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Your dream RE game

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  • #91
    It was probably MUGEN.
    Its not made by capcom btw


    • #92
      Yes, I heard people are saying about MUGEN, maybe we are talking about the same game. Anyway you can play as Chris, Jill, Wescer, Nemesis, Tyrant, a zombie and a pack of cerbereses, it's a fighting. So does anyone need a link were you can download it?
      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


      • #93
        This is a thread of unlimited potential.

        My dream Resident Evil have always been a large-scale Outbreak game.
        The game would be set in entire Racoon City a short while after the outbreak , so that panic will have broken loose and zombies would be roaming around but the major population would still be human and uninfected. You play along a timeline, filled with special events that happen every time (possibly randomly chosen for extra replayability).
        The player selects a starting character class and appearance, granting some diffrent items and abilities rather than choosing a character. This way several people can play as policemen instead of being forced to play a journalist, exchange student or something else they really don't want to play.
        The player would start off somewhere in the city either based on class, at random or by selection and would then run about scavenging for weapons while trying to find a way out of the city. Think the first minutes of Resident Evil 2 but without the linearity.
        You'd be able to go to pretty much all locations in Resident Evil 2, 3 and the Outbreak series and encounter a large variety of monsters - engaging them with a large variety of weapons.
        As the timeline proceeds the AI controlled civilians will get overpowered and turned into zombies, survivors would hole up in various locations in the city and the entire city would continually change as buildings are demolished by either the survivors, the U.B.C.S., the zombies or BOWs. The players will have to either hole up somewhere or risk getting overrun by large zombie armies that fill the streets.
        The game would have several endings, such as convincing somone on the outside to extract them, hijacking a helicopter from U.B.C.S. or escaping by vehicle somehow.
        Players that die turn into V-ACTs (there won't be any non-player V-ACTs in the game though), alternatively hunters or the Nemesis and get to play on the enemies side trying to kill the remaining players. When a V-ACT/Hunter player dies he simply respawns, but when a Nemesis player dies he has to play as a V-ACT/Hunter for a set period of time wichafter the next dead player in line gets to play Nemesis.
        All this with Resident Evil 5 graphics and a restylized Racoon City. I'm sure you get the idea.

        Anyhow, a game like this would still have some problems. First of all you'd need a killer computer (at least the host would) to keep track of an entire city instead of just a few rooms. The game would be filled with loading areas similar to Oblivion and playing with even the slight lag would cause great frustration when chased by enemies. Even if the game did work fine and without lag playing in the entire city simply would get boring after a while and players would pretty much play it with every ending once and then go like "It's free and open, so is GTA? What's so cool about it?" and stop playing. Not to mention that playing through the outbreak-nuke timeline would probably take a long time and players would be bored and disconnect mid-game.
        In fact the Outbreak series is very close to the ideal online Resident Evil. The scenarios are quite short in some peoples opinion, but in fact they are just perfectly long for people not to get bored and leave. My hopes are that there will be Outbreak-like games for the Xbox 360 with larger and more scenarios, more unlockables, achievements and in time downloadable content (more scenarios, characters, costumes and such).
        I don't know why Outbreak failed in the first place. From what I've understood it was due to really awful communication (Kevin. Follow me. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Help! Cindy. Follow me! Kevin. No. Stay. David. Yes. Come with me. Yes. Kevin. No. Help!). Probably the lack of more scenarios aswell.
        In a new Outbreak they could easily fix communication by having more advanced character communication (like "I need ammo", "I see an enemy", "I'm getting my arse bitten off by a zombie"), voice communication and a the ability to text-chat ingame using a keyboard that you plug into your Xbox/Playstation.
        Ugh, here I go writing again. Really a bad habit. Could definately have written it all longer though.
        I'd love sit down (figuratively) and further develop all theese ideas that people have about online Resident Evil games, though I doubt anyone would be interested.
        Last edited by Cerberus; 07-24-2008, 12:10 PM.


        • #94
          Well, the reasons folk dislike Outbreak are the constant enemy attacks, the Virus metre forcing you to move along and, of course, the fact that it would have been so easy to add voice chat instead of those silly little sayings. Despite that I love Outbreak 1 and 2. They're close to my favorite RE, but I tend to think of them as one game...since they and about 20 other scenarios was supposed to one game.

