ok i thought i'll start a thread about the r.e novels that have been out for awhile. I've noticed that some ppl don't like them and some do, but i want to know what this forum thinks about them. To be honest i really liked them and have read each one twice (currently reading Zero for a second time). My fav from the books would have to be Nemesis, because i love the way the story was wrote from the diffrent point of views and getting an understanding of how they thought during the times. Sure they don't keep to the game on some parts, but you want somthing new here and there. So in this thread i want to know if you like the books and why, also what is your fav out of them. Would love to hear from members and see if im not the only one who has a love for these books and wishes for a R.E 4 version to be made. Many thanks, nemesis_lover
