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Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster

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  • #46
    People seem to believe since this is a 2002 game its just a straight port and will run on their shitty PCs. People don't realize Capcom overhauled the entire engine and updated it etc. This is why a lot of people can't run it as they're running on ancient Core 2 Duos/Quads AMD X2s etc not AMD FXs, i5/i7s.
    Last edited by Hunk_4TH; 05-31-2015, 09:43 PM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Hunk_4TH View Post
      People seem to believe since this is a 2002 game its just a straight port and will run on their shitty PCs. People don't realize Capcom overhauled the entire engine and updated it etc. This is why a lot of people can't run it as they're running on ancient Core 2 Duos/Quads AMD X2s etc not AMD FXs, i5/i7s.
      Exactly. I laughed hard when a guy on the Steam forums quoted the first RE game being released in 1996 as an argument for not understanding why his PC wouldn't run the REmaster game. Wasn't sure if it was just a troll or...

      I bet some of these guys are still using XP, too.

      Those FX's are so dirt cheap too there is no excuse not to upgrade.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Hunk_4TH View Post
        People seem to believe since this is a 2002 game its just a straight port and will run on their shitty PCs. People don't realize Capcom overhauled the entire engine and updated it etc. This is why a lot of people can't run it as they're running on ancient Core 2 Duos/Quads AMD X2s etc not AMD FXs
        Well, yes and no (but mostly no)- what happened was that the game, for whatever reason, shipped with a lock at roughly a 1900x1400 internal resolution- this meant mid-to-weak rigs were often running well below 30fps, even on the lower settings. The mod community eventually got wise to this, and it's quite a testament at how the Internet operates that more people, at least the PC owners, aren't aware of this. Fortunate for Capcom really, as the main problem not fully being known allows more of the typical boring responses (weak potato, it's not y2k bro, ect).

        I was able to run the game on a medium resolution at a pretty stable 30 frames, only after getting 1-2 mods, the ones that provided performance gains that took me from my starting point 10 frames...or less. On an AMD equivalent to an HD4400, and i3 processor. Far below recommended. Concerning PC performance, the game as shipped is one of the most inefficient in recent times, and sure as shit better get corrected for 0. As Roy Scheider said in Jaws 2: "And you better do something about this one, because i don't intend to go through that hell again!"

        Ironically, yeah, the game can run pretty well on a core 2 duo, as long as you have atleast a low-mid level video card with the resolution mod. Though of course the mods themselves are simple to get they are simple by nature.
        The horror is alive, the horror is expanding; living with the horror, can be demanding


        • #49
          But that still doesn't change the fact people are trying to run these games on outdated hardware lol. Like Hunk said most PC gamers are using the latest 8-Core FX's and i5/i7's CPU's and getting the best out of their performance with a nice GPU on top of it. I'm piss poor and didn't need to pay an arm and a leg for my FX and GPU and it's pretty adequate at running practically anything you throw at it max settings full 60 FPS. If I could afford it I would buy a latest i7/mobo combo that supports 128 GB of RAM for my 3D renders which would put my rig in the water and rape it, but what I have now gets the job done for pretty much anything out there and it was dirt cheap ($1000 or less is my idea of cheap).

          Don't want to turn this into a consoles vs PC war or anything, but the price for PC gaming is well worth the investment IMO. Considering all the discounts we get on Steam holiday sales and sites like G2A. On the other hand, people seem to think that their once powerful rigs will remain that way forever, PC technology changes rapidly and that is fact. An i3 was decent a few years ago, but it isn't today, no offense.

          I just noticed the recommended requirements for REmake is a Phenom II X4 940. I don't think it's Capcom's fault that people are getting low FPS on older rigs. Usually all games have a shitty inaccurate label for the minimum/recommended requirements. You have to do research on your own beforehand before knowing the answer and going with it, it has been that way for many years now and is nothing new. Sites like CanYouRunIt are better suited for these type of things before making a purchase or decision. Usually whatever is stated as a recommended for a game, that usually means you need to go a step or more higher, at least that was my understanding of how PC gaming worked.

          One thing I recall when I first ran REmake is I had to edit some ini file to change it from windowed to fullscreen otherwise it crashed changing it in the main menu. Otherwise, not a big deal really.
          Last edited by VirusPunk; 06-01-2015, 02:28 AM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Hunk_4TH View Post
            The remaster was far from being garbage. Only thing I miss from it vs the GC version is the original fonts. Besides that they included the original ratio that played just like it did on the GC.
            I hear you on this one. I know it's a superficial aspect to nitpick, but I loved the font in the GC version. I'm still not used to the new font in the remastered!


            • #51
              Yeah, 'shitty PCs' that can run RE6 at max resolution without any problem but have constant fps drops with RE remaster

              Doing some Google or Steam search anyone can see many people had troubles running RE HD Remaster, even those who did met the requirements. They had to ask modders for external ways to improve performance (gaining +10/20 fps in some cases) so it's not a problem with their rigs, it's a problem with the game being poorly optimized.

              The same happened with RER2, the game was totally unplayable for me and many others due to excessive stuttering that made impossible to aim or shoot anything in Claire's chapter 1 (the noise effect during all the prison was a performance killer) but now it runs fine for most people after the patches, and we didn't change our PCs, so the problem was within the game, not the hardware trying to run it.

              Back to RE0, it's looking great, but again, they're just showing how beautiful can be the game in HD with a render from one of the early train rooms. Hopefuly they can dedicate the same work and effort to the whole game and won't have to rush towards the end of the game.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • #52
                Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                But that still doesn't change the fact people are trying to run these games on outdated hardware lol.

                An i3 was decent a few years ago, but it isn't today, no offense.

                Sites like CanYouRunIt are better suited for these type of things before making a purchase or decision. Usually whatever is stated as a recommended for a game, that usually means you need to go a step or more higher, at least that was my understanding of how PC gaming worked.
                Again, in the early days/weeks of the games release, I spent a number of hours on the Steam forum- there were not many people with core duo and ancient Athlon builds complaining of problems. So concerning 'outdated hardware' it then opens up a debate that always just seems to sort of go back and forth: 'didn't meet minimum, dude' which leads to, 'well, it's just minimum man. Should really be recommended'. Which can eventually elevate to, 'Always go above recommended..just in case'. And...the next thing you know, we have individuals like that 'Spock' user on the Steam board using the most myopic of reasoning available to man to tell people they shouldn't be surprised their freaking XBOX1 console isn't running the game perfectly, as either the CPU or Vid Card that is in the system is barely on par with the recommended PC. In a nutshell, this is the method of thought that at times gives the PC community a bad name, and allows companies like Capcom who have a history now of poorly optimized games a continual raincheck.

                Concerning performance, there must be some reasonable middle ground- and the truth is, for a game like the REmaster, even with aforementioned bells and whistles, there is no reason their recommended specs should be that high- not even close. That I was essentially on a mid-tier i3 and onboard HD4400 graphics able to pull 30 frames continually with mid resolutions after mod speaks for itself, as Lanza said, that the problem for 90% of people existed on the developers side, not the consumer. And it is unfortunate, as they did a number of other things actually impressively well on the game itself. It should absolutely, a hundred percent be corrected for the remaster of 0, simply because the fix(s) are such straightforward and easily corrected ones.
                The horror is alive, the horror is expanding; living with the horror, can be demanding


                • #53
                  I just don't get why a lot of you guys have fps issues. On a AMD FX 8320 paired with a GTX 650ti it runs at a solid 60fps. You guys must be running stuff in the background and/or have a low amount of ram (2gb/4gb). Other than that and shitty hardware I don't know. The same people had issues with The Evil Within and Dead Rising 3 again onntje same hardware a solid 60fps. Also RE6 might be newer than REmake but you guys seem to forget Capcom totally overhauled the entire REmake engine making the HD remasternewer than the RE6.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                    Yeah, 'shitty PCs' that can run RE6 at max resolution without any problem but have constant fps drops with RE remaster

                    Doing some Google or Steam search anyone can see many people had troubles running RE HD Remaster, even those who did met the requirements. They had to ask modders for external ways to improve performance (gaining +10/20 fps in some cases) so it's not a problem with their rigs, it's a problem with the game being poorly optimized.
                    And I seem to recall most people that have i5's / FX's ran the game perfectly. I had the game since launch and never had a single problem running the game all apart from the fact it started in windowed mode and would crash if you set it to full screen in the options. I had to open up an ini file and manually set the flag to 'fullscreen', this was a rare problem that a few people had but nothing that couldn't be fixed.

