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Biohazard: Umbrella Corps (possible next game)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
    Live action trailer

    @ROmbie Capcom using Unity likely to test out other engines since Phanta Ray or whatever it is seems to be having problems, they've not made a single game using it aside from Deep Down which has long vanished.
    I don't disagree that is a point given the current disappearance of Panta Rhei it's a likely test, but it's also cheap against development requirements - especially money pumped into their own engine. Unity is great, don't get me wrong by saying cheap for Capcom... it's simply that a single person with limited knowledge can make quite good stuff in Unity alone, so a development team at Capcom can probably do fast work lowering overall costs.

    But it's the limited platform (PC and PS4 only) and price point that makes me think of the quality in general. It's akin to the level of work done to Rev2 for it's price point, a lot of recycling of textures and animation recycling. As I said there are videos from the TGS floor which show the current state of the game doesn't give me any more confidence in the quality, and the trailer shows a number of areas which look to be potentially recycled from other RE titles (both the villages from RE4 and RE5 seem to be in the various images).... all not great signs. Guess we'll wait and see.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
      ORC sold 2.4m, hardly a failure. Those sales are likely why we have this. There was cleary enough interest in a RE themed shooter, just that people didn't like the fact it felt low budget and poorly developed.
      ORC was a critical failure. Outbreak sold well initially too but that didn't stop its problems from killing any future potential.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #48
        Originally posted by nicksena17 View Post
        i did see a photo about 3 22 16 possibly hinting at re 7 but idk i really doubt it. id like to see more then the re 0 remake and umbrella corps for 20th anniversary.
        On October 2nd this year, it'll have been three full years since RE6's release. By the time March rolls around, it'll have been nearly 3.5 years, which is more than enough time for an announcement of a new main title, especially since it'll be such a landmark year for the series.


        • #49
          I don't want this shit. I want them to remaster dead aim, outbreak 1 & 2.


          • #50
            Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
            I don't want this shit. I want them to remaster dead aim,
            no please no dead aim that game was junk, was interesting but too damn short the characters were as corny as the actors in re 1 i did like Morpheus but aside from that i think revelations 1 did a great job at doing a cruise ship RE. im all for another outbreak or hd version would be cool to play them online with people.
            Last edited by nicksena17; 09-18-2015, 04:17 PM. Reason: smiley


            • #51
              Originally posted by Drake View Post
              I'll laugh if it actually outsells the remasters. You all seem to be doubting the a lot of people who love shooters, especially team competitive shooters.
              Which I can't understand, Counter-Strike was the exact same thing decades earlier, and got boring in the early 2000's. How can the same archaic formula be so interesting still? What makes competitive FPS such as CoD so popular? It's the same old thing. If they want these types of games, let the people who make them dish out more. RE is supposed to be Survival Horror, nothing more. Literally no one wanted this game.


              • #52
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                At least, the gameplay looks serviceable. The game might be fun after all. But there's definitely nothing linking this game to the series. You can't just plaster some Umbrella logos in a generic map with generic soldiers and generic zombies to call it Resident Evil.
                ORC had its faults, but there were Hunters, Lickers, Tyrants and things like that, so you could see why Resident Evil was in the title.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Drake View Post
                  I'll laugh if it actually outsells the remasters. You all seem to be doubting the a lot of people who love shooters, especially team competitive shooters.
                  Competitive shooters are all the rage right now, but considering how there are literally hundreds of them that want to be the next Counter Strike or Call of Duty. Look at how many F2P shooters are on Steam, trying to hard to emulate what made those games so massive. I'm sure it will sell a decent amount, but I couldn't imagine the online exploding in the way that other shooters have. Take away the zombies and the association with the Resident Evil name and it's just another shooter.


                  • #54
                    Quite true, it's just a little hypothetical scenario from me.


                    • #55
                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      I laughed at 1.34, the guy literally makes a zombie flinch by just walking towards him... what a power.

                      So gameplay-wise, this game could hopefully give people an idea of how a polished ORC could have been.
                      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 09-21-2015, 09:49 AM.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • #56
                        Honestly, gameplay wise like shooting and movement, revelations series and 6 pretty much perfected it.


                        • #57
                          OH my COD, this shit called Umbrella Corps is canon

                          We talk with the producers behind the latest Resident Evil shooter, who talk Umbrella Corps, but also assure fans that more core, horror experiences are on the way.

