YES! Burn the witch! Burn the witch!...Hm, and that is one of the mane reasons why I say that movies based on the games sucks, it hearts for fans to watch it, it feals like your favorite game was just raped. It is sad.
No announcement yet.
Almost every story ever told is basically look at the main character, they are awesome. That's fine...right up until someone makes what is essentially a fanfiction of a story and places there character in it, even going as far as to force characters from the canon into the background so the character they created can do even more stuff. Which is partially why I have such a huge hatred of Apocolypse.
In Genesis it was simply annoying, as Alice did impossible and stupid kung foo kick a Cerberus in the head and landing on a zombies shoulders, with bare thighs, to break it's neck. What does a a zombie do well? Take a bite of out of people. How do you kill it? By sticking your flesh right next to it's mouth and hoping it can't given you a nip.
In short, and because I ramble too much when I don't sleep enough, Alice is annoying because she's basically a fan made character who is shown, in all ways, to be better than the series characters. It's like a fanfic by DarkWesker911 where the S.T.A.R.S team is battling a Tyrant and getting mauled, until the shocking apperance of DarkWesker911, Wesker's boording and sexier twin brother, who punches the Tyrant to the floor in moments.
Only with a budget of several million.
And I hate Apocalypse because of what they did to the Nemesis, he is practycly one of the main game charactersand what have they done. Anderson made him a god damn Umbrella's robocop. Shit I hate it.
"Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
Although I liked the use of "the Force", in the movie, it was a very large 10.0 WTF on my WTF-o-Meter.
I looked cool to kill all those crows and then to force back that Tyrant, but at the end of the day, what the fuck? That isn't even explained at all--it's just like she woke up with super powers...
LJ was a douche and the people around him are dumbasses for not seeing the symptoms of zombification. They've only been exposed to it for months now...
And they've been living in an apocalyptic world for years but they just now notice the zombie birds.
And I don't care what they say. Theres no way in hell that all the water would dry up in a few years just because Humans aren't around. Its impossible for all they water to dry up anyway.
Originally posted by Project Omega View PostLJ was a douche and the people around him are dumbasses for not seeing the symptoms of zombification. They've only been exposed to it for months now...
For example, in the first movie, the Licker transforms after having eaten living flesh, and the Red Queen even hammers home that fact by spelling it out for the characters and the audience. However, the Lickers in Apocalypse also eat living flesh (the guy with the revolver in the church), but they don't change at all.
Also, it is established in Apocalypse that Alice can sense others who have been infected with the T-Virus (Nemesis and Angela), yet in Extinction, she's not even aware that L.J. has been bitten by a zombie? What?
Now, I'm no virologist, but if Carlos received the antivirus in Apocalypse, doesn't that mean he shouldn't have been infected when L.J. bit him in Extinction? I mean, I could understand him getting infected again if L.J. was one of the super zombies, but L.J. was bitten by just a plain old garden-variety zombie.
That would be because the colour of continuity is green, and since all the plants died they could no longer muster enough green to do it. Might as well ask how Umbrella managed to build a giant wall around a whole city in two or three days, or why the thousands of people seen leaving Raccoon City all suddenly go silent when the news is breached so Umbrella can do a coverup.
The most redicilous part of extinction (besides the hole movie) is the drying of planet. Honestly, if T-virus will break free and the hole population of the planet would be infected the planet would turn in to a giant flesheating living jungles filled with evolved lickers. All the animals would turn into mutants as well and every single creature on planet would turn into a zombie and hunt for human flesh.
For some reason I heven't saw this in the movieOh yeah low budget and stupid writers!
Last edited by Nomad9026; 06-11-2008, 03:08 AM."Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
I liked all the movies. Sorry, but I think that you guys are too-hardcore fans of the series. Why not appreciate it as just another action movie? I enjoyed seeing another, more un-canon side of the characters I love, and I'm getting really fed up with all the shit that's put on the movies. Who cares about the planet drying up? It's part of the plot. Who cares that Alice couldn't sense the infected L.J? It's part of the plot. Who cares that Carlos got infected after being given the antivirus? It's part of the plot. Why can't you guys just appreciate it as a stupid, silly action movie? That's what all the movies are like nowadays, but I can still appreciate them and have fun.
My two cents.
Originally posted by Helegad View PostWho cares about the planet drying up? It's part of the plot. Who cares that Alice couldn't sense the infected L.J? It's part of the plot. Who cares that Carlos got infected after being given the antivirus? It's part of the plot.
Why can't you guys just appreciate it as a stupid, silly action movie? That's what all the movies are like nowadays, but I can still appreciate them and have fun.
And it is hard to forget everything and enjoy them. Simply because of the great source material they threw away (the games. However I haven't read Romero's script. Anyone got a copy? I've got the patience to read it through now). But also that it costs the same for me to rent any of these three films, as it would for say a Jackie Chan flick. And when stood up to other films, even in their own genre, all three do very poorly. So my money's goin' elsewhere, every time.
Just my $0.02 too.sigpic
Romero's script is more canonic if we speak about the characters(Chris, Jill...), but the main characters of this movie are Zombies. If you want a resemblanse remember his Land of the Dead."Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley
Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View PostNot all plots are created equal. This is such thing as a bad plot, and in my opinion the first two had good fundamental plots (because they aren't to dissimilar to those in the games), however the films were shocking. Mostly becuase of the ways they twisted and contorted these fundamental plots. And I must say I really didn't enjoy the action angle.
I'm of the camp that you shouldn't really have to resign all semblances of reality and common sense to enjoy a film. I'm open to alot of things especially in science fiction. But these three films. Particularly the third one, are just terrible. There is no excuse for the continuity issues outlined by Archelon. That's just someone not having done their homework.
And it is hard to forget everything and enjoy them. Simply because of the great source material they threw away (the games. However I haven't read Romero's script. Anyone got a copy? I've got the patience to read it through now). But also that it costs the same for me to rent any of these three films, as it would for say a Jackie Chan flick. And when stood up to other films, even in their own genre, all three do very poorly. So my money's goin' elsewhere, every time.
Just my $0.02 too.
Heres Romero's Screenplay
I think it would have been enough like the games to satisfy but different enough to entertain.
Also there are plot problems because this was written before RE0, REmake and RE4.Last edited by BLSR1; 06-11-2008, 10:26 AM.