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Your Resident Evil Collection

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  • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
    Agreed, and also I hope it was JB HIFI it's $49 new
    at GAME, $24 new


    • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
      at GAME, $24 new


      • my collection:

        i am waiting for some stuff.if its here,i will make a new video with new stuff


        • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
          Pretty much all concept arts and stuff can be found on the web though, I don't get for example what a 12 year old strategy guide for RE2 can provide that a quick google or look on a couple of RE fansites cannot? It's not the sort of thing that goes on display either.

          I don't understand the appeal? Can you explain it, it is just that its something RE and not the content/use of the item?
          I like having the object in my hands. I study linguistics in college so I was always obsessed with books. I have a few e-books here, but nothing replaces the "physical book".

          Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb


          • Finally my Biohazard Gaiden arrived form Japan today for GBC boxed complete. So lovely


            • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
              Finally my Biohazard Gaiden arrived form Japan today for GBC boxed complete. So lovely
              I haven’t even got the PAL version. I’m so jealous LOL
              Last edited by Man0nMar5; 06-28-2010, 11:45 AM.


              • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                What interests you in the stuff that you collect?
                Some things are interesting because of their contents (demos, DVDs, soundtracks, ports with differences), but the major deal with me is to collect everything* to catalog everything*.

                Today's cataloging:

                *Media items (discs, books), not figures and zippos and posters and stuff; I find that type of items quite useless (and in many cases, silly), but to each their own!
                lostreleases // demopals


                • Added another "Long Box" copy of RE1 to my collection today! Found it at a garage sale for $3!! It's mint and complete, even the spindle is intact.

                  I also got a copy of Biohazard Gaiden coming. I played Gaiden briefly and thought it was ok, but the story is kinda meh....
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Man0nMar5 View Post
                    I haven’t even got the PAL version. I’m so jealous LOL
                    I have the USA version too (just cart only) and I was always wanting more so I found the JAP one very cheap from a regular buyer of mine in Japan. Id still like to get a USA or PAL one boxed aswell.

                    God the music is AWEFUL! I just forgot how bad.

                    LOL I also laughed that on the back of the box the only english is "Another Biohazard" it just made me laugh like there getting sick of them ahha.
                    Last edited by DONNIemo; 06-28-2010, 08:40 PM.


                    • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                      I have the USA version too (just cart only) and I was always wanting more so I found the JAP one very cheap from a regular buyer of mine in Japan. Id still like to get a USA or PAL one boxed aswell.

                      God the music is AWEFUL! I just forgot how bad.

                      LOL I also laughed that on the back of the box the only english is "Another Biohazard" it just made me laugh like there getting sick of them ahha.
                      I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a sealed copy of, Resident Evil: Gaiden. But i don't think i have any chance of that happening any time soon


                      • I used to collect stuff of Resident evil until i found it pointless. I sold some stuff, but i do still keep some things.


                        • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                          I like to think I have every version Bio/Resi on each console released (not including trials), So yeah I love to double up now as I just love the series regardless and never say no when I see a well priced copy of the games.

                          Thats obsessive collecting for you hehe
                          I like having multiple copies because if one of them breaks then I will have another copy available straight away


                          • ARGH! Do any techy people here know if you can replace the little cell battery in GameBoyColour carts? As my USA Gadien one is dead and I lost all my saves damn it..


                            • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                              ARGH! Do any techy people here know if you can replace the little cell battery in GameBoyColour carts? As my USA Gadien one is dead and I lost all my saves damn it..
                              Not exactly the right spot to post that one in however...

                              Yes, you can replace them as long as you can get the cell battery - on the cell front or back, there should be a stamp or print to state what type was originally used, then you can match that with the general information in this simple tutorial here). I've fixed a few for relatives and myself (mostly Pokemon or Mario) and can confirm that it'll work perfectly fine if you're careful when opening the cartridge and removing the cell.

                              Good luck with it.
                              Last edited by Enetirnel; 06-30-2010, 12:26 AM.
                              Non-blurry Signature Version
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                              • new stuff,resident evil 3,ntsc:

