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Bring back Alyson Court petition

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  • Bring back Alyson Court petition

    To those who have not noticed, Alyson Court, Claire Redfield's voice actress, has been replaced for the upcoming Resident Evil: Revelations 2 game. Now, in this stage of development it is too late to have her return, but, many fans including myself believe in continuity, and want Alyson to reprise her role in other future titles such as the potential Resident Evil 2 remake. Alyson Court had the role from Resident Evil 2 all the way up till Operation Raccoon City which was only released about two years ago.

    For those who are interested and want to support Alyson Court, please view and sign this petition:

  • #2
    The budget for this game is to low that they couldn't afford her.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vito View Post
      The budget for this game is to low that they couldn't afford her.
      Got a source to confirm that?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
        Got a source to confirm that?
        Yeah I'd like to see one too. I don't think Alyson is THAT expensive.

        If anything it came down to laziness. Not wanting Alyson to record her lines and send them to LA (over the internet) like she had done in the past.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
          Got a source to confirm that?
          This person was joking but the low budget this game has might have something to do with not having Alyson return.


          • #6
            was considering looking into this game, and holding out hope for the franchise, until I heard this...
            Never knew her name but Alyson Court is Claire as far as I'm concerned.


            • #7
              Online petitions never work.


              • #8
                At this point, its done. The change has been made, I'm willing to give the new voice actress a chance.

                I mean look at this from a professional viewpoint guys, you're an actor who got cast to do some voice acting for a game. You do your job, you get paid, and then a few weeks later you get a call saying that despite finishing your job, you've been recast. Thats an incredibly shitty thing to do to an actor.

                The one reason I'm using this example is this is kind of how Richard Waugh found out he was replaced by DC Douglas as Wesker. He was never given any notice that we was recast, or that they were planning on recasting the part. They did it and never told him, he only found out by watching some gameplay footage of Umbrella chronicles.

                I wish I had a camera for the panel and had recorded all this because Richard was a really cool guy and seemed genuinely hurt over this. He had a lot of funny stories including his trying to play Wesker in the RE films.


                • #9
                  It's actually doing really well though, it is close to 500 signatures!


                  • #10
                    I don't count that as 'doing very well' when you consider how much these games sell.
                    I concur with others that nothing is going to change.


                    • #11
                      i dont know why capcom always screws things up, i was excited about this new resident evil JUST for claire, and seeing the trailer i like the game but the lack of Alyson make me wonder why they always screw things up.

                      this could be the style the saga needed..

                      i will need to play it to see if the new voice its up to the task.


                      • #12
                        Here is a realistic scenario. They will release said game with crappy replacement. They notice poor game sells and decide to hire Original VA to redo Crappy VA's lines. They release said Original VAing via DLC. People buy DLC. DLC makes money. People are happier and more people willing to buy said game. More people buy said game for said DLC. More people happy.

                        I know I'm taking in some encrypted code but seriously I honestly feel they may go that route to milk a few extra dollars/yen/euros etc. from us. There are a few companies who make alternate voice acting as a DLC. One comes to mind is the Dynasty Warriors series.
                        Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 10-24-2014, 07:36 PM.


                        • #13
                          ^ Um... that's less realistic than the petition having any effect. The game is not going to have major sales or lack thereof due to one voice change. Sales will be determined by the quality of the game itself, which does include its acting but unless the new VA really bombs that's not likely to affect anything. Capcom wouldn't dare set foot down that road.

                          Now if you prove to be right, I will rightfully eat crow but until then that's just crazy talk.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                            Here is a realistic scenario. They will release said game with crappy replacement. They notice poor game sells and decide to hire Original VA to redo Crappy VA's lines. They release said Original VAing via DLC. People buy DLC. DLC makes money. People are happier and more people willing to buy said game. More people buy said game for said DLC. More people happy.

                            I know I'm taking in some encrypted code but seriously I honestly feel they may go that route to milk a few extra dollars/yen/euros etc. from us. There are a few companies who make alternate voice acting as a DLC. One comes to mind is the Dynasty Warriors series.
                            Sounds like CRAPCOM to me! *Thumbs up*


                            • #15
                              Because they did the same for RE6, right?
                              Do you see CAPCOM selling DLCs for Paul Mercier's and Sally Cahill's voice acting? No?

                              Voice-actor changes has always been something CAPCOM did since the first day they released RE1, the only thing we can do is get used to it.

                              I don't hate Alyson or anything, she'll always be the best Claire for me and I'll probably never forgive CAPCOM for ditching her, I'm just saying how it is.
                              Last edited by Guest; 10-25-2014, 08:03 PM.

