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Your Resident Evil Collection

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  • I have collected quite a few things since my last post, including the Limited HD Collection Mug.

    Resident Evil HD Collection Press Kit - Tea Collector's Mug!
    Capcom has released this exclusive Resident Evil HD Collector's Mug, in order to celebrate the re-releases of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronic...

    And I went ahead and posted my old links from my last post so I could have them in one place.
    Entire NECA Resident Evil collection
    Neca Resident Evil figures - Complete Collection....and then some. Yes, these are all of them, including the exclusive RE4 Bloody Chainsaw Ganado variant.I w...

    NECA Archives Series 1, 2, and 3

    Hot Toys Jill - BSAA
    Hot Toys Jill Valentine - BSAA Version - 1/6th collectible figure. Got this for Christmas last week. It's displayed in my new Detolf Display Case that is...

    Hot Toys Jill - Battlesuit review
    You're looking at the Jill Valentine Battlesuit figure from Hot Toys, based off of the Resident Evil 5 video game. I got this yesterday for my birthday. I ...

    Resident Evil 5 Faceplate and Decal
    I bought the Resident Evil 5 Faceplate and Skin for the 360. My usb door on my original faceplate broke due to the fact that the little spring flew out one ...

    Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition - Review

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Lycanthrope620; 10-12-2011, 09:35 PM.


    • That Jill Sandwich shirt is beyond awesome.

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
        I get the feeling Archives 2 will be delayed, it now says "Publisher: Brady Games (1 Nov 2011)" when it used to say 12th Oct, today. My pre-order hasn't shipped.

        First release date: 7 sept
        2nd -> 15 sept
        3rd -> 30 sept
        -> 3 oct
        -> 12 oct
        and NOW 1 nov

        Amazing work by BradyGames, many people pre-ordered this in August, its shameful.


        • Behold my awesome collection!

          If it's not obvious that RE3 is a bootleg, I don't even know where that image of Nemesis comes from. It doesn't mean I just played those games though, it's just the ones I have.


          • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
            Behold my awesome collection!

            If it's not obvious that RE3 is a bootleg, I don't even know where that image of Nemesis comes from. It doesn't mean I just played those games though, it's just the ones I have.
            I admit that I first played many of the RE playstation games on bootleg copies. So we have to start somewhere huh? Eventually I bought them original

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • Just got the Palisades nemesis bust from ebay! so happy! its my goal as a collecter to get every type of Nemesis figure available, my most wanted at the moment is the moby dick nemesis type 2 but fuck me im not rich enough to splash that amount of cash in one go haha, one day maybe, one day.


              • Been a while but i have had lots of new Resident Evil related items.

                I still need to take photos of the items i got from this weekends convention i went to.

                But my new items are as follows so far:

                Boxed Complete Resident Evil 5 Limited Edition Xbox 360.

                Resident Evil 5 Faceplate.

                Sealed Biohazard Wii double pack.
                Attached Files


                • Anyone interested in buying the Code Veronica guide book? I bought it thinking I never had it and turns out I do. Take £10 for it.


                  • Ah I would love to buy it off you for a tenna. I saw it in store when I bought my first copy of code veronica x, but it was £24.00!! Unfortunately i just spent my sent amount for RE merch.

                    Just bought two boxed moby dick figures. I got claire and Mr x (first form) from ebay for a pretty damn good price. Rebecca was on there to but damn was she expensive!!


                    • Originally posted by I_Am_Nemesis View Post
                      Ah I would love to buy it off you for a tenna. I saw it in store when I bought my first copy of code veronica x, but it was £24.00!! Unfortunately i just spent my sent amount for RE merch.

                      Just bought two boxed moby dick figures. I got claire and Mr x (first form) from ebay for a pretty damn good price. Rebecca was on there to but damn was she expensive!!
                      Those Moby Dick figures are usually always atrociously expensive, and I can't really fathom why. The sculpting looks mediocre compared to some of the other figures out there, but still they fetch a much higher price than something from NECA and I've seen them on eBay get pretty close to the price of some of the Hot Toys figures. Regardless of who the character is, I cannot see paying over $40 for a figure of that quality that isn't even that old.

                      HUNK and Rebecca seem to be the ones that are always the most expensive. Just a quick search through eBay found a Rebecca for $375. If anyone pays that for an action figure, there is something seriously wrong...But this is coming from someone who spent $400 on one of those Dead Rising jackets...Even still I can't see it for an action figure.


