Anyone ever manage to through the phantom gate in RE2 without a walk through walls code? as far as i know the only way to view the gate is to start on easy difficulty and kill the two zombies on the footpath towards the rpd and stairs as they won't appear when you play it on normal difficulty then check the wall opposite the rpd doors and you'll see the gate which Jill goes though in re3 where she witnesses Brad getting killed by the nemesis.
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Phantom Gate Easter Egg
I've seen the gate a few times, nothing special though. It's just an unused angle.
It's like the rumour you can play as Akuma with a rocket launcher. Complete crap but there's just that little bit of supporting evidence to give it credence...
Of course, I suspect I'm partially responsible for this rumour showing up...since there is a way to play Rebecca in RE2. Download the Mod, Reqieum of Spies, and play away to your hearts content. I was the one who suggested Rebecca be in the mod. Mwuhahaha.
Walk through walls will take you out side the gate, but the camera angle won't change.