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Superzombie Brad

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  • #31
    well he was crazy enough to crash his truck into the police car... it must have effected his brain pretty quick. I just paused it where it shows his face briefly and its pale white with his faced turned to his right side, he def looks like a zombie.
    Last edited by Stars_g36; 12-03-2007, 12:12 AM.


    • #32
      Sounds like the Kenneth's head scene in RE1!

      The truck driver didn't get a dose of G-Virus. It was T. He was bitten by a regular zombie.


      • #33
        Well, as I understood the G-Virus is merely the T-Virus enhanced to act faster and cause futher mutations. I see no reason why it couldn't create zombies, and at least some of the monsters in Raccoon city must be G-Virus...after all, that was what was in some of the vials that got smashed. Birkin got a massive dose of the stuff, which was why his transformatiion was so spectacular. I could be wrong there, though. I haven't finished the Outbreak and Dead Aim games, or played UC yet. I always assumed most of the outbreak was caused by the G-Virus though, given it seemed to take the T-Virus a few days to kill a host (Itchy. Tasty) and the zombies of the first game had normal eyes, while the ones in two have white eyes.

        I assumed since Nemesis was created by Umbrella Europe, and they didn't have a G-Virus sample (they needed Hunk and co to get one, after all, and if they had a sample Birkin couldn't have been holding out on them) that Nemesis must have been created with a different virus. Either the T-Virus or a derivative there of. As I understand it there isn't any exceptional, really, regardin Nemesis' body. It's Tyrant tough but Nemesis is, essentially, a modified Tyrant. The main difference between it and other Tyrants is the parasite that's infecting it, controlling the body.

        The more you look at it the more it seems like there are two viruses at work. I looked at the Keeper's Diary again and, assuming his infected was on the first day he noticed symptons he goes from the 12th to the 19th before completely succumbing. That's 7 days. Most of the people infected in 2, 3 and other games die within hours, rather than days.

        The only notable exception is Marvin, who last two days. But it's a good guess those green vials had the T-Virus in them, so some of the monsters would be T-Virus.


        • #34
          So the G-Virus is basically just an upgraded T-Virus?


          • #35
            I always assumed so. I could be completely wrong but I haven't read or see anything in game that would refute that. I seem to recall it was developed after Birkin found a new strain of the T-Virus in Lisa after she assimilated the Nemesis parasite, and started working on that.


            • #36
              i've grown up knowing the g-virus is an enhanced version of T, so that's what im sticking with. In r.e 2, i'm also pretty sure you see the drivers face as a zombie. I thought the nemesis was just a whole diffrent virus, i thought it was just a tyrant with the nemesis virus. so i thought that the nemesis virus was stronger then T and G.


              • #37
                You can't see the driver clearly enough to be sure. The fact he's looking away to the side and jerking his head suggests he's a zombie rather than just lacking blood, as he'd be still looking ahead or slumped. But the only way to be sure would be to see mottling of his skin or his eyes as white only, and you see niether.

                According to Wiki, Nemesis is the result of a modified T-Virus called the NE-T Virus. It was the virus used to create all the tyrants, which is why they don't occur in any random infected person (Birkin being the closest to matching a Tyrant's abilities). However, it's simply a slightly modified T-Virus designed to try and keep intelligence so tyrants were smart enough for combat.

                However, I am relying on Wiki here.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                  It might also be affected by the dose of virus,
                  didnt I say that

                  The G virus is not the cause of the zombies in RE2
                  The T-virus is. plain and simple. The g virus makes birkin.


                  • #39
                    I will certainly accept that...if you can show me why. The G-Virus and the T-Virus were both released. Since the time from infection to death is greatly reduced in some cases, and the zombies are slightly different (the ones in the first RE have normal eyes and the ones in two have white eyes) it would make sense that the G-Virus, a modified form of the T, is infecting folk.

                    In fairness, I haven't studied all possible sources and writtings. But I don't recall anywhere saying the G-Virus only infected Birkin. Or that it could only do such a thing as create monsters like Birkin.

                    If you can explain why it must be so and have evidence to support the conclusion then I will be happy to acknolwedge you as correct. As far as I can tell the evidence suggests both the G and T virus were active in Raccoon city.


                    • #40

                      off the top of my head

                      too lazy to get the text evidence. the fmv stuff should be enough

                      PROVE ME WRONG
                      Last edited by BLSR1; 12-03-2007, 08:22 PM.


