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Anyone pick up Revelations 2? (*Fawkin' spoilers beware*)

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  • Well I got to say the ending was pretty interesting & somewhat satisfying especially with the character build up, as SUPER cheasy as it was at itmes.


    Revelations 2 for being a budget (and somewhat 'probably' rushed & relatively short) title was pretty enjoyable as a non-numbered title...I'm pretty pleased to be honest (even with all the flaws) and the price of admission wasn't bad at all!
    Last edited by Kaneco; 03-18-2015, 05:32 AM.


    • @ Kaneco

      Seibu teh geimu?


      • In terms of lose ends...


        Originally posted by khasho View Post
        I have lost expansion bag for Baary which i picked up in episode 3....It is not in the gimmick box anymore...
        whenever i open the box i only find topaz....what should i do?
        I think it's because it's a permanent upgrade. Your new games will have it and such so you don't need it again, it's been replaced with topaz so you still get a perk
        Last edited by Kei_M; 03-18-2015, 06:15 AM.


        • @Kei_M I picked it up in episode 3 but my inventory in episode 4 is not expanded....I think the reason might be when i picked the expansion bag i quit the game when game saved and started episode 4...I had it when i picked it up but when i started episode 4 my inventory was not expanded...which made the game hard
          Last edited by khasho; 03-18-2015, 06:54 AM.


          • Anyone else felt fucked over by the bad ending if they got it? Like I know it was the bad ending but come on. I get punished that harshly for killing Neil with Claire??


            • I was wondering Remake MAP style.... Remake map is fantastic....I m unable to zoom map in revelations 2...Remake map is best for me in any survival horror game and silent hill map is 2nd best.


              • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                Anyone else felt fucked over by the bad ending if they got it? Like I know it was the bad ending but come on. I get punished that harshly for killing Neil with Claire??
                Yup. I wouldn't mind if this decision tied into Moira's final fate - such as having the confidence to wield a gun and save herself. I can't be arsed to play through again, I didn't enjoy the final chapter, so going to watch the final ending on YT.

                As for the game, it did a huge amount to pay service to the whole series and it's fans, with extra attention on Barry & RE1. I can't be the only one amused by the amount of toilets in the underground area. Despite the obvious debt to The Last Of Us, the co-op was great for both pairs due to the different abilities of each character. And like The Last Of Us, it's great to play as an older, cynical male and not traditional cocky & (more) macho roles like Chris & Leon.

                But it also suffered from clunky controls, terrible AI, unoriginal locations, some hilariously bad moments that undermine the gravitas it's trying to create (why would you build one end of a lab at the top of a tower and the other end at the bottom of a deep pit below it?) and a rather uninspiring & contrived skill tree (you must spend points for your partner to be able to shoot anyone???).

                7/10. Some great highs, but too many lows and rough edges to be a classic. And frustratingly, many of the lows and rough edges could have been ironed out during development.

                I prefer it to REV1 & RE5. And as for the future of the series. I wouldn't mind if this was the horror / action / set piece balance of the main titles, whilst the spin offs were traditional SH.

                [EDIT] And yeah, the map was shit too.

                [EDIT 2] Also, 4 of the 5 main characters were girls, and none were simple damsels in distress. Now that's progress in this industry!
                Last edited by Jimmy_Jazz; 03-20-2015, 06:52 AM.
                "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                  Anyone else felt fucked over by the bad ending if they got it? Like I know it was the bad ending but come on. I get punished that harshly for killing Neil with Claire??

                  why would you build one end of a lab at the top of a tower and the other end at the bottom of a deep pit below it?

                  Anyway, I'll just leave this video here. I thought it was pretty funny.
                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-20-2015, 08:04 AM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Adding the gun thing into the extra episode but the main game isn't enough. And all because Moira didn't kill Neil, doesn't mean she couldn't be capable of using a gun whilst on the verge of starvation.

                    As for the tower thing, you can attempt to apply reason to it, but that doesn't make it any less stupid. And the extra lab section at the end of the catacombs is silly as well.
                    "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                    • And all because Moira didn't kill Neil, doesn't mean she couldn't be capable of using a gun whilst on the verge of starvation.
                      She certainly didn't, otherwise she would have been able to save them. Also, I think Newsbot mentioned something about Moira being able to overcome fear in the good ending, hence her having a constantly red bracelet without any mutations happening. Shooting Neil then and there might have factored in her overcoming fear, like Natalia did. I think people are just pissed off since now they have to redo Episode 3 and 4 again. Just go watch the good ending on Youtube.

                      As for the tower thing, you can attempt to apply reason to it, but that doesn't make it any less stupid. And the extra lab section at the end of the catacombs is silly as well.
                      So you'd rather she just build one lab and then have it all explode? Wouldn't really make sense, considering how she wanted to continue her research and rule the world as a god. Anyway, are we even sure the two labs are connected at all? If they are, then that's really no different from the way the lab in RE2 and OB File 2 are connected then. I do agree that the lab at the end of the catacombs was silly though. lol
                      Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-20-2015, 09:37 AM.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        Just go watch the good ending on Youtube.
                        That's exactly what I did. I couldn't sit through Ep 3 & 4 again. There was no build up to that choice, nor did that choice feel connected enough with the final boss fight for it to have the power it needed.

                        Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        So you'd rather she just build one lab and then have it all explode? Wouldn't really make sense, considering how she wanted to continue her research and rule the world as a god
                        It's Weskers & Umbrella staff that are keen to build self destruct features into everything . Capcom wanted a landmark / pillar for Claire and Moira to head to, whilst give Barry something to descend into, and the result was 2 labs. I think it's stronger to have a single motif than to have both it and an inverse version of it.
                        "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                        • Am I the only one who thinks that Natalia just might NOT become Alex later on? I mean sure her consciousness is in her and she might have traits of her but in reality it'll be up to Natalia and how strongly willed she is. As long as she can resist her inner Alex she should be fine and if anything she could have some trippy sub-reality like Little miss where she has to fight all Alex's spirit once and for all and all by herself. Would be a decent bonus scenario in my opinion.


                          • I'm hoping Natalia has a peanut allergy, Barry's birthday cake contains traces of nuts and everything goes to shit at his birthday party.
                            "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                            • Inb4 the next episode released involes not fighting BOWs but..... has you shopping with Barry and when you get back to the house you unexpectedly fight Natalias final transformation by throwing oranges at her....


                              • It's always possible that the Alex persona might surface from time to time, and that Natalia might be unaware of it. In the good ending, you see Natalia quoting Kafka, but that doesn't really mean that Alex has full control of Natalia's body...yet.

                                Who knows, she might even try transferring herself to Moira, since she was also able to overcome fear.
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-20-2015, 12:07 PM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

