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Xbox360/PS3 RE4 Classic Edition: Real or Fake

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  • Xbox360/PS3 RE4 Classic Edition: Real or Fake

    Hey!!! so, watching how controversial the Xbox360/PS3 RE4 classic edition is, i wanted to start a poll, maybe it's useless, but i really wanted to know your oppinions about it!!!

    So let's bet!!!!!

    I bet it's fake!!!! hahaha

    Edit: i hope i don't hurt anyone feelings starting a thread about this.

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by RE-Hiro; 03-27-2008, 02:13 AM.

  • #2
    Honestly? Don't see what it matters. If it's a Fake for April Fool's then, congrats, folk worked it out...but it's not as though Dot was being nasty about you guys by suggesting that RE4 might be released, again, but Capcom for the fact they're really trying to milk the RE series now.

    If it's not then...again, whoo. It's a game that's been beaten to death by Capcom now. Even if it includes a Hunk game.

    Honestly, more interested in RE5.


    • #3
      Darkmoon has a valid point.


      • #4
        lol this thread is all fake atm
        it wont happen, maybe in time but not in the next few years


        • #5
          Given the time of the year, i'd say its fake.
          If not, then whatever, the games been beaten to death.
          Let it go


          • #6
            If you post fake info on a game that people are hugely fanatical about, you should expect people to call you on the validity. Supposed joke or not.
            April fools day is about tricking/fooling people as much as it being a joke.

            This fails on both fronts.

            The only saving grace would be if this fake is a smokescreen for something much bigger and much more convincing, otherwise at present it's literally like flogging a dead horse that's even started to go a bit smelly already


            • #7
              I think it's fake as well. I possibly can't see Capcom re-releasing a 4 year old game on a next gen system without any visual enhancements or additions.


              • #8

                Anyways. At the moment, I'm leaning towards fake.

                Mainly because it's near that time of the year. I haven't checked out the mods for a while, but if there are mods to take out the HUD / change key items / replace playable characters / change camera angles / change button designs (for pc version), update graphics (pc version), etc. I don't see why there couldn't be something to, say, swap enemy placements. But that's just me.


                • #9
                  I think its fake if only because of the enemy placement and reusing the wolves as enemies indoors. Their character models don't exactly look great considering that they're brightly colored and stand out horribly on the indoor textures.

                  Originally posted by FeurMensch View Post
                  I think it's fake as well. I possibly can't see Capcom re-releasing a 4 year old game on a next gen system without any visual enhancements or additions.
                  Resident Evil Zero.


                  • #10
                    Oh, this is exactly the sort of thing Capcom would try and do. Resident Evil is a cash cow. They will continue to milk it until it's dead, most likely by there own hand. A port to the 360 and PS3 would take relatively few resources and net them more cash. After all...they had a good success with RE4 Wii and that has nothing new, only the new control scheme. Having the good graphics on the PS2 is a bonus as well, but niether should make fol who own even the game cube version go buy it...yet we did.

                    I still say it doesn't matter. If it is a fake, whoo. People are getting faaar too worked up over it. Yes, it could be an April Fool's. Yes, you don't find it funny. It's really not a reason to go on and on about it though. Say you think it's fake and move on. If it's real we'll find out in a few days...and everyone whose spent hours combing the images and footage looking for fake stuff is going to feel like a true prat. Hell, if I wasting that kinda time on a april fool's I'd feel pretty silly already.


                    • #11
                      Fake, see my reasons in the video topic of it.

                      But like Darkmoon said, it could be true, due to Cashcom wanting tons of money, and I bet that RE4 is the game that got them the most money so far (you can easily see this by them porting to a mobile phone -_-).


                      • #12
                        Real. Its been said RE4 is being used as the template for RE5. So that means they could easily release RE4 again with some new additions and better graphics. (they are better IMO just not RE5 quality)

                        If its fake. Who the Fuck cares, Try being open to belief for once. instead of sitting in the corner with your fingers in you ears saying "they're not gonna fool me hurr hurr hurr"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                          Real. Its been said RE4 is being used as the template for RE5. So that means they could easily release RE4 again with some new additions and better graphics. (they are better IMO just not RE5 quality)

                          If its fake. Who the Fuck cares, Try being open to belief for once. instead of sitting in the corner with your fingers in you ears saying "they're not gonna fool me hurr hurr hurr"



                          • #14
                            Pretty sure I voted Fake but I am pretty much in between. I'll be happy to believe come April 1st and we haven't heard any HAR HAR WE GOT YOU kind of statements.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                              If its fake. Who the Fuck cares, Try being open to belief for once. instead of sitting in the corner with your fingers in you ears saying "they're not gonna fool me hurr hurr hurr"
                              April Fool's day is coming up, buddy. Half the fun is avoiding getting fooled and going "You failed to fool me! Nyaaaah!"
                              Especially when websites can set up jokes days in advance.

                              Yes it makes you absolutely paranoid, but that's why it's fun... or at least that's how I see it. >_>
                              Last edited by JcFFx; 03-30-2008, 03:46 PM.

