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  • Ewan

    I have no idea why Capcom have given this Tyrant (we assume) a specific name. Anyone who's obtained the images directly from any of the Capcom sites would have seen the image titled Ewan.

    So who or what is he? resembles a T-103 (Mr. X), has a blue aura, red eye-patches and a white Trenchcoat; All I know is that I can't wait to play RE: UC. I know this isn't news, that doesn't excuse the fact that this is interesting.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Who or what he is, i do not know, but he just looks really weird, like the eyes? what is with the red... almost like glasses


    • #3
      He's like a Dr.Who reject


      • #4
        To me, Umbrella has always tried to make the "perfect being/war machine" (AKA Tyrant), but always came up short.

        Proto-Tyrant (Bio0) - Apparently a failure, it's flesh was decaying from it's bones before it even grew to full potential. "It did not develop enough intelligence to follow commands, and it's skin became severely decayed." - BioHazard Archives, Source

        Tyrant (T-002 (Bio)) - One of Umbrella's first success' with the "T-___" series, considered to be the the perfect B.O.W. "[Tyrant is] code number T-002, the original model on which all subsequent Tyrants are based." - BioHazard Archives, Source

        Tyrant (T-003 (Mr. X)) - Obviously more intellgent and not completely enraged, it seemed Umbrella's T-___ Program was exceeding rapidly. "It has a much higher capacity to follow orders, and was ordered in pursuit of the G-Virus within Raccoon City." - BioHazard Archives, Source

        Tyrant (BioCV) - A T-003 model variant, this bastard proved his worth. "The mass-produced T-003 type deployed to Rockfort Island." - BioHazard Archives, Source

        Bandersnatch (BioCV) - Fail. "Designed to be a Tyrant ... Due to it's imperfect prototype status, it's lower body has devolved and it's ability to walk is heavily impaired." - BioHazard Archives, Source

        Ewan (UC) - Perhaps Umbrella's first Tyrant with more natural human-like ability/comprehension? It might explain why CAPCOM decided to give this "new" Tyrant a real name.
        I'm a blackstar.


        • #5
          what about dead aim's Tyrant and what about Nemesis ;)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Stars_g36 View Post
            what about dead aim's Tyrant and what about Nemesis ;)
            Nemesis isn't a tyrant. (technically)
            hes wasn't in the tyrant program he was in the nemesis program (hence the name Nemesis) Dead Aim isn't cannon


            • #7
              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              Nemesis isn't a tyrant. (technically)
              hes wasn't in the tyrant program he was in the nemesis program (hence the name Nemesis) Dead Aim isn't cannon
              I think Dead Aim is canon to a certain extent. We'll find out in Umbrella chronicles if Morpheus is mentioned in the Spencer Mansion section.


              • #8
                yea I was gonna say morpheus and the tyrant there is very legit.


                • #9
                  Nemesis is in a way a Tyrant, it's a T-103 base with an NE-a parasite, it was run by the European Division I believe. This Tyrant (again we assume) is not malformed like the Nemesis, hopefully it will be something completely new, which means a new and interesting description should follow.
                  Last edited by Jericho; 10-23-2007, 06:55 PM.


                  • #10
                    Dead Aim is not cannon until it is mentioned in one of the main games or officially announced by capcom.
                    Survivor is cannon because of Resident Evil 0
                    Gaiden is not.

                    Is DA in RE archives? because if it is then I might consider it canon to an extent.


                    • #11
                      Dead Aim isn't mentioned in the book from what I can remember but neither is Survivor. We can pretty much only assume it's canon until a new story element contradicts it. We'll probably find out in Umbrella Chronicles.

                      How was Survivor mentioned in RE0? I believe you but I must've forgotten since it's been a while since I played RE0.
                      Last edited by GalacticAE; 10-23-2007, 10:57 PM.


                      • #12
                        Ark knows Leon, so it makes it Cannon???


                        • #13
                          Survivor has 3 Tyrants. The rather stupid looking 'Hypnos-T Prototype', the regular Mr.X and also IMO the coolest looking Tyrant (see attachment).
                          In the Survivor guide it says:
                          Based on this Tyrant design, the more ferocious "Enhanced Tyrant" or "Nemesis" is even more aggressive and intelligent. This bio-weapon was created at Umbrella's European branch and is featured in Resident Evil 3.
                          Don't know if this is contradicted elsewhere, but that's what it says anyway.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            In the Beginning of Resident Evil 0. A voice talks about various outbreaks of the T virus. Sheena Island, Rock fort Island and Raccoon City are mentioned. Thus Survivor is Cannon. Before that: it wasn't. UC might prove the Worth of Dead Aim.


                            • #15
                              changing the subject a bit here, but if you could be a tyrant, what one would you be?
                              i'd be the ending tyrant from r.e survivor.

