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Resident Evil Gaiden: Operation Starlight

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  • Resident Evil Gaiden: Operation Starlight

    Finally this thread is started. From now on this will be the topic for discussion of any related material or updates. The team and I will keep things updated as soon as we can. The 1st post will host major updates and info. while members of the team post major and minor updates within the thread's discussion. Without further delay I'll shed some light on this project.

    What is it?: Operation Starlight is a full remake of Resident Evil Gaiden from the ground up. It will, instead of using 8 bit graphics of it's Gameboy predecessor will utilize the 32 bit graphics processing power of the PSX. It will use classic fixed camera angles with pre-rendered backgrounds. The music which originally uses square, triangle, and noise wave forms to sequence the music will now be replaced with a more up-to-date composition to give the retail quality of the original games for the PSX. Models for characters like Barry and Leon as well as enemies will be retextured to fit the appeal of Gaiden with the exceptions of Lucia and other characters who were never introduced in a 3D environment which would require the models to be created from scratch. Some models may have to be modified to display certain details, action, and attacks which were used in Gaiden. An example of this would be Tyrant's tentacles and it's animations. Some weapons will be made from scratch. The gas launcher will have a different model and animation compared to the grenade launcher. It's use an effectiveness has yet to be finalized. The Starlight may be extended to include more areas to explore. Most of the original story will be used with journals, diaries, and notes which originally in Gaiden were used more for game tips and explanations will now be used to bring insight of the story and events that occurred. Our goal is to include full voice acting to give the quality feel of a retail game. Anything we haven't covered in the "What is it?" we will be more then glad to address if the questions are presented.

    Why do you want to recreate one of the worst RE games?: The real question is "Why not?". To me Gaiden was a game that could have gone a lot farther if the developers went the extra mile and avoided their poor choice making for lack of story,gameplay, and attention to detail which in the end was a costly mistake. Given the highly limited capabilities of the Gameboy it wasn't the game system that I felt that should have been chosen for any RE game. The goal is to make it a game that I believe it should have been. With the IGAS 1.5 restoration "Resident Evil 2: Prototype" and Gemini's and Sonic's Survivor recreation "Behind the Mask" it was time for a "new" trilogy that lived with classic Resident Evil in mind. The third entry of this new series being Operation Starlight.

    Planned Features:
    Pre-rendered backgrounds and improved graphics
    3D models for all main and supporting characters
    3D models for enemies
    More enemy variety
    More areas to explore
    Rearranged music
    Improved sound effects
    Improved game engine
    More key items with some being renamed
    Weapon will be in 3D with appropriate animations
    Improved and extended story to be more canon
    Character switch and inventory system like RE0 (no item boxes)
    Animations for quick turn, reload, damage, and quick knife and their associated buttons
    Voice acting
    New journal, diary and notes to give better insight on story and event like other RE titles
    Save system like the typewriter
    Body armor like 1.5/Gaiden
    Dual Shock support
    End game bonuses

    The first background is my own. The 2nd and 3rd I edited the font, courtesy of SamaelCave. The 3rd is the current one. (Minor changes may be made, this will be close to final bg)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 10-18-2014, 06:49 PM.

  • #2
    That was about time! Can't wait for the first per-rendered background screens!


    • #3
      So It will be the same story pretty much but none of that Leon/BOW crap so it will be canon to the series?


      • #4
        I'm still figuring out the details. I don't plan to give too many spoilers. The most important thing right now is I need someone to work the pre-rendered backgrounds and someone to work on the engine. That will be a huge step in the right direction. I might mention minor spoilers since the games been out and I'm thinking most already know the story for Gaiden. I want to try to give this game a fresh feel.
        Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 08-17-2014, 10:34 PM.


        • #5
          Awesome Menu screen!!! Congratulations on this new project. Just as a suggestion, you could use the classic psx Resident Evil font, like this.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	gaiden.png
Views:	1
Size:	62.6 KB
ID:	403740


          • #6
            It's looking promising, let me know if you need any help with the inventory screen and inventory sprites (or sprites in general). I also know someone who works on backgrounds.


            • #7
              Fantastic news & great menu. Can't wait to get my hands on this as I do have a soft spot for the original.

              Do you plan on including features introduced to the series over time such as 180-turn, damaged walk / run anims, reloading and a quick knife attack?
              "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


              • #8
                We should remove the name Gaiden from the name, it makes the name unnecessary long. Also I don't think we need to show "Dual Shock Ver."...just clutters up the title screen. Simple is best.

                Change the font, it's too generic, I can help with that. Also, the only other issue I see is the gun, it looks like it's awkwardly standing up in the photo. Maybe throw in the Stars Badge too, while you're at it

                Otherwise looks good!
                Last edited by Chris' Boob; 08-18-2014, 08:19 AM.


                • #9
                  Jimmy take a look under inventory in the 1st post.

                  If anyone wants me to change the font please post a png of it so I can just easily drop it in and adjust it hopefully it doesn't have a bg color.

                  As for the gun if anyone can kind me Barry's samurai edge that would better fit please do so. As long as it's easy to clean up and resize.


                  • #10
                    What do you think of the flashlight for both characters? The graphics alone in the dark: the new nightmare, you may be inspired to graphics is the brightness of the rooms and dark places.

                    The model of Barry's mod Distant Memories is great for this project.


                    • #11
                      I don't plan on having a flash light as it only is used in much later RE games. As for the model I wouldn't want to steal another projects work unless it's necessary.

                      A small update. I'm in the works of expanding the story. I've been brain storming while at work. I'll be putting it on paper when I get home.


                      • #12
                        You wouldn't be stealing if I gave you permission and you can use anything I've released from that mod.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the permission. I'll be sure to give you credit if and when I decide to use any of your resources.

                          Sam I just got to check the format on your image. Thanks for making it png.

                          This will be an update. Main menu font change. Don't worry I still have the original.

                          As an added note I decided to get my inspiration for the menu based on the pal version of the game since the us version had a 1.5 image which make no sense. You'll quickly notice that the life preserver is different for this one. A cookie to someone who had tell me why I decided on my design.
                          Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 08-18-2014, 08:07 PM.


                          • #14
                            Perhaps I could help animating characters if you need, here's a video where you can see some custom animations I've done with extracted models from REUC and REDC.

                            I advise though: my local language is Spanish, might be a barrier for a fluent communication.
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • #15
                              No Problemo. I speak a little. That's what translators are for. And if I don't use one it helps to be married within a Mexican family. Sadly I'm just a boring American.

