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REveleations 2 possible leak?

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  • #31
    Near the end of the video, you'll see 2 guys without any band, and they doesn't seens to be infected.


    • #32
      That door opening screen tho.


      • #33
        Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        Capcom have confirmed a totally new cast and location will be used for this game - but this doesn't mean Claire won't return, or make a cameo (with TerraSave involved)
        It's a new cast from the previous Revelations. Not an entirely new cast.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #34
          Hmmm... Any chance they would show Revelations 2, REmake HD, and RE7 at TGS this year?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
            Hmmm... Any chance they would show Revelations 2, REmake HD, and RE7 at TGS this year?
            Both Revelations 2 and REmake HD are confirmed for TGS.
            Revelations will be in playable form, and they also announced a stage show for REmake HD (where they'll be playing the game on stage)


            • #36
              Gotcha, I was just wondering if Capcom would really saturate TGS with 3 RE's, which I would not mind one bit! Really hoping Alyson Court comes back to voice Claire, and they don't recast her like they did Jill for Revelations.


              • #37
                It'd be cool if this takes place before Umbrella's downfall. Make it so CAPCOM, make this a game featuring Umbrella!
                My Head-Fi Page


                • #38
                  Hopefully this is Alex Wesker's island and those are Spencer's test subjects wearing the bracelets.
                  "I've got 100 cows."
                  "Well I've got 104 friends."


                  • #39
                    Let me check my hype bracelet one sec...

                    Yep....Yep yep

                    As usual Capcom have the power to infect hype just like the virus's in this series.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by xfactor View Post
                      Near the end of the video, you'll see 2 guys without any band, and they doesn't seens to be infected.
                      The "guard" with the walkie talkie is not infected, but we can't check his left wrist to see if he's wearing a bracelet or not, but I would guess not, precisely because he's still alive. The other guy not wearing a bracelet and holding some kind of iron pipe is a zombie. I thought at first that he could be a survivor, but if you look closely, his shirt is ripped and his face has some make up on it, just like the other zombies, but less obvious.

                      Kaiser, don't hold your breath for BH7, it's highly unlikely we'll hear anything from it until next year at the very least.

                      Zombie_W : Well, there is an Umbrella in the teaser, set casually against a wall, so... (oh and also a green herb, on an unrelated note)


                      • #41
                        Any theories on why the lady holding the itchy tasty book has her bracelet turn green to red?


                        Last edited by Chris' Boob; 09-01-2014, 06:40 PM.


                        • #42

                          Some food for thought...


                          • #43
                            lol, the live-action Rachel looks just as ridiculous as the game model. Do you think Capcom is having the story take place in the past because 2015 Claire is "too old"?

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	fCPp7Zk.png
Views:	1
Size:	559.1 KB
ID:	403749
                            Some person said this is Barry and Rebecca. I thought the "Rebecca" was a guy but whatever. The big guy does look like a live-action Barry. I was hoping this game's story would tie up all the stupid loose ends from Revelations 1 but it looks like a rather different story arc.
                            Last edited by djepic112; 09-01-2014, 11:18 PM.


                            • #44
                              Some interesting puzzle pieces lying in this trailer. First we have Rachel standing near an herb and she appears to be one of the only ones at the party without a bracelet. The party appears to be sort of informal with some people in street clothes sparced in between. why would terrasave be at a party though? theres a woman with a haircut that resembles a past characters but ill wait until the next trailer to say who. Theres a mysterious shadowy figure under the two clocks in the party world. I think the lady holding the ichy tasty binder is another terrasave member. It makes sense that shes holding it because the quote comes from a file detailing someones transformation into a zombie which is what she's most likely doing.

                              There seems to be an odd emphasis on time, both worlds have two clocks next to each other and theres a ticking noise that plays in the prison world. I think the bracelets might track infection of some sort which could mean we might play as someone whos infected and only has a short amount of time to find the cure or maybe theres a time bomb waiting to infect a large population like in degeneration.

                              Edit:Nevermind about the shadow figure, its a lady at a buffet. Also if that guy is barry then that kind of reinforces my suspicions that that girl is rebecca. Kind of odd since we've never seen them together.
                              Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 09-01-2014, 11:54 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Sly View Post
                                Zombie_W : Well, there is an Umbrella in the teaser, set casually against a wall, so... (oh and also a green herb, on an unrelated note)
                                Man I hope they bring back Umbrella, not like resurrect, but rather a side story before the falter. It'd be cool to see a secret Umbrella lab again and fight Tyrants and Hunters again. Man.... Green herbs as well, plus a door loading sequence.. maybe this will be a modern old school RE game...well just hoping.
                                My Head-Fi Page

