I once hacked the PC version of the Trial into a "beta 1-ish" version using the backgrounds and room data from the PSM Trial, and then hacked around all three of the rooms that had automatic resets so you could play the entire RPD. The problem is that some of those early rooms are really buggy. The lobby balconies aren't quite fixed yet - sometimes you'd go out through a second floor door and end up downstairs, with no way to get back up, due to faulty room exit/entry data on the doors. You'll crash the game if you try searching the Media Room to the right of the podium. The way you use the outside ladder between the first and second floors in the west wing doesn't fit any known background - even the ones on the Trial. Speaking of which, there's no doors for those outside stairs in those early backgrounds, either - but they're there, nonetheless - leastways the room data. The angle of ascent doesn't match the angle of the stairs. Stuff like that. Many of the rooms work only with the old "beta 1" or even alpha backgrounds - like the room data for the two unfinished renders of the third floor lobby balcony. The camera angles on the lobby in the Trial/"beta 1" only work with the early lobby backgrounds. On top of that, some rooms are just there and you can't do anything with them. For example, you can go into the Clock Room but you can't go back out.
I could root around in my archives and see if I still have this, but anybody could do it themselves using the data and tools available on Resiyoyo's modding site. Martin's put some of these early RE2 rooms in his PMODs - the alpha versions, if I remember correctly - and fixed them better than I ever could. I guess I'm saying all this to say that if anyone really wants a copy of "RE2 beta 1" (cough-cough, nod to Alzaire over the name), it wouldn't be too difficult to hack it up themselves. At least the RPD part of it, anyway.
There's a thought, Martin - next time you update your PMOD, or maybe the time after that, why not give us the "RE2 beta 1" RPD, too? Then you could do a direct jump link from the sewer manhole in the kennels straight to the manhole in the RE15 Warehouse District - as the old game show videos appear to show
and then we'd have it. An improved "RE2 beta 1" recreation, if you will. I'd be happy to try to find my old PC Trial hack for you, if you're interested.
I could root around in my archives and see if I still have this, but anybody could do it themselves using the data and tools available on Resiyoyo's modding site. Martin's put some of these early RE2 rooms in his PMODs - the alpha versions, if I remember correctly - and fixed them better than I ever could. I guess I'm saying all this to say that if anyone really wants a copy of "RE2 beta 1" (cough-cough, nod to Alzaire over the name), it wouldn't be too difficult to hack it up themselves. At least the RPD part of it, anyway.
There's a thought, Martin - next time you update your PMOD, or maybe the time after that, why not give us the "RE2 beta 1" RPD, too? Then you could do a direct jump link from the sewer manhole in the kennels straight to the manhole in the RE15 Warehouse District - as the old game show videos appear to show