                          Of course, it has the Resident Evil hallmark zombies, but what other elements does it borrow from the lore and history of Resident Evil?

                          Kawata: The game is not a hypothetical, "what-if" side scenario. Umbrella Corps is set in the present day of Resident Evil, which means it's after the events of Resident Evil 6. It's almost in an ironic way that we're using the title Umbrella Corps. If you know your Resident Evil lore, Umbrella no longer exists at this time in the universe; it's been destroyed. There's definitely a kind of a background of the Resident Evil universe that forms the basis of the game's premise.
                          Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 09-21-2015, 04:22 PM.
                          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                            OH my COD, this shit called Umbrella Corps is canon

                            We talk with the producers behind the latest Resident Evil shooter, who talk Umbrella Corps, but also assure fans that more core, horror experiences are on the way.

                            Of course, it has the Resident Evil hallmark zombies, but what other elements does it borrow from the lore and history of Resident Evil?

                            Kawata: The game is not a hypothetical, "what-if" side scenario. Umbrella Corps is set in the present day of Resident Evil, which means it's after the events of Resident Evil 6. It's almost in an ironic way that we're using the title Umbrella Corps. If you know your Resident Evil lore, Umbrella no longer exists at this time in the universe; it's been destroyed. There's definitely a kind of a background of the Resident Evil universe that forms the basis of the game's premise.
                            I would imagine its just the concept that is canon. There is no story campaign mode and there will be no characters other than faceless grunts. It's set in 2015 where B.O.W.s are commonplace and simply part of everyday life now given the amount of bioterrorism incidents that have occurred since Raccoon City. Rival corporations fighting it out in controlled infection zones for B.O.W.s is the only thing that can be added to the canon from this, and apart from literally fighting it out in battle zones, they have been doing that throughout the series. Ever since the first game differing organisations and companies have been fighting it out to get hold of Umbrella's legacy.
                            "I've got 100 cows."
                            "Well I've got 104 friends."


                            • #59
                              The whole canon/non-canon thing is actually pretty pointless today, since companies have control over their own IPs. They are allowed to retcon things that they want in order to aid future storylines, and they are allowed to decide what is canon and what is not. For instance, they can say this game Umbrella Corps is canon, and then when RE7 comes out, say that it really isn't canon, or canon anymore. I remember when the Saw videogames came out, it was said that one or both of them were canon, until the producers/directors of the next film said that the games were just games, they have nothing to do with the story of the movies.

                              It really is up to the owners of the IPs to decide what is canon or what isn't canon, retcon or not recon what they want, WHEN they want, and HOW they want, whether the fans like it or not. So the whole debate about if something is canon or not today really is pointless. Umbrella Corps could be considered by Capcom to be canon, and then all of sudden they can say that it isn't, just like that.

                              Ultimately, it's not even about the story. It's about the rest of the game. The graphics, gameplay, how fun it is, the enemies, features, etc.

                              By all means, if people want to debate whether something is canon or not, go on ahead, but it really is a pointless debate in this day and age.

                              As for Umbrella Corps, visually, it looks great. But, honestly, it doesn't look that fun, even after watching that gameplay video. The zombies are pushovers, and they are not even that threatening.

                              Perhaps if they showed more BOWs, and gave the zombies more life, this would probably be at a lot better gameplay quality than ORC. I really am hoping that there will be more BOWs in the game, and some other things that appeal to RE fans. Then it truly would be a game worth picking up.

                              I'm looking forward to seeing more gameplay areas, more BOWs, and perhaps some player deaths. It would be nice to see some cool death scenes, and some puzzle elements. Then I'd say this would definitely be something to look into.
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                              • #60
                                Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                                It really is up to the owners of the IPs to decide what is canon or what isn't canon, retcon or not recon what they want, WHEN they want, and HOW they want, whether the fans like it or not. So the whole debate about if something is canon or not today really is pointless. Umbrella Corps could be considered by Capcom to be canon, and then all of sudden they can say that it isn't, just like that.
                                Of course, they can change what they want later (they did that with the very first RE), but their idea with this game at the moment is to make it fit into the timeline, unlike ORC which has been scheduled as a 'what-if' since day one.

                                Anyway it won't make much difference, no matter how canon this could be Kawata also said it won't have significant impact on the main story, so most likely nothing relevant will come from this game plot wise... well... actually nothing relevant will come from this game in any aspect. You can take it as another Gun Survivor 4: canon but nobody cares.
                                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 09-21-2015, 10:24 PM.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