                      • #41
                        I think what darkmoon is saying is that when the USF Alpha team assaulted Birken some of the G-Virus was released from the labs, and on the backs of roving creatures, eventually made it to the streets, causing a kind of cross-bred virus in the streets with alternate, though not dissimilar characteristics.


                        • #42
                          I'll post my reply as a spoiler as well. Possibly unneccesery but why not?


                          On a side note, you seem to think I'm suggesting there was no T-Virus outbreak. I'm not. However, the only confirmed cases of the G-Virus have take between a day (Forest) and seven (The Keeper). The Raccoon city zombies rise again in hours or minutes. Since Marvin takes 2 days to succumb it's clear the T-Virus is present as well. However, there must be something else going on as well. This, along with the theory that dose and the location of the infection affect things, is simply my attempt to explain what is most likely Capcom just being lazy.


                          • #43
                            You keep saying there was a possible outbreak of g virus. but there is no proof.

                            Birkin injected himself with one G-Virus vial. A huge ammount. However, Hunk and his team had the G-Virus. They would never have shot Birkin and left with a case full of T-Virus. Umbrella had the T-Virus. There goal was the G-Virus. Birkin packed that case with escaping from Umbrella in mind, and so had sample of both the G and T Viruses in there. As I mentioned, you can clearly see on the ground that there are plenty of G-Virus samples there as well. Birkin only used a single dose. There are plenty more.
                            as I said BIRKIN ATE THEM ALL.

                            there are only 3 cases of the g-virus in raccoon city. 1 is william. 2 is the thing that comes from irons or ben. 3 is the thing in outbreak.

                            The official info on the g virus claims that it causes rapid mutation and regenerates the host. The host has an unstable molecular structure and mutates from time to time. no zombies.

                            THE ART JUST CHANGED. IN UC THEY ALL HAVE WHITE EYES. OH NOES G-VIRUS. If they remade 2 they would have the same eyes as the ones in the REmake.

                            The case had = number of g and t . 1 went to hunk. the rest went to birkins stomach. the t virus was smashed. at the end of the vid when rats are getting infected. there are only green vials and green goo. If not Ada could have gone "oh look g-virus! mine." and RE2 would have been cut short. There are green residue in that area of the game. Do you not think birkin would make shure to destroy the g virus. He hates umbrella and doesnt want them to have it. He would make sure to dispose of them all.


                            • #44
                              Birkin ate them all? Where, exactly? I see him smash one tube and crush a second (you can see the tubes remain, still covered in a strange purple virus, fall to the ground). There is nothing to suggest he eats them, and certainly nothing to suggest he stops to eat them all.

                              In fact, a tube can be clearly seen in the end of the scene, cracked and broken...and partially full of purple liquid. I put a shot up as an attatchment and circled it in red, if you care to see it for yourself. This could, I suppose, be an entirely empty tube that is, somehow, when surrounded by green taking on a purple hue...but it doesn't seem likely. Most of the gunk is green. However, there is one clearly purple vial and we can't see all of the scene. If you check the camera angle again the scene with birkins foot the camera is above where the G-Virus vials are, which explains why you see mostly green.

                              Birkin did wish to keep it out of the hands of Umbrella. Smashing the vials works equally well. Sure, Ada could rummage around in the shattered glass to try and get a badly contaminated sample if she happened to find exactly where that little scene occurs. Personally I suspect she may be a touch smarter than that. Of course, if Birkin's mind was functioning correctly he could have eaten them. The roaring rather suggests his mind isn't functioning perfectly, although it still is operating.

                              You're right about the eyes. It's a case of Capcom retconning things. I haven't bothere looking but I guess REmake is the same way. That simply leaves why the zombies in RE2 reanimate so much faster. It took about two weeks for the Outbreak in the Manor to get out of control. The Raccoon city Outbreak lasts two weeks.

                              And yes, the G-Virus does cause major mutations in things. Putting aside the idea that reviving a dead corpse could be classed as a mutation there are one or two other examples, such as the Licker, suggesting some fairly major mutations are taking place. Of course, the T-Virus also tends to mutate things. So really, it doesn't seem entirely relevent unless, somewhere, it states that the G-Virus always causes those mutations. Birkins mutations are dramatic...but so are the ones of Mr X and Nemesis, both T-Virus creatures. Apparently niether virus is exactly stable.
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                so back to brad, he's infected with the t-virus or G?

