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My dream RE game would be kind of like the last scenario in UC, except without the stupidity. So basically, the setting would be the same, but it would actually have an exploration factor to it. The character would be alone. And at the end, you're not forced to listen to some Russian douchebag over the PA system, and then fight something that came right out of a Final Fantasy game.
It would be a lot more serious, with no backflipping in a laser hall. It would involve more tight corridors. And would capture the mood of the labs in RE2.
Naturally, being a Resident Evil game, it would have pre-rendered camera angles, and tank controls, with typewriters in save rooms that require ink ribbons to save.
All the weapons would be named properly and have proper descriptions like, "This gun was made in such and such country, and is known for its stopping power." etc. etc. Real facts so that I could actually LEARN something.
It would involve a lot of technical puzzles, like rewiring a circuit board, or finding a password for a computer, etc. Nothing too superficial like, "You put in a crest into this hollow space and that causes the security system to shut down. Because that's how they did it when the facility was operational."
My dream RE game would be like RE3. I would have prefered REUC last chapter with static camera, and a complete game... more detailed like how Jill found Chris, get epilogues at the end of the game, explaining Rebecca and Barry whereabouts. A Mercenaries mode like RE3. A lot of extra costumes too. The end of Umbrella deserved a complete game, not just a bad made chapter.
My dream RE game would be like RE3. I would have prefered REUC last chapter with static camera, and a complete game... more detailed like how Jill found Chris, get epilogues at the end of the game, explaining Rebecca and Barry whereabouts. A Mercenaries mode like RE3. A lot of extra costumes too. The end of Umbrella deserved a complete game, not just a bad made chapter.
You know, I actually had a dream about an RE game that had the setting a lot like that last chapter in UC. Except this dream happened back in the year 2001. I dreamt that there was a new RE game and it was like in this dark, deep laboratory that looked just like the one in UC.
Woah... you had a premonition then... in a dream.. but anyway pretty close to what it is now REUC last chapter. Anyway... I bet your dream was still better than what it is the game itself now... Blast! I loathe Capcom.
Right, so when I first played it, I was like, "Hey, this is pretty awesome."
Then they started sending hordes and hordes of chimeras and other enemies at you in that elevator scene, and it was like, "Okay, this isn't intense, this isn't scary, this is just annoying. If I wanted to face this many enemies, I'd play RE4." Well, no, actually where they lost me was where Chris did the backflip in the laser hall. Which was such a let down because I'm a fan of the movies, so just the fact that the replica laser hall was there... My first throught was, "This is awesome!" my second thought was, "Oh no... Pleasenobacklfip! Pleasenobacklfip! Pleasenobacklfip!" my third thought was, "DAMN! I can't believe he did a backflip!"
Then I fought talos, who looked ridiculous, and thought, "This is the worst virus related boss RE has ever had." But then I played as Wesker and fought sergei and turns out I was wrong about talos. That's when I said, "Screw this, I'm not gonna ruin the series for myself any longer."
T.A.L.O.S was the weakest enemy in the entire RE series...
I usually think that since Mikami left Capcom/RE the people who is actually working with the series don't care about how a video-game should look. I wonder if any of them still has brain? I thought you would be pleased to see the movies in the game, it was too predictable... the only thing they need to add is a scene where you run out of ammo and you run through the wall and make a big jump/fly style kicking the enemies like Alice did with the Cerberus. That's pathetic... Well, at least Jill did not care about backflips in that scene, she just managed to jump through it... but the entire scene was focused on Chris' unbelieable movement.
Nothing at all like what? RE would be still the same, I'm not saying that movies screwed up RE games, but they added those things from the movies which weren't necessary. Like Red Queen, Jill's pipe scene and that Laser Room... I mean... Why?
Well, quite frankly, the Laser Room was the one cool part about UC. If it wasn't for the movies, there would be nothing cool about UC at all. The Red Queen wasn't used very well in UC. And I don't see what that pipe scene has to do with the movies.
But either way, don't blame the movies just because Capcom can't come up with anything by themselves.
Has to do because it was the same scene where Alice is fighting with the zombies down in the tunnels... she grabs a pipe and kills a zombie... the only difference with Jill is that she didn't even kill the zombie... which it was retarded.
You know that I like the first movie, I'm not blaming them... but you know.. it would be great if they keep them away from the games.
