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BIOHAZARD 3 LAST ESCAPE: Epilogue File retranslations

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  • BIOHAZARD 3 LAST ESCAPE: Epilogue File retranslations

    Last edited by Guest; 05-01-2010, 12:09 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks for this.


    • #3
      I'm going to be honest and say, I thought that these were "what if" epilogues.
      I never knew that Ada survived until RE4 and never knew how until UC. Then I found out ClaireA-LeonB was canon, which I thought it was the opposite...


      • #4
        But I don't think she would simply throw Claire the Rocket Launcher... I mean "Hey, I'm a badass spy, I'm injured, and the lab is going to explode. But let me help that poor girl battle the big monster"...
        I always tought that the person who throws the RL to Claire was Anette, even though that does not make any sense. And no diference, since Claire A Leon B is canon.


        • #5
          Claire A/Leon B always made more sense. People only went with LeonA/ClaireB was because Wesker's Report "kinda" used it (in which Wesker's report is filled with problems)


          • #6
            HUNK is the Solid Snake of Biohazard.
            See you in hell.


            • #7
              HUNK is the Solid Snake of Biohazard.
              Agreed..... HUNK is probably one of my fave. characters in the Bio universe. Leon/Wesker are my top faves.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JcFFx View Post
                Claire A/Leon B always made more sense. People only went with LeonA/ClaireB was because Wesker's Report "kinda" used it (in which Wesker's report is filled with problems)
                And on the 2-disc editions, Leon's is always (from every version I've seen anyways) marked Disc: 1, with the Claire disc being Disc 2.

                But yeah Wesker's report is a pain in the ass


                • #9
                  There's the fact that Claire is disc 2... but here in Brazil, people always argue about this saying that the S.D. Perry book uses Leon A and Claire B, and Wesker's Report uses the same...
                  It's been a topic of discussion for a long time, and even after REUC, people are still saying the real ending is Claire B... ¬¬
                  And they make up all sorts of things to explain how Ada survived the fall... I already heard Wesker was in the lab, and jumped and caught Ada in mid-air... One guy said there was water at the bottom of the pit, and she simply swam out of it.... ¬¬
                  There's no point arguing with these people...
                  Last edited by -Evil Shady-; 01-25-2008, 03:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                    And on the 2-disc editions, Leon's is always (from every version I've seen anyways) marked Disc: 1, with the Claire disc being Disc 2.

                    But yeah Wesker's report is a pain in the ass
                    Point taken (I didn't know because my old copy of RE2 was um.... let's just say there are a lot of chinese stores near where I live )

