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Outbreak file #2

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  • #46
    The online was most enjoyable, and playing for a year, I made alot of friends, I once had a 3 hour game when I first played End Of The Road with a German and some other people, I made friends with them all, the next day and the following year, he never came on again, I wonder what happened to him...
    Since the end of the online, I've lost alot of gaming friends, quite sad really, if only Capcom let us patch the game so we could make our own servers. Pity.


    • #47
      that would be cool if they did that, i feel i've missed out on an opportunity to make some good new friends


      • #48
        grr dammit, I keep getting so close to that chopper with Linda, I got to the steps leading down to main street a few times but Mr X mutation keeps thwarting all my attempts


        • #49
          That would be a good time to save the remote detonator for. Just get close, hold the button down, and BOOM! Then walk to victory


          • #50
            oh now why didnt i think of that, I've gone and left that detonator down in the sewers, looks like i'll have to start again.
            How many grenade rounds would it take to take him down you reckon?


            • #51
              Hmm, the grenade launcher deals about 1200 damage. Depending on the difficulty, his HP should be around 4000 ~ 9000 on Easy, 5000~10000 on Normal, 6000~11000 on Hard, and 7000~12000 on Very Hard.

              That calculates to 3~8 rounds on easy, 4~8 rounds on Normal, 5~9 rounds on Hard, and 6~10 rounds on Very Hard...

              I'm not sure if the GL's damage percentage goes down with distance or if the level of difficulty effects it...


              • #52
                I personally enjoyed the Outbreak series very much. I loved playing it online with other people too, even when there were those special groups were absolutely NOTHING was being done and everyone was dieing more from stupidity than zombies.

                My favorite to play with was Cindy, from day one. If used the right way Cindy can be very useful, what with her duck ability and that herb case.

                I still remember people used to hump me when I was in Cindy's bunny outfit.


                • #53
                  LOL. I LOVE Cindy's bunny suite, she was funny bunny.
                  I used to either play as Funny Bunny Cindy, Ms. Water, or Yoko online.
                  They were my three favourite characters.


                  • #54
                    [QUOTE=Gradon;38003]LOL. I LOVE Cindy's bunny suite, she was funny bunny.
                    I used to either play as Funny Bunny Cindy, Ms. Water, or Yoko online.
                    They were my three favourite characters.[/Q]

                    the more people talk about it the more I wanna play it online now xD, think my fave character was David because we didn't know that much about him and for some reason I like characters like that in a game.


                    • #55
                      grr dammit, I had the helicopter in my sights, I could see it right there and the cursed thing took off,
                      I was so angry I could of screamed.


                      • #56
                        I love Outbreak games. Sadly I never was able to play online and from what I can tell from what people are saying, sounds kick ass, so I missed out. Yoko was my favorite character and the below freezing point and wild things scenarios were my favorite. Decisions Decisions really pissed me off for quite some time, I hated Thanatos.