They should flesh out the other characters via sidequels. Don't have to be anything major, just little bonuses. One example could be Carlos going out to confront Nicholai, who thanks to the megabucks he earned from Raccoon City, is now living a lavish Scaramanga-esque lifestyle on a remote island in the tropics, taking multi-million dollar assassination contracts, spending time with the three-breasted chick from Total Recall, and accompanied by his butler and housekeeper, Salazar's lesser known midget brother, Hector. Carlos infilitrates the island, but in an act rivalling that of Chris' clusterfuckuppery in his introduction to the CVX narrative, ends up dropping his backpack of supplies, and as a result he is forced to make his way through Nicholai's island retreat via a series of McGyverisms, assembling high powered weaponry from basic household instruments.
Nicholai, being a methodical man and not someone to take chances, has also stationed an entire battalion of mercenaries from around the world on his island paradise, all of them have been artificially enhanced using cutting edge genetic engineering, orchestrated by that chick who played Dr. Lazarus in the ill-fated Robocop 3 - who as you are expecting, later betrays Nicholai when she starts to have issues with her conscience. She's also a prime candidate to fall under the spell of Carlos' sexy accent. Thanks to the doctor's help, Carlos confronts Nicholai, who takes the good doctor hostage. Paraphrasing Arnold's lines from the 1980s action blockbuster, Commando, Carlos tells Nicholai to "put down the chickenshit gun", goading Nicholai into letting the Lazarus chick go. Impressed by Carlos' gall, he loudly proclaims that he "doesn't need the girl!", before releasing her, throwing aside his pistol and drawing his knife, yelling "I'M GONNA KILL YOU NOOOOOOOOW!" in a Vernon Wells inspired scream.
The two men do battle, knives clashing in sparks, reminscient of the overblown knife duel from RE4 between Leon and Krauser. As expected, Nicholai is bested by Carlos but he pleads for his life, defiantly hiding behind his identification badge for the UBCS and stating, "DIPLO-MATIC IMMUNI-TEEEE". But Carlos is having none of it, and impales Nicholai with a pipe. Nicholai, in his dying breaths, activates a countdown switch, which in five minutes will detonate the entire island. Without a second to waste, Carlos gloats and delivers a cheesy Capcom one-liner, before grabbing the Lazarus chick and running to a conveniently waiting chopper, which to everyone's surprise is actually piloted by Jill. They all fly back home into the sunset as Nicholai's island blows up, and then celebrate with a much-deserved orgy of wanton sexual innuendos. Then we end with the music they used in the ending credits to Lethal Weapon 2, which if memory serves me well was "Cheer Down" by George Harrison.
The general Carlos Nicholai thing would actually be freaking awesome.
Otherwise, something Wesker-centered would be neat. Not as an unlockable or an extra minigame, but a whole solid game based on the game schematics of the others rather than the first person shooter UC had.
Don't care what happens during my dream RE game, as long as it ends up with Barry in a dinner jacket, sitting on a golden throne smoking cigars and drinking wine from a diamond encrusted goblet, while surrounded by dozen's of nameless hot naked women *including female protagonists if worthy of his awesomeness* watching the executions of Leon, Steve and Chris.
^ this.
i agree with every word spoken in that godly statement, XD.
My dream game....
hmm...well one were the fans wont argue and just accept it.
keep the updated controls, the tank ones wont appeal to anyone now days, the consoles have progressed alot since the caveman times of the ps1.
Perhaps have a game mechanic so that you can fight off the zombies/Humans when your unarmed, like punch them, rugby tackle them or something.
I actualy quite liked the idea of Leon being infected in RE 3.5, so the story would revolve around the player being infected by Virus/plagas or anything else.
Like with outbreak there would be antiviruls strwen about the place along with herbs and sprays, there would be alot of different types of weapons like in RE4.
Limbs and different body parts can be hurt in genral, like say a zombie could bite the hand your gun is in, or a human could break the wrist, then the character cannot use that weapon and has to switch hands or something but it sacrifices accuracy since its the opposite hand. If the leg is broken the character woud drag behind him and it would be the same with enemies too.
The areas would have dark lighting ( i love dark lighing ) some will be in confined spaces while other parts will be more open, if its outside there would be weather effects e.g. rain, hail, snow etc.
I would put in a counter attack system, it'll be like the dodge mechanic in re3 but when you press it a small animation will show your character evading the attack and the countering with either landing a blow to the enemie or using the gun he/she has.
The enviroment could be used, for example if there are enemies infront of you blocking the way yuou could climb up pipes and thngs like that to try and escape or get around them.