Originally posted by BSAA . Org
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Resident Evil 7 spoiler thread!
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Ha-ha. I love that you brought up the two worst games in the franchise to date.
"It's Resident Evil, guys. Capcom!"-Art-Official Entertainment
I love this man! There is also no...UNITY!
"There some fanboys online. There are some f*cking fanboys. I'm not gonna call these people out - because I like a few of these people."
Actually, this game is more the root of Resident Evil than any other Resident Evil game ever released (including the original '96). Maybe some of you know ist... If my mind serves me right this is what Resident Evil was supposed to be in the first place. The first person experience was like one of the first drafts of how Biohazard should look like. So for me they finally did it.. After almost 21 years they finally did it.Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!
Keep in mind, this is something of a "soft" reboot. Or so I think. But I also think people won't like it much or judge it heavily because it's not like the regular games with all the heroes back again. Seriously, that's probably a big or the biggest part of why the franchise has ended up sucking in recent years. These guys aren't even scared anymore. They've formed an army. They've had their horror days, and now this is like a mop-up operation. Do I make sense? RE7 at least put an ordinary guy in a freaky place and added back some puzzles, and I was jumping when the mold things first appeared. Kudos to Capcom.
Originally posted by Wild Dog View PostLOL, he is just another youtuber.... that tries to act like an Old School gamer....yet you can tell that he is quite new....
Resident Evil 7 was closer to being a Survival Horror, than Resident Evil 4, 5 ,6....
Originally posted by BSAA . Org View PostThose answers are coming...in 2025.
Seriously, though. I wish I knew. When it comes to Capcom, they like to keep us guessing.
Ok, so I've finished it a few times and halfway through my first Madhouse playthrough. Like many people across the web, I'm a big fan overal, but let down by the final act. I also think Madhouse is giving the Bakers more ingame time, which I prefer over the original difficulty, but then, I only encountered Jack 3 times during my first playthrough, outside of boss fights, so I may have gotten lucky.
So the thing that keeps coming to mind is, how would I improve that third act. There's definitely something interesting about being reduced back down to your pistol to take on a large number of moulded, Zoe's presence is underwhelming, the use of the final video isn't as interesting as any of the previous videos and there's some clearing up to do in the plot of what exactly is going on. But I actually do think alot of this is solvable.
I think a big part here is that the tanker wanted to give us time as Mia so that we could experience the Eveline hallucinations, however, they're not that interesting and pretty self-explinatory. So the first thing I would do is have kept control over Ethan during the exploration of the washed up Tanker. I would have used the video for the chance to learn what happened on the boat, and potentially have had Ethan infected earlier so that Eveline can make demands on him. There's a clear plot point about Ethan and Mia becoming Eve's new parents, but it's not really used satisfyingly. To compliment this, I would keep Ethan armed on the boat, but not arm Mia heavily during the tape. There's alot of backtracking in Mia's tape that I would have cut out too by moving the exploration and puzzle solving from Ethan's side of the ship (finding the fuse etc) to Mia's, and keeping Ethan's take more streamlined. Oh, and I would keep the remote bombs out of Ethan's gameplay. There's probably more that could have been done with the watch's Eve locator across both sides of the video as well.
Which brings me to my next major change - killing Mia full stop. I'd always got the good ending until my 4th playthrough and wanted to see what happened if I chose Zoe to live. Zoe's demise is rather pointless, but those final hallucinations of Mia in the old guesthouse feel so much more sadder and intense when Mia is actually dead. Plus, the helicopter scene in which Ethan is watching messages from Mia on the phone are much more poignant than talking to her about a fresh start. I'd have Mia die in the tanker, no matter what, and the good / bad ending relates to whether or not you save Zoe.
So the salt-mines are interesting. I do like the fact that they're quite a linear shoot-fest, which keeps the pace up for the (anti) cllimatic final fight, but the set up is rather vague - who has set up all that equipment, who monitors the gamily, does Mia know about it, who is the mysterious 3rd party etc. I know I'm missing a few files across the game so I want to get all of those before I consult wikis & translations to fill in any potential blanks but I get the feeling that telling something alittle more concrete here would have been more interesting. I also need to see if there's evidence supporting the 'green room' chat with Jack being a flashback or hallucination / telepathy.
And then the ending. Personnally, I find the idea of Chris clones as dull as much of the universe that's been established since RE3 (I'm one of those people that was initially disappointed that 4 wasn't more complete clean break from Wesker, ADA, Umbrella etc) and worried that if the series returns to these longer, pre-established conspiracies, it's going to undermine the (almost) clean slate approach that has been so successful in reattracting people to the series. I am, however, very curious to see how the DLC tackles this Redfield, Blue Umbrella and anything else related to the series. I'd love it if Capcom had the balls to make this the real Chris, although grey him up and throw in some rinkles whilst they're at it.
And before I go back to the Madhouse, I do want to say that I really love RE7's approach to post-game unlockables. I always felt the Rocket Launcher, unlimited ammo etc unlocks were all pointless because they killed off so much of the survival and horror aspects of the game. Introducing a new, harder difficulty setting that re-arranges items and provides provides the player with perks that take up inventory space is a much more interesting approach that I think reinforces the games strengths and makes the game much more replayable after initial completion. Interesting, I see Dead Rising originally a successor to RE's speed running, and RE7 then takes the crown back with perks instead of perminant stat upgrades, which is all occuring whilst DR is morphing into a generic open world title.
So, back to RE7. Awesome stuff overal, but learn how to do final acts again please Capcom!"Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."
So play through on Madhouse, that'll keep you on your toesThen tackle a version of the REMake on its harder difficulty settings. Then for some breadth of experience there's remaster of the first two Dead Risings, and The Evil Within and Alien: Isolation. And iff you've already exhausted those options, why not indulge in the cinematic influences that have props up the series for so many years? Regardless of our differences of opinion on 7 itself, there's so much that inspired the series.
And if you've done your Romeros and Luicio Fulci's, then check out Dagon, a Spanish Lovecraftian horror film that was a direct influence for RE4
And if you don't believe me, check out this shot.. recognise someone, Stranger?
http://www.relyonhorror.com/wp-conte...screenshot.pngLast edited by Jimmy_Jazz; 02-11-2017, 07:45 PM."Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."