Originally posted by yurieu
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Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster
Well I'm completely done with REZero HD Remaster!
It was a great run both on stream and offline, beat the game many times under 5 & 3 hours both on Hard mode & Easy mode...only played Easy once after I beat the game on Hard, then continued doing consecutive runs in hard mode, I don't think I ever touched Normal mode.
Started out on hard mode and it was a blast, but had to backtrack for 1 Magnum bullet & to make 6 more Molotov Cocktails which saved Rebecca's hide at the end boss' 2nd phase with the valves, Molotov Cocktails almost immediately deviates the Leech Queen's attention away from Rebecca.
Didn't realize, or merely forgot, that Leech Hunter mode's difficulty is based on the difficulty of your 'Clear' data (thanks to one of the viewers that was watching me for pointing it out)...let me tell you, the 'Eliminators' (AKA the Monkeys) are the hardest enemies in the game, and more evidently in Leech Hunter mode...they take more abuse than Hunters & move around WAY too much as well as their size makes them hard to hit at times, glad they only show up in like TWO rooms just to guard either the Sub Machine Gun or the Magnum...obviously depending on the RNG of the mode.
Wesker Mode was fun, but not too different from regular mode...used 'Death Stare' quite a bit, as opposed to the Dash...Dash can be too cumbersome at times to be useful. Funny enough, by the time I was playing Wesker mode I already had unlocked all the infinite ammo & weapons for the main game, so the Death Stare was pretty much unnecessary when you have THAT trusty 'Infinite Magnum Revolver' & 'Infinite Sub Machine Gun'.
Overall, it was quite the ride and I finally memorized the Training Facility's item placement that I had forgotten a long time ago...I don't find the Training Facility as memorable as the Mansion, but now I have a fresh picture as to where everything is.
It's been fun & got the Platinum trophy to boot!
Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm kind of disappointed that Billy got no wardrobe love at all, so many DLC ones for Becky, yet Billy only got '1' new one called 'Wolf Force'...to add more salt to the wound, even Becky's Wesker Mode costume is unlockable for the regular game, while Billy's Wesker skin is not...hell! you could have stripped the Wesker skin off of all the abilities Billy had under Wesker mode while it gets used during the regular game modes, but NOPE!
Also, I was curious...is Wesker Mode's difficulty setting set to 'Normal' by default, seemed like it had a lot more ammo than 'Hard' mode or is that just Wesker Mode's own assortment of 'items'? Like I said, I never touched the 'Normal' mode, haven't done so in over a decade.Last edited by Kaneco; 02-15-2016, 10:48 PM.
I too achieved the platinum trophy and had a solid experience playing the RE0 Remaster. Just wish REmake had this good of a job done to it....
As for Wesker Mode, I was pretty bored to tears playing it and barely felt so much as a thrill and quickly switched back to using the infinite revolver to get it over with for the last trophy.
I just got it off steam in the halloween deal and it's a crash happy mess always complaining about lack of memory,
so now i'm running the codex crack without steam hogging resources in the background along with the four extra biohazard dlc t-shirts.
381715=Heavenly Island
401340=Joshin Denki
Still missing the console version exclusives though?
The unlockable costumes in Resident Evil 0 can be worn by Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen upon meeting certain requirements in the game. These costumes can be worn in the main campaign and in the additional mode, Leech Hunter. Upon completing the game on either Normal or Hard mode, Rebecca will start the next game with the Closet Key. The key unlocks a closet in cabin 101 on the second floor of the Ecliptic Express, where two alternate costumes for Rebecca and one for Billy can be chosen. In the
The unlockable costumes in Resident Evil 0 can be worn by Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen upon meeting certain requirements in the game. These costumes can be worn in the main campaign and in the additional mode, Leech Hunter. Upon completing the game on either Normal or Hard mode, Rebecca will start the next game with the Closet Key. The key unlocks a closet in cabin 101 on the second floor of the Ecliptic Express, where two alternate costumes for Rebecca and one for Billy can be chosen. In the
The unlockable costumes in Resident Evil 0 can be worn by Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen upon meeting certain requirements in the game. These costumes can be worn in the main campaign and in the additional mode, Leech Hunter. Upon completing the game on either Normal or Hard mode, Rebecca will start the next game with the Closet Key. The key unlocks a closet in cabin 101 on the second floor of the Ecliptic Express, where two alternate costumes for Rebecca and one for Billy can be chosen. In the
It's stable now without any crashes like the steam exe but the framerate sucks and the rendered cutscenes
lip-sync is out, the audio is ahead by about 2 seconds of their mouths and has 100% cpu usage spikes when opening doors,
i've seen over exes that are supposed to fix that though.
Last edited by Mikhail; 11-02-2016, 08:42 AM.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostHow much ram do you have?
1GB Gpu VRAM, Gpu-Z shows it using less than 512MB though, but my gpu load is always at 100%
The framerate takes a massive nosedive in the first Mimicry Marcus room on the train.
Even tried it with swiftshader https://drive.google.com/drive/folde...ldzOEg5S3o0NUk
but it's exactly the same
Originally posted by Mikhail View PostDoes it lower just the resolution or all textures resolution like GLTools/Chainfire3D?
Is their anyway to force what resolution the game detects your monitor as?
the game is only giving me up to 900p options instead of 1080p so 900p to 800x450 looks slightly pixelated
vs 1080p to 960x540 with this tool.
I'm getting 40fps in most rooms with this tool at 800x450 so i've fps capped it to 30fps instead 60 or
varaible, in the first Mimicry Marcus train room I get 26fps without the tool around 8-11fps.Last edited by Mikhail; 11-03-2016, 01:28 AM.
It seems, I override it by hacking the gpu driver .inf a bit risky me thinks
I got all the biohazard exclusive dlc
381715=Heavenly Island
401340=Joshin Denki
430390=Ajin: Demi Human
I'm still missing
["Weekly Famitsu" T-shirt] Blue Raccoon Police Department (RPD)
(PlayStation 4/3 / Xbox one / Xbox 360)
The DLC code is inside The magazine "Weekly Famitsu" JP (January 21, 2016)
this is supposively 381714 and was released for dl on pc?
["Dengeki PlayStation" T-shirt]
(Only PlayStation 4/3)
The DLC code will be released on (January 28, 2016)
inside The magazine "Dengeki PlayStation" JP