                    I saw many of those complaints on Steam, some were probably legit while others were downright idiotic. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do recall many people trying to play the game on older rigs.. Alot of them even argued that the game was released in 2002 so they shouldn't have any problems running it, but again people fail to realize that it's not a direct port of the GameCube version. Just to clarify as I think some people are unaware of this or just forgot, many rooms in REmake HD were recreated in full 3D with static cameras placed around and high resolution diffuse and normal maps applied to the geometry in real time as it made things easier and the technology now permits it (we're no longer in the 5th generation, so pre-rendered is a thing of the past and otherwise pointless now, real time 3D can look just as good as pre-rendered if not better).

                    Your rig may run RE6 on max settings, but these are two different games that came out in different years. REmaster has way better lighting and a higher poly count and higher res textures than RE6 anyway. Also are you aware that REmaster had a classic mode? Classic mode basically ran the game as if it were the GameCube version.

                    Once again, out of the box recommended requirements are full of crap. You need to do your own research on what is best. Alot of these guys complaining probably went and bought REmake HD after they had seen you only need a Phenom II X4 940, this is not a good CPU by todays standards and if you had trouble running REmake on it you sure as hell won't be able to run say MGS5: The Phantom Pain. Just stating the truth, most PC gamers are running i5's or the latest i7, or an AMD FX at the very least. Minimum you need a Core 2 Duo, that's fine and dandy if you plan on running the game on the lowest settings and yes, experiencing FPS drop along with it... And no, I don't recall anyone running an i5/FX having problems with FPS drops and if they did maybe they had a ton of stuff running in the background, feel free to link me to something proving otherwise. Most of the complaints I saw they were running an older Quad Core or worse, in-fact one guy was trying to run the game on his Pentium D...

                    Here is a good topic proving my point:
                    [I'm not explaining my specs because I don't need everyone to tell me the obvious that my system is not strong enough to play it. I am still able to play this game. It just lags at just periodic moments and cutscenes. A minor issue that can be fixed with user cooperation, ty] Horrible Frame Rates even for high-end computers. Low/Slow moving graphics. This does not feel like an HD Remake, more like an FD Reshake. Can't lower resolutions any lower and it still works s...l....o...w.

                    "Most people" seem not to have any problems running a game as look at the replies, but the OP replies with a smartass statement that "guess I need to be rich with a expensive PC to run the game". You don't need to be rich to upgrade to an AMD FX ($150 is all it costs). If people have such a problem with this concept of upgrading then they need to just stick with consoles IMO.

                    BTW, not that this may be the case for you guys. But using a pirated copy of the game can surely cause performance issues. I had a pirated iso of Mafia 2 once and it ran at a lousy 15 FPS at many times. Then when I bought the full Steam version it played like a charm at full 60. Another thing can be corrupted data files or other odd things the sometimes happens with Steam. Once in a blue moon I'll have to go into local files and hit the button for "verify integrity of game cache", which seems to fix any problem regarding corrupted/missing data, that too can cause performance issues..
                    Last edited by VirusPunk; 06-01-2015, 08:28 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                      So far it's looking promising that they do have better archives of the assets from the game. This has been doing the rounds showing the one official released screen against the game running in Dolphin at the same res. Even if the one in the HD version is a real time replacement, the textures all seem to match the originals fairly closely.

                      This looks recently re-rendered!
                      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-02-2015, 09:11 AM.


                      • #56
                        Better not speed up the music this time Crapcom....


                        • #57
                          Hey look official trailer!
                          Last edited by Deathlygasm; 06-08-2015, 11:34 AM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                            It looks good the first time you see it, let us give it some time and follow to see if Capcom will screw it like Remaster.


                            • #59
                              Don't tell me I'm not the only who's actually ecstatic about them re-rendering all of the pre-rendered backgrounds in full HD?

                              Before the mansion, before the destruction of Raccoon City, there was Resident Evil 0. Now remastered with improved visuals and sounds, as well as the all-new Wesker Mode, there's never been a better time to experience the origins of the Resident Evil story.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • #60
                                Now maybe they are finally using the original assets, something they haven't done with the first remaster.

