I got another parcel forwarded from Japan. Some really nice items here, some of which I'd been hunting for years (the umbrella and the OB file 2 poster)

Biohazard Umbrella umbrella.
Released along side Biohazard CODE: Veronica in 2000.

Biohazard leather jacket. From ~1997. Front

Biohazard leather jacket. From ~1997. Back

Biohazard 'Club 96' member T shirt.

Biohazard 4 (3.5) / Capcom 5 promotional poster (GCN release).

Biohazard 4 promotional poster (PS2 release).

Biohazard 4 promotional poster (GCN release).

Biohazard Outbreak File 2 promotional poster.

Biohazard 3 promotional poster (PSX release).
Biohazard Umbrella umbrella.
Released along side Biohazard CODE: Veronica in 2000.
Biohazard leather jacket. From ~1997. Front
Biohazard leather jacket. From ~1997. Back
Biohazard 'Club 96' member T shirt.
Biohazard 4 (3.5) / Capcom 5 promotional poster (GCN release).
Biohazard 4 promotional poster (PS2 release).
Biohazard 4 promotional poster (GCN release).
Biohazard Outbreak File 2 promotional poster.
Biohazard 3 promotional poster (PSX release).