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Resident Evil 1 Remastered

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  • Originally posted by Undead Sega View Post
    You obviously haven't caught my previous post here:
    Yeah and the REmastered models look much better, even when you compare them to the dolphin emulator which you appear to be doing. A fair comparison would be to actually use stills straight from the Wii/Gamecube.

    And since you prefer comparing this with the dolphin emulator here is a video you may have missed comparing the two.

    Remastered looks better. Simple as that.


    • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
      Except that the rendering is done on the CPU, GPU is used only to displays the viewport, this is why some workstations were sold with 8bit graphics adapter.


      This is from an approximately 1994 SGI version of Softimage Creative Environment, before they changed the name into Softimage|3D.

      To notice, the dithering, due to the very low spec graphics adapter.


      This is the latest Windows NT version.
      Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

      Can't read, what are they?

      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      The English VA's are the same. They probably confused the fact that they're getting professional Japanese VA's.
      And as expected, they're pretty lame.
      If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


      • Capcom released new character promotional images and I'm surprised at how low-res the textures are.

        As is the case with RE4 HD ultimate version, the badges are high-res but everything else looks poor. Chris has some added light 5 o clock shadow that looks nice though. The rest of the textures look poorly upscaled and a grain filter was added to trick us into thinking it looks better.
        Last edited by djepic112; 09-03-2014, 04:56 AM.


        • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
          Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

          Can't read, what are they?
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Softimage_Creative_Environment_snap2.png
Views:	1
Size:	28.3 KB
ID:	403750Click image for larger version

Name:	Softimage_Creative_Environment_snap1.png
Views:	1
Size:	47.6 KB
ID:	403751

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Softimage_3D_03.png
Views:	1
Size:	52.4 KB
ID:	403752Click image for larger version

Name:	Softimage_3D_04.png
Views:	1
Size:	138.9 KB
ID:	403753

          Now they should work.


          • Originally posted by djepic112 View Post
            Capcom released new character promotional images and I'm surprised at how low-res the textures are.

            As is the case with RE4 HD ultimate version, the badges are high-res but everything else looks poor. Chris has some added light 5 o clock shadow that looks nice though. The rest of the textures look poorly upscaled and a grain filter was added to trick us into thinking it looks better.
            Those are the same character artworks used in promotion for the game in 2002. Nothing new to see here, move along.


            • Oh hello website covered in Neptunia.

              Ahem, those character renders are different from the 2002 ones, ever so slightly.
              Look at Barry's arm on both of them.

              Here for reference -- v

              They changed Jill's face it seems too?
              Last edited by Gradon; 09-03-2014, 11:52 AM.


              • It's hard to tell if they've changed her face because of the major difference in lighting.

                How A Face Changes With Light, How A Face, lol, fun, crazy, cool, Haha, Faces, Funny, LOL (album), LOL (Laughing Out Loud), Comedy, light, Album (Musical Album Type), Smile, Random, Lights, Led, Glow, Led Zeppelin, Page, Zeppelin, Guiding, Jimmy, Lighting, Stairway, League Of Legends (Video Game), Lights (EP), Video Game (Industry), Industry (Quotation Subject), Bright, Moby, Lamp, Flashing, Lightshow, Guiding Light, Crystal, Dark, Stairs (Cause Of Death)
                "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                • I don't think any alterations have been done to her mesh, the superior lighting and shaders are just showing their muscle.

                  She looks great in my opinion, even closer to Julia's face than the original.


                  • I gotta say I see no changes to the remastered opening. I coulda sworn capcom claimed the opening was real time on the gamecube but I always felt it looked pre-rendered. In fact it looks slightly shittier imo


                    • The opening was always pre-rendered, it is a movie file been played within the game.


                      • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                        Oh hello website covered in Neptunia.

                        Ahem, those character renders are different from the 2002 ones, ever so slightly.
                        Look at Barry's arm on both of them.

                        Here for reference -- v

                        They changed Jill's face it seems too?
                        So basically they changed the badge and nothing else.... and it's still a promotional piece of art... from 2002. Even with the badge change, I'm still unlikely to believe this reflects on the game because of that.

                        As for the cutscene, it was made by Links Digiworks as I recall, and was already a pre-render on the original version, so I wouldn't expect that to change. It looks upscaled as well, sadly one would have hoped somewhere someone would have kept a better quality version but it's not looking likely.


                        • Just like the pre-rendered backgrounds?

                          Im so sure tbat those must still exist somewhere in their archives. No way would tbey spend so much on the details only not to ack it up properly.


                          • So anyone have any guesses on what the "surprise" will be when the Contagion reaches 100%?


                            • As stated, most likely extra costumes. Seeing Chris in his pilot suit a la RE Mercenaries 3D would be nice... or... his sailor outfit... from Revelations HD...

                              Last edited by Canas Renvall; 09-03-2014, 04:58 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                                or... his sailor outfit... from Revelations HD...
                                Yes please.