          It sounds to me like you're thinking of almost an MMORPG version of Resident Evil. While it's not to my taste, due to people sucking, it would be a really intertesting variation on RE to see a whole city full of survivors. Allow each server (city) a certain number of people and then have Outbreak like missions to complete and, eventually, the city getting reset (bombed) and, as you mentioned, several ways to escape the city.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Cerberus View Post
            This is a thread of unlimited potential.
            Well thatys why i made it i thought that it would make a really good topic


            • #96
              Originally posted by Nomad9026 View Post
              Actually there is a resident evil fan fidhting game just like you said and it is called Resident Evil Fighting. Preaty fun if you ask me. I'll try to find a link were you can download it.

              I'm not searching for a fighting game. What i meaned was a
              game just like Resident Evil 4, but with a multiplayer mode.
              Wouldn't it be great to play RE4 with other players or against
              Last edited by レオンスコットケネディ; 07-24-2008, 01:24 PM.


              • #97
                link to the MUGEN resi fighter game can be found here:

                also there is alot more Resi games there like some fan based rpg maker ones.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                  Well, the reasons folk dislike Outbreak are the constant enemy attacks, the Virus metre forcing you to move along and, of course, the fact that it would have been so easy to add voice chat instead of those silly little sayings. Despite that I love Outbreak 1 and 2. They're close to my favorite RE, but I tend to think of them as one game...since they and about 20 other scenarios was supposed to one game.

                  It sounds to me like you're thinking of almost an MMORPG version of Resident Evil. While it's not to my taste, due to people sucking, it would be a really intertesting variation on RE to see a whole city full of survivors. Allow each server (city) a certain number of people and then have Outbreak like missions to complete and, eventually, the city getting reset (bombed) and, as you mentioned, several ways to escape the city.
                  What? Why does constant enemy attacks bother you? There was too little ammunition? Or are you saying that there wasn't enough puzzles?

                  My idea wasn't an MMORPG, I completely agree that would be a bad idea due to several problems even if the thought is well. For one if there was only one server people would have to join-in mid-timeline giving an unfair advantage or wait for a new "round" which would take a while as I'm imagining the timeline quite long. Having several servers to reduce waiting time for a new round wouldn't work either as there would have to be 42 servers (that gives a maximum 30 minute wait, which isn't terrible) and that probably would cause there to be quite few players on each server. Unless it goes really popular, ofcourse.

                  No, I was more thinking a 32 player maximum regular online game. Anyone can host a server, either public or for friends only, wichafter you go into a lobby and wait for players, prepare your character, choose starting location and such.
                  You'd play different "classes" (which I guess you really could call professions or jobs) such as RPD Officer, Doctor, Bartender, Technican, UBCS Member, USS Operative and so on for all eternities, some of which has to be unlocked. Different classes would have different appearances (several both male and female appearances, along with bonus costumes) and start off with different items, skills or goals. RPD Officers start with handguns for example and UBCS Members might have a side-quest that involves somehow gathering data about the BOWs in exchange for helicopter extraction. This way all classes would have different ways of helping eachother, different pros/cons and even their own little agendas.
                  In the city you'd be able to find different items and do special things that unlocks more classes, costumes, gallery art, music, movies, backstory and the like - as in Outbreak but a bit less... boring? On the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 they could also add new content via PSN/XBL.

                  Even though the open-world idea is really teasing I'm still pondering over wether a 7th Gen (we are in the 7th generation of consoles, or am I confused with cellphones?) Outbreak wouldn't be better.

                  Just found this YouTube playthrough of Outbreak with cutscenes and the boring parts of the game summarized in text with image backgrounds. Really nice, I am ashamed that I bought #2 instead. It doesn't seem near as good.


                  • #99
                    Oh, by the way, I don't know if any of you guys are into Starcraft. There is a great Resident Evil map for it where you have to hold barricades while saving survivors and doing various side quests. I only ever survived long enough to do two of the quests though, which are both good recycable ideas: in the first one a group of civilian survivors have their shelter stormed by zombies but manage to run out the front door to a bus which they start driving towards the Police Department (the "headquarters" in the map, where you can have your health restored, upgrade your armor or switch weapons) while being attacked by zombies. A similar quest would be quite nice in a online Resident Evil. The second one is a power shortage in the entire city, when you have to go all the way to the edge of the city in order to restore power which is very risky as by the time you get the quest all the barricades near the edge of the city are likely broken and zombies will be swarming.

