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Best Resident Evil Ever

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  • Best Resident Evil Ever

    Wich Resident Evil is the best one? I think Resident Evil Remake is the best game of series...
    This is a eliminatory so the game with the less votes from the rest will be deleted to continue til the best Resident Evil ever...

    What's yours?
    Resident Evil 0
    Resident Evil (Original)
    Resident Evil Remake
    Resident Evil 2
    Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis
    Resident Evil 4
    Resident Evil Code Veronica X
    Resident Evil Survivor
    Resident Evil Outbreak 1 & 2
    Resident Evil : Dead Aim
    Resident Evil : Gaiden
    Resident Evil Survivor 2
    Last edited by Jill Lover; 08-18-2007, 10:58 AM.

  • #2
    i love 4 it's my fav until i play any of the others.....the 1 remake was good from what i played though


    • #3
      Yeah, I also agree Remake is the best even tho i love RE4.


      • #4
        RE2 will always be my's the first one i ever got, on N64 way back in elementary school. it got me hooked.


        • #5
          RE1 and RE2. Yep both of them.


          • #6
            resident evil 2 hands down is and will always be the best Resident Evil 2 was the very first game Ive ever had on playstation, and it scared the hell out of me!!! Now I love just running through it and making sure I see all the dirty posters along the way...jk
            Last edited by Stars_g36; 08-19-2007, 12:50 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stars_g36 View Post
              Now I love just running through it and making sure I see all the dirty posters along the way...jk
              Your thinking of MGS2 surely?

              My favourite RE has gotta be RE3, It had the right balance of action while still being a survival horror game. It gave us the ability to dodge and quickturn which were sorely needed it also has some one off additions which were pretty neat like the gunpowder mixing and more importantly the active variables and item placement. What I mean by that is how going to Point A first made this happen but going to Point B first made that happen instead. Not just that though because sometimes you'd get the magnum in the STARS office and sometimes you'd get the Grenade Launcher and it wasn't all decided by how many times you'd played the game either. There were parts which were set to random most noticeably in the Park where on one occasion I entered and was attacked by two hunters and killed cause I was ill equipped , I reloaded from the building just at the Park entrance got my shotgun ready and went in and all that was there was some worms . The random item and enemy placement of this variable a nature has never been seen in any other games I'm aware of except maybe Project Zero. Anyway I'm off to play some more RE3 woo!


              • #8
                As amazing as 3 was the Remake is my favorite

                The Randomness of 3 was one of the coolest parts
                Before I knew of it One Time I was lost and decided to check the Bar again, When I entered it it was Full of Zombies


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rancid Cheese View Post
                  Your thinking of MGS2 surely?

                  My favourite RE has gotta be RE3, It had the right balance of action while still being a survival horror game. It gave us the ability to dodge and quickturn which were sorely needed it also has some one off additions which were pretty neat like the gunpowder mixing and more importantly the active variables and item placement. What I mean by that is how going to Point A first made this happen but going to Point B first made that happen instead. Not just that though because sometimes you'd get the magnum in the STARS office and sometimes you'd get the Grenade Launcher and it wasn't all decided by how many times you'd played the game either. There were parts which were set to random most noticeably in the Park where on one occasion I entered and was attacked by two hunters and killed cause I was ill equipped , I reloaded from the building just at the Park entrance got my shotgun ready and went in and all that was there was some worms . The random item and enemy placement of this variable a nature has never been seen in any other games I'm aware of except maybe Project Zero. Anyway I'm off to play some more RE3 woo!
                  God... You're that right! RE3 was even better than CV. I know it might not have a very useful plot but it was more enjoyable than CV... At least for me.

                  I love RE3, I have very good memories about it...


                  • #10
                    Resident Evil 3 was so undderated as far as critics views, the only i didnt like about it was solving the puzzle of the water purification machine where you had to match the bars up...that was an R-Tarded puzzle...The randomness of enemies in certain places was cool,along with item placement, I was also happy that you got to re visit the Police Station before leon and claire got to clear it out (kill brad in RE2, must have been turned by the T-Virus after he was killed by Nemesis) It fit very well with the story!
                    Last edited by Stars_g36; 08-19-2007, 05:14 PM.


                    • #11
                      My favorite is 3, my only complaint was that it was really short.
                      Last edited by Shido; 08-19-2007, 04:16 PM.


                      • #12
                        Resident Evil (original). Tough i like RE2 too....but not that much.


                        • #13
                          Voted for the Remake, followed by CV probably.


                          • #14
                            RE Original. No contest.


                            • #15
                              re 3 go jilly! and nemo

