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Kendo's Gun Shop

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Skunky View Post
    Just as I'd hoped, the first (that I've seen) third party developer has released an alternative to the Wii 'zapper'. It looks more like a traditional light gun. A lot less bulky and clumsy. Most importantly the trigger is where it damn well should be!
    There are many on ebay (buy it now) for about $4.
    It's basically just an empty plastic shell, where you can stick your Wii remote.
    I will definitely be getting one of these and giving it a test run before I even THINK about laying down $50 for the official zapper!
    I hope someone on this forum can get it when RE-UC gets released in your area and can let me know how it performs (I'm in Aus. so I gotta wait till Dec-13).
    Made by Hais who have in the past made third party light guns for the PS1 & PS2.
    I picked up one of those 3rd party $4 deals off ebay, actually this one was $8.95 ...can use it like a pistol or fit both parts together for the machine gun/shotgun style, here's pics:

    Also have the Wii Zapper coming with the Biohazard package thingie, though hoping this one from ebay does the job better, don't like the looks of the Wii version, doesn't even look like a gun, rather some futuristic space laser gun.

    Can't decide on which of these 2 to use for the game:

    ...always wanted to blow away a TV.


    • #32
      I like the look of it without the other attachment. I wonder if you can play the game just with that? I presume so because I 'think' you can play with the Wiimote only (I read that was the easiest way to play).
      That machine gun is damn funny!
      It would be fun to fool around with it but it looks a bit ungainly to be very effective.
      I think the official zapper looks a bit clumsy too and NO, it dosn't look cool (dumb-ass toy laser gun).


      • #33
        Interesting thread. I'd love to post some pics, but all of my guns are the real deal:

        Taurus .38 with laser sight
        Ruger P89
        HiPoint .45 (which rests on my nightstand)
        Smith & Wesson .44 Revolver with Scope
        Too many misc. rifles/shotguns/misc to mention

        There is one that I would like to show however, simply because it closely resembles a firearm Leon uses in Bio4:

        Smith & Wesson .40 With laser sight
        I'm a blackstar.


        • #34
          'You are the angel of death and the time for purification is near'...(just kidding, I hope)
          Wow, a man sure could pretend that he's Leon with that thing!


          • #35
            I wish I got the other version above, But I got my Gun Hazard version yesterday, pretty cheap looking, im sure it will work just fine with the remotes though...looks like it took 50 cents to make it ahaha


            • #36
              the Biohazard guns are great. Often there are pins or other items included.

              also the gun mentioned is not Wesker's but barrys. in the manual of chris;s gun there is a wesker gun mentioned with a silencer and laser sight or flash light i believe.
              Last edited by Baiohazãdo; 01-14-2009, 03:32 PM.


              • #37
                Whoa, gotta love bumpage of 14 month-old topics. This one's pretty cool. I never would've seen it without this silly bump.


                • #38
                  Same here


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Skunky View Post
                    has anyone actually managed to unlock the rocket launcher near the end of RE3? The one supposedly in the locker, down in the lab's underbelly. I've read how to do it and followed the instructions very carefully but it's never worked for me. Even the guy who wrote the official strategy guide said it didn't work for him either.
                    ive gotten that Raocket Launcher many times, i think it's called the M202A1 FLASH.

                    you have to put the keycard into the reader near near the water treatment puzzle, just press A or X and it will promt you to do it.


                    • #40
                      Thanks for the tip Miss V. but it was over a year ago since I asked.

                      Well, since this old thread has been bumped: here's a new Wii gun that looks like it could be the best.
                      The Hand Cannon!!!
                      Actually looks a bit like a real gun and has a trigger where it's supposed to be.
                      I'll be getting 2 of them in my HotD Bang Bang Box, ordered from here:

                      I'm glad I never spent money on the HotD 2 & 3 zapper bundle (also pictured), this gun looks MUCH better!
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        thanks for the pics stars, ive been into airsoft for about a year now and its awesome
                        i had the jill model but it broke on me or something was wrong with it and the airsoft store
                        in my town said it was something they couldnt fix (?)
                        and i couldnt find another one so i just bought a tokyo marui MK23 SOCOM


                        • #42
                          I got the Rocket Launcher at the end of RE3, and it was just pot luck for me. I always wondered what was down the lift, but never went down there. One time, I thought well it may go against my time record for the game, but what the hell. Went down there, got a Rocket Launcher. Nice suprise.


                          • #43

                            My attempt at making an FPS-looking picture with my airsoft Beretta M92FS. Generic, not a S.T.A.R.S. model.


                            • #44
                              are their re4 replica handguns?

