Originally posted by Sly
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You don't have definitive proof because there isn't any, not a single scrap. On the other hand we have countless maps and supplemental books listing Raccoon City and the Arklay Labs in great detail with every facility detailed and listed - no mention of any massive hole with a hidden facility in Raccoon Forest. No mention by any characters, no mention in any in-game files, no mention anywhere... because it doesn't exist.
Ignore the magic elevator - which we know is a gameplay device, and it fits fine. There is no industrial district in the middle of Raccoon Forest. I don't see why you believe making up a magic second site just to solve a geography inconsistency is the more sensible option as it creates countless other questions. When was it built? By who? For what purpose? Who used it? Why was it abandoned? What was the point of building a new lab and spending billions to create a new lab in Raccoon City in 1991 when there was a perfectly good gargantuan facility left waiting to go in the middle of the forest? Why was Birkin and Wesker there and not monitoring from Raccoon City? Why is there a Tyrant in an abandoned lab?