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Starting a Biohazard website

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  • Starting a Biohazard website

    Im thinking of starting a website concerning Biohazard. I imagine that it would contain information on games, characters and etc. as well as pretty much information on Biohazard collectibles. I would probably also install a forum later on.

    Do you have any tips or so that one should keep in mind? Also, is there a particularly good domain site to use?

  • #2
    The only advice I can offer is this: If youre going to do it, expect to put a lot of effort in without much in returns right away. An alternative would be to write for any of the other Biohazard sites to get your feet wet at least


    • #3
      Yeah, im doing it because im into Biohazard. And hence i want it to be done in a great Biohazard theme. Unfortunately im not good at creating websites and such so i may need help. Im thinking of trying to get a "team" together for the whole project. Might make it easier than doing it single handed
      Last edited by Baiohazãdo; 01-05-2008, 12:58 PM.


      • #4
        Why all start to make theyer own site.

        Why noone whant to push up sites who are startet riight away


        • #5
          Originally posted by Zomby View Post
          Why all start to make theyer own site.

          Why noone whant to push up sites who are startet riight away
          Well i suppose they feel that they can put a personal touch on the site by being the creators.


          • #6
            For it to succeed (well depending on your definition of succeed) it has to either offer something unique or just be better at what the other sites do. You'll probably find it easier to do the former.


            • #7
              I'd be happy to help, I'm fluent in basic HTML and JavaScript so if there is anything you need help with, I might be able to.


              • #8
                I see your point with that it oughta be different in a way. Id want to offer many different areas on the site and make the information very broad. What other sites may not have, i may find to include. Getting bored of it will be no issue, im too much into Biohazard for that to happen and i know patience is important. But with the right amount of work then sooner or later it will be noticed.

                Though as i said id not mind this being a co-op project so if anyone is interested in the idea then feel free to notify me.
                Last edited by Baiohazãdo; 01-06-2008, 04:32 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Baiohazãdo View Post
                  I imagine that it would contain information on games, characters and etc. as well as pretty much information on Biohazard collectibles.
                  I've never seen a great site about merchandise and collectables. Maybe an angle to focus on? Not just a private collectors site, but a site showing items, when and where they were released, if they were for sale or promotional, if they are limited in production etc. And then any associated advertisments and stuff. I consider myself rather knowledgeable on this, and would provide help if there was a site which sought to catalogue this information


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                    I've never seen a great site about merchandise and collectables. Maybe an angle to focus on? Not just a private collectors site, but a site showing items, when and where they were released, if they were for sale or promotional, if they are limited in production etc. And then any associated advertisments and stuff. I consider myself rather knowledgeable on this, and would provide help if there was a site which sought to catalogue this information
                    Yes, thats what im aiming at. Not just pictures, but much info and such about the items. Because over the time ive been getting much stuff, ive really realised how much Biohazard items there are. Not just figures, soundtracks and so. So if you help, we are 3 in total. Got another guy on the info part as well. Problem is, none of us are great in creating websites (unless you are) so we need help there.

                    I was also thinking, the site could aim alot at info about the developers, because that is something i think is lacking at many current Biohazard sites. For example, i have yet not seen Mikami`s birthplace written on any site. Though i have that info in a Resident Evil book i bought.


                    • #11
                      Nope sorry I'm absolutely hopeless at making webpages, and computers in general. I can use one insofar as that I don't break it, but that's about it.

                      But if you have any pictures of items or anything, I can probably tell you when and where it was released. I could probably give some good pics of some of my collection too (half is in Australia, and half is in Japan).


                      • #12
                        Yeah. I will keep checking Biohazard forums for someone able and willing to do the website part.


                        • #13
                          If you have MSN, contact me at We might be able to work something out, might not, but I would like to explore the option.


                          • #14
                            Wow! That is an outstanding list. I can't believe I never saw that before.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Prime Blue
                              That list has a lot of items. But what about the non media items? What about every airsoft gun, every metal key, every knife set, every memory card pack etc.?