                    Another unrelated idea for an online game: when a player sais something or talks in the microphone it will only be heard within a certain radius, text messages can only be seen on screen within a certain radius. However, if the player picks up a walkie-talkie or something alike they can communicate with anyone else on the server having a walkie-talkie. Something like that would add realism, at least.
                    Last edited by Cerberus; 07-24-2008, 02:55 PM.


                    • but cant text messages be intercepted anywhere?


                      • Originally posted by Itashious_boy View Post
                        but cant text messages be intercepted anywhere?
                        Well. I was thinking of that ofcourse, but that would be unrealistic and unfair towards the mic-people. I think it's in Splinter Cell when playing online the further away you are the more faded text messages are in the chat window and the further away you are the more mic-speech is silenced. Probably not Splinter Cell, but some game like that.


                        • Hmmm, I'd be intruiged to see how a Outbreak style game with so many folk in it could work. A Defend the House level would be awesome in that style as ammo is slowly depleted and first aid sprays are used...

                          On a side note, I have no problem with Outbreak having enemies reapear. I like the realism it adds and the additional fear it causes, since until you've played a little you're not sure where more beasties can show up.


                          • but a defend the house was in RE4, i never liked that one it was way to easy


                            • My dream RE game would involve RE4 Leon, Ashley Graham, Steve Burnside, and Ramon Salazaar all sitting together in an isolated cabin. The four would be sipping chilled wine coolers and/or zima, while playing uno. As the gameplayer, you control either hunters, zombies, tyrants, chimeras, or Dr. Salvador and enter the cabin and mercilessly slay the inhabitants.

                              The replay value comes from different ways of mauling or brutally slaying Leon, Ashley, Steve, or Salazaar.

                              The camera angles could be fixed, as long as there are some gruesome close-ups of the carnage. You'd also have to track down armor, helmet, shield, or sword keys to open the respective closet Ashley runs off to hide in.

                              Then, for a puzzle, you could reassemble the chunks of Steve's body in order to kill him again. (And Steve will do a Macaulay Culkin Home Alone scream before you administer the coup de grais.

                              Tyrant could use a rocket launcher to blow up RE4 Leon as he was mid-sentence in issuing one of his ridiculous one-liners.

                              Then, the final touch of nostalgia would be activating a self-destruct system to blow up the cabin and the remaining evidence that those 4 characters ever existed.
                              Last edited by Jill's Boob; 07-25-2008, 12:24 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Itashious_boy View Post
                                but a defend the house was in RE4, i never liked that one it was way to easy
                                Yeah. In the beginning of Resident Evil 5 you'll have a RE4-ish fight. This time however enemies will climb in through the roof aswell, and the most efficent way out will be through a hole in the wall an enemy executioner hits up. That should make things a bit harder.

                                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                                My dream RE game would involve RE4 Leon, Ashley Graham, Steve Burnside, and Ramon Salazaar all sitting together in an isolated cabin. The four would be sipping chilled wine coolers and/or zima, while playing uno. As the gameplayer, you control either hunters, zombies, tyrants, chimeras, or Dr. Salvador and enter the cabin and mercilessly slay the inhabitants.

                                The replay value comes from different ways of mauling or brutally slaying Leon, Ashley, Steve, or Salazaar.

                                The camera angles could be fixed, as long as there are some gruesome close-ups of the carnage. You'd also have to track down armor, helmet, shield, or sword keys to open the respective closet Ashley runs off to hide in.

                                Then, for a puzzle, you could reassemble the chunks of Steve's body in order to kill him again. (And Steve will do a Macaulay Culkin Home Alone scream before you administer the coup de grais.

                                Tyrant could use a rocket launcher to blow up RE4 Leon as he was mid-sentence in issuing one of his ridiculous one-liners.

                                Then, the final touch of nostalgia would be activating a self-destruct system to blow up the cabin and the remaining evidence that those 4 characters ever existed.
                                Resident Evil: Uno? Die.

