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Claire is back in Revelations 2 along with Burton....

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  • Don't really think we can gauge if her actor was changed from just one line. Alyson could easily have a wider range than we previously thought.


    • Originally posted by Drake View Post
      Don't really think we can gauge if her actor was changed from just one line. Alyson could easily have a wider range than we previously thought.
      I really hope your right - her dialogue in Darkside was great, easily her best IMO - Love the part where she fights off the roaches in the sewers..

      Just got myself CV in HD (not fantastic port, but it's great IMO) and playing as her again is fantastic..
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Part of me thinks (ok, it wishes!) that Claire's dialogue was left intentionally vague because they are bringing Alyson in to do the recording for Claire now, which is why she tweeted that above.

        EDIT: According to the Revelations 2 website, this will take place sometime in 2011.
        Last edited by Kaiser; 09-11-2014, 01:25 PM.


        • could be the mysterious island they speak in the files of the lost in nightmare on the project wesker.


          • No 3DS? Didn't the series start on the 3DS?


            • ^ It did, but clearly their aspirations have risen for the sequel beyond the 3DS's capabilities. Doesn't bother me, I'm going to be quite happy to play this on PC.


              • I can't help if part of the reason it's not on the 3DS is due to how they want to distribute the game digitally over the course of a month before launching the physical copies.


                • Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
                  I can't help if part of the reason it's not on the 3DS is due to how they want to distribute the game digitally over the course of a month before launching the physical copies.
                  Well .. look at the trailer - the 3DS is good, I have one, but I doubt it's THAT good to be able to pull off multiplayer co-op (REV mainly has Jill alone for most of it) and those graphics..
                  No way they'd fit it all on the card xP

                  Oh and for all the people who moan about how Claire ''looks different'', I'm gonna post this image I made on the Tomb Raider Forums here also...
                  I edited the colour of Claire's eyes and paled her skin, but nothing else - the left image is from the official website compared to CV and Degeneration CGI.

                  Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 09-11-2014, 06:24 PM.
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • Not sure if it was mentioned here, but apparently when you play alone you can switch between Moira and Claire on the fly RE Zero style.


                    • Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                      Not sure if it was mentioned here, but apparently when you play alone you can switch between Moira and Claire on the fly RE Zero style.
                      Where did you get this information?


                      • Well that really changes up the gameplay a bit. Guess its good we won't have to rely on just the AI.

                        As for Moira I don't think she will be super passive/defenseless. On the main website her render shows her with a crowbar so she should be able to at least do some melee damage.


                        • Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
                          Part of me thinks (ok, it wishes!) that Claire's dialogue was left intentionally vague because they are bringing Alyson in to do the recording for Claire now, which is why she tweeted that above.

                          EDIT: According to the Revelations 2 website, this will take place sometime in 2011.
                          It's also worth noting that Patricia Ja Lee was the voice over for Jill in the initial trailer for Revelations, so~ who knows what we'll see in the end but her twitter seems to be implying some good news. or at least SOME news!


                          • Game is sounding a bit more like RE0..which I detested, mostly because it just wasn't a really good game. I'm glad that you can swap between characters and that this will help out some when the shit this the fan...that being said, Claire is the only one who can die if I recall, that kind of means we're still very much at the AI's mercy if no second player is around :/


                            • Zero was a fantastic game.

