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The Resident Evil RP

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  • The Resident Evil RP

    yes it has started. To join check the Resi RP thread. Rules: no double posting, all post must be over 50 and please post as often as possible. Ok i'll start.

    Wesker stood hunched behind the door gun drawn. The corridor behind it was pitch black meaning anything could be in there. The room he was still in however was brightly lit by the various tv monitors and flashing lights. This was his control room until the whole area was locked down leaving all inside. He opened the door slowly letting light shimmer through into the darkness revealing a bloody aray of corpses and bodys.

  • #2
    All things considered it had been a really nice day, it was slightly overcast but it hadn't rained at all. As far as Bruce was concerned it could rain all it wanted because he was about to stop for the night and get back on the road sharp tomorrow. He was still a good 10 hours drive away from the Umbrella owned building some sort of medieval building a castle of some sort, contric? Concentric maybe, Bruce wasn't too bothered by the details and historic significance of it's design. All that mattered was that the site was still occupied and believed to be actively conducting experiments and Bruce was being sent in to find out. He took the 4x4 off road into a wooded area and got ready to call it a day. He could've driven through the night but he sure as hell didn't want to get there tired and sleep deprived especially when he thought back to what he encountered the last time he investigated Umbrella . . .


    • #3
      Jason stepped carefully through the woods, trying to avoid sensors and cameras. According to the report, Wesker was in an Umbrella facility hidden in an old Victorian castle. That was Jason's destination. He had flown across several countries and went through special BSAA training for this mission. He was to invade the facility, learn what Wesker was doing, and eliminate him.
      "Huh!" Jason stopped at the sound of a mechanical whirring, surely a camera. He puled out his glock and searched for the source of the sound. Bingo, there it was, 5 yards away in a tree. He aimed his gun at it and fired.
      The bullet hit and the camera died.
      Jason carefully holstered his gun and continued on keeping total silence. He had been jumpy ever since he had arrived in the forest. Why shouldn't he? After the stories Chris told him about the mansion...about what happened to Joseph.
      The sooner he was out of the woods, the better.


      • #4
        Rick carefully surveying his surroundings, silently decended into the forest. The intel he had been given several days ago indicated that umbrella were using the guise of a old castle for experiments.....they were the only things he had to hear and after that his mission began. he silently carried on through the forest when suddenly a bush several miles infront of him rustled, instantly Rick drew his Beretta aiming, breathing shallowly trying to keep a decent focus. Suddenly a rabbit emerged running away further into the forest out of sight. Rick gave a long heavy sigh, he had heard from the other S.T.A.R.S members about the mansion incident that happened in July, about the killer dogs and zombies at first he thought the whole story was total bs, that was until he himself encountered them first hand..... He checked his watch....."almost midnight" he silently thought to himself as he pressed on into the forest not knowing what could be watching....


        • #5
          Jason checked the time, it was 12:03 a.m.
          He had walked through the forest for several hours and avoided 12 more cameras. The security had gotten tighter. But he made it, there it was, He was standing 20 yards away from the enormous structure. It was surrounded by a crumbling outer wall that was missing large sections. In between the wall and the castle was a field that he was currently standing in. The field was split in half by a moat that was about 10ft wide and 15ft deep. In the center of the "compound" was the Castle itself.
          According to the research this old castle had originally belonged to the Ashford family but was converted into an Umbrella facility 12 years ago.
          The castle's main entrance were large reinforced double doors that were probably locked and gaurded. The only other enterance was a water pipe that flowed into the moat.
          Jason pressed onward ignoring the ominous smell.


          • #6
            Bruce was feeling uneasy, he'd gotten up to the end of the road and headed into the considerable woodland that surrounded the castle. So far so good but what he didn't expect was the destroyed cameras he'd found on several trees along the way and fresh footprints in patches of mud. Someone had already come this way he thought back to the cruiser and FongLing and how that had ended up. Not that he'd have the same problem this time by the considerable stride in the footprints this was clearly male at least 6 foot tall with decent training given his ability to take out the cameras. Bruce was now regretting taking a few hours sleep as he was now just "following the leader". Hopefully whoever it was hadn't taken out all the cameras to the castle since any security at the castle would now be on alert at the sudden malfunction of all their cameras in a near straight line to the surrounding walls. Such a brazen act was on par with being seen by the cameras themselves. Either way Bruce was going to have to be extra cautious . . .
            Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 09-23-2007, 04:37 PM.


            • #7
              Rick sensed it before he even saw it....a camera, hiding in the bushes gleaming so suddenly out the corner of his eye, without hesistating he drew his S.T.A.R.S custom beretta and fired instantly destroying it. "looks like something or someone wants too keep tabs on this area" he replied to himself softly. He began his decent again, wading through the shrubbery, when suddenly something caught his eye.....footsteps heading for the same area he was going too. "guess i'm not the only one here..." he thought to himself. After several minutes of inspecting the footprints he continued onwards onto a clear path....a castle luming infront of him shrouded in the shadows....Rick was almost to the hidden facility....


              • #8
                But rick was too late. Even as he stomped away, video footage was streaming through the air above his head, only to stop at a monitor in which a pair of sunglass-shielded red eyes gleamed. "Well, well, well." Wesker spoke to himself as he often did. " It appears that I shall have some company this evening." As he stood up, the lab techy behind flinched noticably. Ignoring this, Wesker spoke directly to the obviously frightened man. "Bring the prisoner to the interview chamber."
                10 minutes later, Leon S. Kennedy was summoned. All he was told was that Wesker wanted a "talk" with him.


