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The perfect Resident Evil

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  • The perfect Resident Evil

    Imagine if Capcom made a Resident Evil set in an incredibly huge area. You'd face all the bosses and enemies from the series, and get to play as each character from the series at some point (yes, even the dead characters). Even though it wouldn't be considered canon, it'd still be huge fun.

    I know that I'd enjoy facing off Nemesis as Jill one more time?

    "You back for more, bitch?"

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited by Helegad; 11-13-2007, 06:20 PM.

  • #2
    sounds like the next mercenaries minigame.

    I want the next mercenaries minigame to have every character. have more than 4 levels perferably 10. have an online possibility. Include every enemy. Have boss fights. and include levels based on previous games. RE1 mansion as hunk. killing 3 tyrants as 12 crimson heads charge at you? YES PLEASE.


    • #3
      The Perfect RE? 1.5 and 3.5 until we get to play them.

      My perfect one would be essentially 3.5, only with Leon taking less crack. And less Leon. I never liked him very much. Essentially the more impressive control system of 4 but in a enclosed setting such as a mansion and labs and the like. 4 had few scares, but bring that control system inside where your movement is limited...and then you can start really screwing with people.

      I'd also add some brighter than normal zombies so they could come after you through the doors, like in Outbreak. I wouldn't have a never ending supply of them but I would have a percentage of enemies be 'wandering' rather than having a set area or route to go through. It would certainly add to the fear factor. 'I know this room was clear a few minutes ago...but is it now?'

      I would quite like to see a large variety of areas to play through, too, and so a small town or city would be a good location. It would be nice to have a slightly different storyline. Not only do you need to survive, but somehow you have to seal the city off so the zombies can't escape rather than 'I went a investigating and now zombies wanna eat me' and 'Presidents daughter, I shall save you!'

      I'd also have multiple characters, with different starting areas, different locations to go to and, most importantly, different storylines. That's one thing the newer RE games have lacked that I really miss. You play through a game like Nemesis or Code: Veronica and you'll have seen it all. Maybe they'll be a few different choices, maybe even a different ending, but with that method you get much more out of your game.

      I'd also include, once you beat the game with all the characters, a freeplay storyline, you select how many enemies show up, just wander and explore. I'd like to say maybe some kinda multipler component, playing short sections with a fresh storyline in a multiplayer format or, possibly, having it so a second player can control and NPC but I suspect I'm being too ambitious there.

      Not that everything I do isn't ambitious...


      • #4
        dead rising set in a massive area featuring every enemy, using different stoylines that can change depending on the choices made by the player. think of decapitating zombies in some of the most insane forms ever and darkmoons idea about sealing off the city or whatever to prevent the infection from spreading would be a awesome game mechanic imo.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
          The Perfect RE? 1.5 and 3.5 until we get to play them.

          My perfect one would be essentially 3.5, only with Leon taking less crack. And less Leon. I never liked him very much. Essentially the more impressive control system of 4 but in a enclosed setting such as a mansion and labs and the like. 4 had few scares, but bring that control system inside where your movement is limited...and then you can start really screwing with people.

          I'd also add some brighter than normal zombies so they could come after you through the doors, like in Outbreak. I wouldn't have a never ending supply of them but I would have a percentage of enemies be 'wandering' rather than having a set area or route to go through. It would certainly add to the fear factor. 'I know this room was clear a few minutes ago...but is it now?'

          I would quite like to see a large variety of areas to play through, too, and so a small town or city would be a good location. It would be nice to have a slightly different storyline. Not only do you need to survive, but somehow you have to seal the city off so the zombies can't escape rather than 'I went a investigating and now zombies wanna eat me' and 'Presidents daughter, I shall save you!'

          I'd also have multiple characters, with different starting areas, different locations to go to and, most importantly, different storylines. That's one thing the newer RE games have lacked that I really miss. You play through a game like Nemesis or Code: Veronica and you'll have seen it all. Maybe they'll be a few different choices, maybe even a different ending, but with that method you get much more out of your game.

          I'd also include, once you beat the game with all the characters, a freeplay storyline, you select how many enemies show up, just wander and explore. I'd like to say maybe some kinda multipler component, playing short sections with a fresh storyline in a multiplayer format or, possibly, having it so a second player can control and NPC but I suspect I'm being too ambitious there.

          Not that everything I do isn't ambitious...
          I'll give my answers paragraph by paragraph.

          Remember this quote: "We only want it, because we can't get it."

          Leon was a fairly good character, but he seems a bit over-bearing at times in RE2 (I haven't played RE4... yet), and he got a bit too attached to that bitch Ada. Also, I like the idea that you're facing like 20 zombies in a group, and get to blow them all away at once with a SPAS-12. Cool.

          Couldn't zombies come after you in REmake too? Also, I've never really liked any re-spawning enemies games. You've wasted all your time and ammo, then go out of the area, go back in a while later, and they're back! Shit...

          Get Just Cause's islands, place you in the middle, and you can choose your route to the ocean. More stories, and more playing area.

          I like your last idea... official Resident Evil combined with Grand Theft Auto. Minigun!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            Yes, I know 1.5 and 3.5 are only perfect until we actually play them. Which is rather why I said that.

            Blasting lots of enemies at once? Sounds good. I just prefer games where that won't happen too often. If the hoard of zombies is something unusual and to be feared I like it better.

            I...don't remember if zombies could come after you in REmake, but I do think it'll make the thing more interesting if they can move around the mansion. And no, respawning sucks. Don't like respawning. It just frustrates me. But enemies that don't stay still appeals to me. Mostly because it'll be a lot more scary to go into a room you know is safe and get attacked. Locking doors could keep an area safe, maybe. Eventually you'll kill them all...but you'll never know for certain.

            Multiple characters and storylines is just something I particularly enjoy. It's probably why I enjoyed Resident Evil 2 more than any of the other games. That and the RoS Mod I was involved in making. Awesome fun, appearing in a game yourself.


            • #7
              Oh okay, yeah I kinda agree with you there.

              I wish I could play Total Overdose. Sounds like the game for me...

              And I know now that you mean that they can move around. Yeah, that would be cool.

              I don't really like RE2 for some reason. It's my least favourite, but I don't know why... Maybe just the fact that it's all centred within a mile of the police station. RE3 is my favourite. Heaps of Raccoon is open to you, and that's what I like in games.


              • #8
                Yeah, it's always good to explore. I think I found RE2 the best because of the multiple storylines and the RPD itself gave me a real sense of doom. Y'know, 'if a platoon of armed cops got munched what chance do I have?'

                And Mr X's shocking apperances didn't help either.


                • #9
                  They are all perfect to me..heh heh. Out of all of them, I like REmake the best. Now only if that game had a instant reload function and RE4 action sequences... oh I can dream...

                  Hey Darkmoon, I see you like Neon Genesis Evangelion, go EVA-04!!
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • #10
                    I did enjoy the rather epic feeling of REmake. Of course that was because it had:

                    1 - Two stories, each with multiple endings.

                    2 - Enough things to be familiar yet enough differences to keep me very nervous.

                    3 - The constant feeling I was going to be eaten. Possibly by Wesker.

                    Of course, on the negative side it had:

                    1 - A complete lack of Jill sandwiches.

                    And yeah, I love Evangelion. Bought the whole boxset not so long ago. I heard tales there making a new that didn't come from a drunk hobo's acid trip while playing Silent Hill I hope.


                    • #11
                      1 - A complete lack of Jill sandwiches.
                      Lol, maybe a zombie butler will deliver us some in RE5...

