It does need to die, but it seems to only be getting worse.
I remember back at GTA4 and the millions Microsoft paid Rockstar for that exclusive content, even though the GTA series up to then was practically a PS only franchise, so Rockstar fucked off basically it's entire original audience.
Now we have the likes of Ubisoft actually picking platforms per game for exclusive deals! Watch_Dogs PS content, Far Cry 4 PS content, Assassin's Creed Unity XB1, Bungie partnering with Sony for Destiny, Microsoft is leading the marketing for The Evil Within. Even Alpha and Beta have become a bragging right for the company that has theirs online first, it's gotten out of control.
As much crap Capcom has done in the past, they are actually more multiplatform friendly than many others.
I remember back at GTA4 and the millions Microsoft paid Rockstar for that exclusive content, even though the GTA series up to then was practically a PS only franchise, so Rockstar fucked off basically it's entire original audience.
Now we have the likes of Ubisoft actually picking platforms per game for exclusive deals! Watch_Dogs PS content, Far Cry 4 PS content, Assassin's Creed Unity XB1, Bungie partnering with Sony for Destiny, Microsoft is leading the marketing for The Evil Within. Even Alpha and Beta have become a bragging right for the company that has theirs online first, it's gotten out of control.
As much crap Capcom has done in the past, they are actually more multiplatform friendly than many others.