why don't you try telling people what I said were lies, with proof?
                          Last edited by MarvieT; 07-29-2014, 09:28 AM.


                          • #43
                            So you have read the recent threads in the SH Community forums? Then you would know the file date of the Trade Demo, so you would know it was made shortly before the game was released. Why would you then say the Trade Demo was an early build? I believe another owner of the Trade Demo posted a screeenshot of the files on the Trade Demo somewhere in the Silent Hill Community forum, so there's your proof.

                            There are many demos of Silent Hill (though only one American). The Trade Demo appears to not be one of them, it's a full game (or so "they" say, I never completed it) review disc with some cosmetic differences.

                            Resident Evil fans like hard facts, almost as much as quarreling and drama. To come here stating something as facts with no evidence, and say "believe it if you want" does not win people over, I'm afraid. Theories is one thing, "believe-it-if-you-want facts" is another...

                            Originally posted by MarvieT View Post
                            So... Many people are saying that I'm lying... It's easy telling me that, what about some proof? Hum, funny, no one has it. And you call yourselves RE fans lol You all know you can't proove me I'm wrong, that's the reason for the hate.

                            What about the others, if some of you think I'm spreadig wrong information, why don't you try telling people what I said were lies, with proof?
                            1. You really need to stop with the proof thing if you don't have any proof for your own statements.
                            2. Just because something ridiculous cannot be/ have not been disproven, does not automatically make it true.
                            Last edited by Anders; 07-29-2014, 09:33 AM.
                            lostreleases // demopals


                            • #44
                              Asking proof of others when they've already given it to you AND you haven't provided any of your own is a pretty silly thing to do.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #45

                                News bot has technological access to the very data that you claim to be speaking of. He has interviewed and talked to the very people who worked on resident evil, from the beta of 1 itself to those who worked on 6 and revelations. He is the biohazard living encyclopedia. There is nothing you could know that he doesn't regarding biohazard. If he says your wrong, you are wrong.

                                Go to a website called "project umbrella", that is the info he has collected and sorted throughout the years.

                                And to make it clear, I'm not kissing his ass. Sometimes, people really are what they are said to be. Is news bot sometimes blunt and rough? Yes, but he isn't usually wrong in regards to biohazard.
                                Last edited by Drake; 07-29-2014, 03:25 PM.

