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Let the throwdown begin! Original vs. REmake

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Rombie View Post
    Being one of those players of the original back in the day it certainly was questioned. Back when the game came out in 1996 only one person I knew had internet and there certainly wasn't very easy ways of finding the info even with it. Most of it was magazines and guide books, and most of us didn't have enough money to buy games and magazines all the time or pay for constant internet access. So most of the things in the game were obsessed over by myself and my friends as we played through.

    I remember one of my friends spent weeks over the high school holidays trying to work out how to "use" the Doom Books for example before finding the medals inside before anyone really knew about them and we all had a chance to share notes on what we'd been playing. I also remember spending a lot of time examining just about everything in the game and looking at all that stuff in the underground for extra hidden stuff.

    I suspect in a lot of ways it was the constant obsession with finding all the endings and paths in the game in the first place, along with the zombie thing which I was really into at the time, as to why I latched onto the franchise so much in the first place. And why I wrote my first ever basic version of a walkthrough for both Chris and Jill in early 1997.

    It's so easy now days to not just look something up, because of course within a couple of years after RE1 guides online were common enough, but with video access just watch someone else play through bits of games and most of the secrets are found in no time.
    And you know what's even more awesome about this? It's been nearly 20 years and I'm still finding new things about this game.

    The other day I discovered there was a teleporting zombie in Chris' Advance Mode. I shit you not. The motherfucker wraps around two locations in the Mansion. How cool is that?
    Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-03-2015, 12:37 AM.

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    • #62
      ^^^ Wait what exactly are you talking about? I'm curious!


      • #63
        Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
        Since my first encounter with the series featured RE3 followed by RE2, I initially thought RE1 was a pile of dogshit (these graphics on a Playstation? Come on!).
        I was the same way pretty much haha. The first one I played was RE3, so it kind of set a standard for me. When I went and played RE1 on PlayStation, it was so slow-paced and low quality compared to RE3. It sucked ass. Which is why I prefer the REmake. I still like the original though. Just not as much as other games in the series.

        Originally posted by Burt Mustin View Post
        Also, personally prefer CV Tim Daly Chris over HIV Pete Sampras Chris, who exists in remake. Almost as scary as the Crimson Heads.
        An HIV joke? At this day and age? Really man?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Renard View Post
          An HIV joke? At this day and age? Really man?
          Like really dude- I was trying to convey how shitty I thought they made Chris look, and, honestly, Pete Sampras ravaged with the Human immunodeficiency virus conjured a pretty solid match.

          Christ, I'll intersperse it next time with 'Ebola' as I know it has ties with the series canon. Freakin' white knights.
          The horror is alive, the horror is expanding; living with the horror, can be demanding


          • #65
            I didn't think we had social justice warriors here. In fact, I was almost HIV positive that we didn't.....


            • #66
              Last edited by Renard; 06-21-2015, 07:57 PM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Kaine View Post
                I didn't think we had social justice warriors here. In fact, I was almost HIV positive that we didn't.....
                This is legit the worst insult ever, please stop using it. Renard has every right to be offended by it.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                  This is legit the worst insult ever, please stop using it. Renard has every right to be offended by it.
                  I legit don't give a shit if he's offended or not. He's not some special snowflake because he has HIV. Life sucks, wear a fucking helmet. I'm in remission now, but I had cancer. I have, and still do, make cancer jokes. Piss off.


                  • #69
                    At what point did anyone claim him to be a special snowflake? This is about treating everyone with a base level of respect. Otherwise, online forums would disintegrate into nothing but hate and trolling.
                    "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
                      At what point did anyone claim him to be a special snowflake? This is about treating everyone with a base level of respect. Otherwise, online forums would disintegrate into nothing but hate and trolling.
                      I'm sorry, I thought this was The Horror Is Alive forums, not The HIV Is Abundant forums. Fuck Renard for trying to shit on Burt's and my sense of humor. If he wants to bitch about his disease, he should go to fucking Tumblr, instead of shitting on people who make incidental jokes about diseases that he may or may not have.


                      • #71
                        He wasn't ruining anybodys fun, just commenting that you made a joke of poor taste. In response, you and another individual acted like children throwing a temper tantrum because the teacher doesn't like it when you use a curse. You assaulted him with poor jokes, showed a clear lack of respect for his personal being, and have demonstrated an abrasive and rude personality, hurling curses as if it'd make you a "hip" or "cool" individual.

                        You sir, are a jackass.
                        Good day


                        • #72
                          I think we'll just let the mods deal with this, I dont think theres anything more to be said.:/


                          • #73
                            I am the hippest and coolest, that's for sure, Drake! Because I don't expect people to treat me like a special snowflake because I have a disease. I'd really hate to see how Renard deals with real world shit if he walks around here expecting people to walk on egg shells for fear that his widdle feelings might get hurt with what they say.

                            Ban me, whatever. At the end of the day, Renard will still have HIV and still be a bitch.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Drake View Post
                              He wasn't ruining anybodys fun, just commenting that you made a joke of poor taste. In response, you and another individual acted like children throwing a temper tantrum because the teacher doesn't like it when you use a curse. You assaulted him with poor jokes, showed a clear lack of respect for his personal being, and have demonstrated an abrasive and rude personality, hurling curses as if it'd make you a "hip" or "cool" individual.

                              You sir, are a jackass.
                              Good day


                              • #75

                                Here's the thing-- having read forum guidelines (again) it would be a stretch for serious 'action' to be taken on any members involved here.
                                In truth, given the context of where the thread had been going, it really just ended up being (IMO) a rather touchy-feely dull divergence , to otherwise
                                a good, thought provoking thread. Possibly either an unfortunate lock, or removed posts.

                                Of course, while I'm not required to clarify anything previosuly posted, I'll add a few cents in just so that the moral circus on both sides can
                                pass by-- first, that was a 'Pistol' Pete Sampras resemblance joke before it was an HIV/AIDS joke-- and folks, I got bunches of pistol' jokes. Second, whether it was in, 'good taste'
                                or not, is irrelevant to anything in the thread, and moreso, in itself subjective. This is the problem with taking a joke out of context (regarding change in
                                Character build/design) and transposing it to one's own individual, well, feelings or even circumstance.

                                And concerning the 'teacher' analogy, this is not gradeschool courtesy class, nor should be expected. The closest any of this get's against forum rules besides a few ad-hom's from Drake and Kaine, is devolving into borderline-group trolling by arguing over a joke for 10+ posts, regardless of perceived 'taste'. Lastly- use of Individual post reported function>off-topic complaining on a well established thread.
                                The horror is alive, the horror is expanding; living with the horror, can be demanding