                • #9
                  Jason emerged from the pipe into a large stone room filled with tanks of water and chemicals. He estimated he was underground in a room that supplied, recycled and disposed of the Castle's water. He scanned for life and emerged from the pool when no one was detected.
                  He raised his gun as he snuck carefully through the room. The place was deserted and covered with a thin coat of dust and the air was thick and musty. He was almost to the door when he saw it. A man sized figure hunched over a corpse. A wet snapping sound eminating form it. He was told there was a high risk he would encounter a contamination. The figure slowly turned and stood staring at Jason with dull blank eyes. A soft but fear enducing moan was uttered from it's lips as it slowly shambled forward.
                  Jason fired 3 shots killing the creature he hadn't encountered in a long time.


                  • #10
                    Dappled light shined down through the smudges on the dusty window; the room was old, even the cheap metal beds creaked. Shivana rolled over onto her side and thought to herself, these beds are only one upgrade up from a hospital gurney. Her eyes strayed from the cracks and paint chips along the wall to the clock. Time to get some food! She got out of bed and walked out into the hallway. It was quiet as usual. Sometimes she even wondered where the scientists had gone, since she spent most of her time in her quarters. Because of their callous attitudes she figured it best not to get in their way. She pulled her jacket closer around her as she made her way down to the basement. "It's always so damn cold around here," she said as she walked faster down the steps. She saw a fan spinning up ahead "I guess the old scientists are feelin' hot, either that or it's menopause time.. " she grumbled.


                    • #11

                      "Now now.....i see my little pets have been here."Wesker stood broardly over a mutilated body, its skin already healing itself due to the infection of the T-Virus. Wesker turned round to find huge blood stains ripped on the wall.He calmly started to walk down the ghostly stairs at the end of the corridor, screams echoing from below and a few stray gunshots. Suddenly Wesker tured to look out the misted window, whiping it with his sleeve revealed a man trying to be inconspicuous, croutching through the undergrowth. "Well, well looks like this is going to be more fun than i expected, ha ha ha"He said cooly while the siund of his laughter drown out the screams.


                      • #12
                        Rick had finally navigated the dense forest and was now on a open path heading for the castle, for some reason he coudln't shake the feeling that something or someone was watching him from the shadows, "maybe its cameras....or something else" he thought to himself. Suddenly something caught his attention several feet away on the floor, Rick quickly investigated the object and discovered a severed hand in blood.... on closer inspection the hand had been bitten off rather than been hacked or ripped off, through his eyes he could see puddles of blood further up the path, his heart rate accelerated he could sense something was terribly wrong.....he was almost lost in thought until something staggered out of the shadows in front of him that made him jump back to reality, a human shaped person staggered towards him, it wasn't until rick saw the ripped flesh and sinew showing through the shirt of the person and the right hand missing that he shot up aimed his beretta and fired straight for the head one shot hitting the lower lip while another hitting the forehead straight on, blood and other fluids started to flow from the wound as the person fell over and sighed not moving afterwards.... "the mansion incident....." Rick thought to himself regaining his composure....."walking stiffs that feed off the living....zombies" Rick reloaded his beretta and proceded down the path getting closer to the castle keeping a eye on his surroundings....


                        • #13
                          Leon struggled silently to get out of the chair he was bound to. He knew why he was here. It was the same reason Ada had been ordered to kill him.
                          He was a survivor of Raccoon City.
                          "Damn!" He shrieked, his voice echoing in the dank stone chamber.
                          The guard standing just outside peered in to determine the source of the noise. He then opened the great iron door and slipped inside. As he walked by, Leon aimed a kick at the mans crotch, making him double over in pain. Leon dropped him with a solid kick to the head. After using his feet to get the key ring off the mans belt, He was soon running down the mysterious stone-walled halls that pervaded the area.
                          All he needed now was an exit.
                          And a gun...


                          • #14
                            Shivana finally made it to the mess hall. She walked over to the back where the kitchen was and opened the fridge. Food's getting pretty scarce around here, she thought to herself. "Hm.. wait what's this?" she picked up a container that had the name "Albert" scrawled onto it. She opened the dish and saw whoever it was had left a nice meal of shrimp pasta, the dish looked clean and the food looked untouched. After glancing around to make sure the coast was clear she knocked the fridge door with her hip, slamming it shut. "Looks like I'm eating good tonight!" She turned the knob on the stove, it made a click click noise. "Damn! I need a match" she turned the knob off but the click noises resumed. She stared at the stove confused, then realized the noise came from behind her. Spinning around she saw a man with tattered clothing standing there at the entrance, his eyes were hazy and his putrid flesh had molted patches falling off as if infected with some sort of disease. She backed up against the counter and screamed
                            Last edited by SinValentine; 09-26-2007, 10:27 PM.


                            • #15
                              Leon whipped around. He had just heard a piercing scream coming from the direction of the mess hall he had passed through just minutes ago. He struggled with indecision. Suddenly, there was a groaning noise directly behind him. He shifted around to come face to face with the corpse of the security guard he had knocked down less than a half-hour ago.
                              Grabbing the handgun out of the zombies holster, he turned and ran towards the mess hall.

