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Your dream RE game

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  • #61
    well thats also a newer game than RE2 and problay only aplys to that game and games that came after it, and maybe most remakes


    • #62
      No it is possible to move undected past a licker in resident evil 2, thats what we where saying earlier,
      there are vids on youtube to show how its done.
      This is actually a great tip cause lickers can take up quite a bit of ammo if you dont hit them right


      • #63
        yes i know this >.> i hate lickers, ... who came up with that name anyways? when i saw the report on lickers in the meeting room i was like O.O i wonder what they do


        • #64
          Well, I suspect the toungue thing is probably why they're called Lickers. I suppose something like Skinned Ones or Banshess could also have worked but the toungue is deffintiely one of the features you notice first, since it often ends up embedded in your chest.


          • #65
            ive never had one do that to me though


            • #66
              Really? Lucky you.


              • #67
                No it is possible to move undected past a licker in resident evil 2, thats what we where saying earlier,
                there are vids on youtube to show how its done.
                This is actually a great tip cause lickers can take up quite a bit of ammo if you dont hit them right
                Just walk. They don't seem to like it when you just walk. They suffer a bit like the Garradors. Though if you are standing right next to them they may sense you there.

                But my dream RE game would be like the old style games but more like this:
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                As much as I like RE4 style game play, I still love the old survival horror.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                  Just walk. They don't seem to like it when you just walk. They suffer a bit like the Garradors. Though if you are standing right next to them they may sense you there.

                  But my dream RE game would be like the old style games but more like this:

                  As much as I like RE4 style game play, I still love the old survival horror.
                  omg that was awesome i couldnt stop gawking


                  • #69
                    My Fan-Fiction---- Resident Evil: Survivor Stories(PSP)

                    Rusty DeGeneres-35-5'11"-178 lbs.-Carpenter-
                    Osira Carvier-27-5'10"-205 lbs.-Grocery Store Cashier-
                    Ellen Croft-71-5'1"-121 lbs.-Retired Doctor-
                    Nancy Szerre-41-5'6"-116 lbs.-Housewife-
                    Hank Alhstavic Sr.-53-6'0"-200 lbs.-Firefighter-
                    Jan Kalstone-30-5'7"-125 lbs.-Unemployed-
                    (sample of playable characters)
                    -Blue Dog Motel
                    -Morgan Ghee's Supermarket
                    -Raccoon City High School
                    -Sewers/Water Treatment Facility
                    -(havent decided last location)

                    Sorta like Outbreak, but in a non-level way.

                    more to come


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                      Really? Lucky you.
                      fuck never mind it happened to me yesterday >.> i dropped the controller when it happened.......


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                        Just walk. They don't seem to like it when you just walk. They suffer a bit like the Garradors. Though if you are standing right next to them they may sense you there.

                        But my dream RE game would be like the old style games but more like this:

                        As much as I like RE4 style game play, I still love the old survival horror.

                        This is why I want RE2 and 3 on the PC. So I can change the game and do awesome stuff like this. But I don't have the hardrive space right now.


                        • #72
                          i had a demo of RE3 on my computer once but it only let me play for 20 minutes and i had to buy it after that, i couldnt even go back and retry


                          • #73
                            My BH dream game would be a mixture of both Outbreaks and BH 2 and BH 3. With updated graphics and 100 + mini-games.

                            Edit: And I'd throw BH 1.5 in there aswell.
                            Last edited by Twist; 07-02-2008, 08:54 PM.


                            • #74
                              It would be nice if they would do another RE game online. With the next gen graphics and the 360 and PS3 online capabilities it would be a dream for all us fans. Instead of having individual scenarios like outbreak, there needs to be a living, free roaming city. There could be hundreds of different missions for players.


                              • #75
                                oh, but i think that would be one of thos WOW games though, like runescape ... but yea that would be really awesome to have, i also have a new RE dream game.

                                a new RE game that acctually has freggin zombies in it

