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REveleations 2 possible leak?

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  • #46
    I said it before, and I'll say it again, they NEED to bring Umbrella back into the story. Even though the Corporation is dead, they people who ran it are still out there. These are the characters who should have been popping up in other RE games. Ex-Umbrella bosses, now on the run or in hiding in their own mansions with their own private security forces.


    • #47
      Maybe even having some of their old employees still conduct research and development of new virus, like a rouge agent (Alex Wesker). It could work if lets say, Barry and Rebecca investigate reports of zombies/other monsters, only to find it's some old researcher from Umbrella still experimenting.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • #48
        With Barry back it's about time they were honest about the fact that he was actually having an affair with Wesker prior to RE1, which why Wesker could blackmail him over his family so easily. And with Alex Wesker throw in we've got the stage for some great domestic drama.
        "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


        • #49
          anyone else notice before the video cuts off theres a cell in the back ground with a woman and little girl.... strongly resembled claire and sherry to me


          • #50
            Originally posted by nicksena17 View Post
            anyone else notice before the video cuts off theres a cell in the back ground with a woman and little girl.... strongly resembled claire and sherry to me
            Are you referring to those vaguely shaped shadows over swinging guy/zombies hand?


            • #51
              Originally posted by Kei_M View Post
              Are you referring to those vaguely shaped shadows over swinging guy/zombies hand?
              yes, it reminded me of her though its far away and hard to see could be anything though i understand that.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                Ex-Umbrella bosses, now on the run or in hiding in their own mansions with their own private security forces.
                Yeah this would be great. It's already somewhat a possibility with Alex Wesker but there's so much more they could do with it. Like essentially recreating the Ada drama album to make a game story featuring Christine Henry, who was already made a canon character.

                There's also the rival company of Umbrella, who took the lead in the B.O.W. market after Umbrella's destruction. Seeing actual members of that organization besides Wesker and Ada would be great. They were the original creators of Uroboros in the scrapped BIO4 scenario, there's no reason they can't have created viruses of their own.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #53
                  If this is set in between different Biohazards (and not after 6), then I'm hoping we get some more information in-game that's fleshed out about ANY of the corporations instead of being one-off's like Tricell and Il Veltro. That was one of the positives for me in 6, having characters like Sherry fill us in about what she's been up to since BIO2 and her connections since to both Leon and Claire.

                  I'd much rather have it in game via dialogue and files than tracking down emblems to read files (then having to go on to get the actual complete file).


                  • #54
                    Not trying to double post, but thought this is relevant. Looks like the tucked in items in the trailers are MEANT to be spoilers.


                    • #55
                      Really like this trailer, didn't notice much the first time but more and more keeps cropping up. Really love the door at the start, well played capcom.

                      My original thought first time around was like most, green band good, red = bad. I do like the idea thats been posted on here, that the band could infact cause the infection rather than detect it, sounds very "biohazardy" indeed. I also thought first time along, that to me it looked like a class divide, rich and poor like in Land of the Dead. After watching the trailer again, ive realised this perhapse insnt the case.

                      Iv'e only had one thing catch my eye thats not been mentioned, and really, its probably nothing, but throughout the whole trailer iv'e only spotted one person, who I think is looking at the camera, not engaged in the scene like everyone else. To me this guy seems out of place, alone, but staring right down the camera lens .

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	24.2 KB
ID:	403757

                      This guy is pretty much in the middle of the scene, he dissapers when the scene changes from the party to the zombie frenzy. With the tag at the end "Evil is watching" this really stood out to me.

                      Iv'e watched the trailer a few times since and every time I watch it, I just feel him staring. Anyone else see this at all?

                      Like I said, its probably nothing but still, my 2 cents.


                      • #56
                        You're referring to the old man or the guy in suit at the forefront ?

                        Because both look intriguing to me.

                        Perhaps the Revelations 2 villains ?
                        Last edited by Grem; 09-07-2014, 02:21 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Grem View Post
                          You're referring to the old man or the guy in suit at the forefront ?

                          Because both look intriguing to me.

                          Perhaps the Revelations 2 villains ?
                          Old guy at the back, behind the girl.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by nicksena17 View Post
                            anyone else notice before the video cuts off theres a cell in the back ground with a woman and little girl.... strongly resembled claire and sherry to me
                            I can see them .. but I doubt VERY much this is Claire - knowing what we now know. Claire is the lead character, and Moira is in her early 20s at least.
                            You can see a bullet fly in slo-mo into the back of the zombie the girl is pointing at.. As in, Claire shoots it from off screen.
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