                      • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                        HUNK and Rebecca seem to be the ones that are always the most expensive. Just a quick search through eBay found a Rebecca for $375. If anyone pays that for an action figure, there is something seriously wrong...But this is coming from someone who spent $400 on one of those Dead Rising jackets...Even still I can't see it for an action figure.
                        I got really lucky last year and found a guy on ebay who sold me HUNK, Carlos, Nemesis Type-1, Jill (RE1) and a Beta Hunter for $380. Whew, dodged a bullet on that one because I would never pay that much for a single figure, thus I never thought I'd own HUNK or any of those more expensive figures.

                        I finally got a RE4 chainsaw controller (PS2 version) as well as a mint condition copy of Resident Evil Gaiden, a Biohazard Leon doll and the Nemesis mask. Not too bad for my first purchases in a bank account is taking a beating though The good thing is I shopped smart and got all of the above for about $170.
                        Last edited by REmaster; 10-30-2011, 10:05 PM.
                        "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                        Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                        • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                          Those Moby Dick figures are usually always atrociously expensive, and I can't really fathom why. The sculpting looks mediocre compared to some of the other figures out there, but still they fetch a much higher price than something from NECA and I've seen them on eBay get pretty close to the price of some of the Hot Toys figures. Regardless of who the character is, I cannot see paying over $40 for a figure of that quality that isn't even that old.

                          HUNK and Rebecca seem to be the ones that are always the most expensive. Just a quick search through eBay found a Rebecca for $375. If anyone pays that for an action figure, there is something seriously wrong...But this is coming from someone who spent $400 on one of those Dead Rising jackets...Even still I can't see it for an action figure.
                          I imagine the reason they are so expensive is because of the Nemesis piece that comes with the boxed figures. Ive noticed the unboxed ones are considerably cheaper.
                          I think i was lucky as the two figures I bout went up to about £20 each including shipping. I would like to say id never spend over £40 on a figure but i did spend £80 on a William G2 black variant.


                          • Originally posted by I_Am_Nemesis View Post
                            I imagine the reason they are so expensive is because of the Nemesis piece that comes with the boxed figures. Ive noticed the unboxed ones are considerably cheaper.
                            That is partially the reason, the other being that they're from Japan and yet another being that they're usually sold by insane sellers like that corndog guy who wants 300-400 bucks for loose figures. He's been pissing me off for years

                            Just bought the EL Gigante figure to complete my Biohazard 4 agatsuma set as well as the Moby Dick Mr.X (I'm probably aiming for Chris next just because those two are the cheapest to find other than the Claire figures). All I need now is Leon, Chris and Rebecca and I'll have all the humans figures, but I still have quite a few B.O.W.'s to collect.*sighs*

                            Can you tell me what Nemesis part comes with Mr.X? (if your package has arrived and you've decided to take it out of the box of course) I hope to god it's finally a piece of the torso or head. I have all these damn parts and yet none of them connect to each other, a tentacle, another tentacle, a leg, etc.
                            Last edited by REmaster; 10-31-2011, 10:56 AM.
                            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                            Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                            • Didnt know where to post this and didnt want to make a topic for it but thought it was funny and had to post it. My house boiler broke down last week and needed repairing. Anyway the British Gas guys came today and fitted a new one. They had to lay some pipes in my room and my mother said the one guy was asking about my RE collection. Wish I was here to speak to him he must have been a hardcore RE fan because he went through all my stuff. He took my Chainsaw controller out of the box because he didnt close it properly and my RE lighters are laying flat as opposed to standing up and my games are a little shuffled round. I dont know any RE fans in person wish I was there to talk to him bout it.


                              • Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                                That is partially the reason, the other being that they're from Japan and yet another being that they're usually sold by insane sellers like that corndog guy who wants 300-400 bucks for loose figures. He's been pissing me off for years
                                I thought I was the only one! That dude always has things that I want (and not just Resident Evil stuff), and he is ALWAYS way too expensive. If you actually read his page on eBay, it says something about all proceeds going to help his youngest son's medical bill. I can't remember exactly what he has, but I think over $2,000 for an action figure is just legions beyond unreal.


                                I realize it is a prototype, and those usually are a lot more expensive than the actual figure, but still, I'm sure he didn't pay over $500 for this. Secondly, based on the number of prototypes he tends to have on eBay, I would suspect that he either works for an action figure company or has access to someone who does

                                I think realistic prices would help Little CornPuppy a lot more than these outrageous ones.

                                Even as a massive Ashford collector/obsessor, I have no desire to own the Palisades prototypes of Alexia or Alexander. I am interested to know who would ever be in the market for something of that calibur.

                                ...$1000 for the actual Ashford music box...Then we'll talk, but in Corndog prices it would probably be closer to $9,999.

