I personally think the people here talking trash about RE5 are just complete hypocrits and know they will enjoy the game, quit being so damn analytical and see the game for what it is, fun, action, horror, run for your life game. I for one will say its going to be very successful and all of you who shy away will actually enjoy the game. So quit the bitching...
No announcement yet.
Absolutely Worthless
Originally posted by Stars_g36 View PostI personally think the people here talking trash about RE5 are just complete hypocrits and know they will enjoy the game, quit being so damn analytical and see the game for what it is, fun, action, horror, run for your life game. I for one will say its going to be very successful and all of you who shy away will actually enjoy the game. So quit the bitching...
Stop complaining!! the game isn't even out!!!! wait till it come out, and then you can criticize all you can!!!
don't judge a book by it's cover!!!!!
Well, everyone is entitled to there opinion...except, apparently, those who think RE5 might not be the most awesome game in all exsitence ever no doubt it'll be so good the world will end in a big flash and 'Level 2' of exsitence will appear.
I love the RE series, and no, I'm not emo. Nor am I bitching. What I am doing is rasing my own concerns. I, personally, don't like the newer style of RE games. Here's why, since no one bothered answering this little question for me before.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostWell, yes. Alright, allow me to ask people a question. Perhaps they'll be able to explain to me something that has been bugging me a little.
You enjoy a series, for example one that involves elements such as zombies, horror, puzzles and exploration. The plot is a bit contrived but works, and while the gameplay is clunky it is servicible. For it's flaws you love this game.
Then they release a new game. It doesn't have zombies. Or very much horror. Only a minimal number of puzzles. No exploration either, really. And the story has a teniuous link to the others. In other words all the elements that made the game the game you love are gone. The controls are excellent, the game plays like a dream...but you can't help feel that, while an excellent game, it just doesn't feel like part of the series.
After a while a new one is comming out. You're excitided. Sure, the game won't feature zombies but the really important parts, the puzzles, the exploration, the horror are bound to be back, right? They're not going to take the game even futher from it's roots or leave it where it is, right? And then you see the videos. And it looks, just looks, as though it's going to be more guns. More action. No horror. No exploration. No puzzles. Just more, admittedly smoothly controlled, killing.
And to add to your worries it appears as though the staff is simply cloaning bits from the previous game. The enemies are re-skinned...but they fight the same way as the old, even to the stupid attack pattern. Zombies may be brain dead but they head at an enemy and don't stop until they chomp flesh. These guys run up...and stop, to allow themselves to be shot.
You can't help but feel the game is going to be good, but again, good for the wrong reasons for a series built on horror, exploration and puzzles. It is, in fact, the exact opposite of why you loved the series...a shooter where your brain need rarely engage and your trigger finger needs to be nice and fast.
Now, bare in mind these are simply my opinions. I don't hate RE5 already. I think it'll better than RE4, a game I own, from new, on the CG and Wii. But I don't think it'll be a good RE, the same as RE4.
So why, exactly, would you be excited for that? A game in a series that is the exact opposite of the previous games? Please, please explain this to me...because I really want to be excited for RE5. But I can't help but feel it won't be what I want. Yes, it'll be good. But so, apparently, is Grand Theft Auto...and I hate that game. RE4 and, by it's current videos, RE5 will have more in common with GTA than the previous RE games.
I HOPE the game will be better than it currently looks. But why should I expect it to be? So far we have no evidence. I'm not trashing the game. I'm trashing how it appears at this point. If things change, great, I'm a happy camper. But I notice a lot of you folks are going, 'Oh, RE5 will be awesome, I'm sure the enemy AI will be changed...'
So, as well a the above question I quoted regarding why I should like this change, since a few folks seem to think I have to, would someone care to explain why my opinion (and the opinion of folk like Weed, Dot and a whole bunch of others) is emo and hypocritcal?
Thank you all in advance.
Well, Resident Evil 4 have got realistic acrobatics - at least possible by the laws of nature. Resident Evil 5 is just silly.
In Resident Evil 4 you jump through a window, possible, you land and you roll, very possible. That you can jump from the second floor of a building and roll? Possible. Other than that you can kick enemies, possible, jump over fences, possible, crouch, possible and jump over small spaces, possible. As far as I remember all Ada does is a sumersault kick, which looks kinda silly but is very possible.
The laser grid part is obviously overdone. In case you hadn't noticed laser beams doesn't even exist in real life. I can't remember how he does it at the moment, but doesn't he at first just jump through it, then jump a backflip and then run up a wall? Only the backflip that is impossible there.
From what I remember from the trailers, Sheva stands in a normal idle position, then suddenly flies up into the air and does a backroll mid-air while kicking a zombie (or not-zombie) in the face. The second time Chris aids her to jump over between rooftops and she not only jumps over but rolls mid-air once more. That jump looks freaky, like a monkey. And is impossible.
RE4 has ruined the series in comparison to the others.
Gameplay? Its good yes.
Puzzles? What puzzles?
Story (For 4 atleast)? Wheres the connection to previous titles?
As I said earlier, look at the trailer and LOOK AT RE4!
The animations, the enemies, the weapons, EVERYTHINGS the same, just reskinned, and please don't tell me it's Placeholders, THE GAMES BEEN IN WORKS FOR 3 YEARS.
Also, El Gigante is in a trailer cutscene, he can't be a placeholder.
The reason why people here are explaining their concern about RE5 is the fact that half if not, MOST of the game, so far as we've seen is recycling.
The series got known for horror, not "SHOOT, yes got him...SHOOT 50 ENEMIES, phew, done it".
People have been saying:
"Love the game for what it is..."
What? A RE4 clone?
I'm sure I'm going to get the game, and enjoy it to the extent I can.
But I agree with DarkMoon; where is the Resident Evil we came to love.
Gone, gone.
Thank you.
You have to look at this through Capcom's eyes. Re4 was highly successful and so why wouldn't they make a similar game?Whether you like it or not,changing the style of the RE series was a risky but intelligent move.
I hope in the future they go back to the original style but I can completely understand why they would want to make Re5 similar to Re4.
Darkmoon, I was never implying that you were emo - only the people who have blatantly said in their posts that they would not buy and play RE5 because of their current disgust in the game's development. I agree with you that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. My opinion is that RE5 is disappointing to me, so far, with the recycled animations, lame enemy AI, el gigante, etc. But I have hope the game will turn out great...I at least want a terrific story, as RE4 (I thought) was a good game, though the story and characters left A LOT to be desired.
But the people who are completely against RE5 just because of the recycled RE4 elements...are you all really paying attention to what you are saying? You hate the evolution to gameplay brought on by RE4, and you want the series to go back to that way it was in RE1, 2, 3, and CV. What were those games other than recycled elements from the prior entry? I understand you all don't like some things (or everything) about the changes RE4 made to the RE series. But understand that recycling the previous successful game (and making slight modifications) is what Capcom was doing all along. My guess is that the current formula will stay in place until it becomes outdated as well...
Gradon...(love the Ami Suzuki pic, BTW)...
The reason why people here are explaining their concern about RE5 is the fact that half if not, MOST of the game, so far as we've seen is recycling.
The series got known for horror, not "SHOOT, yes got him...SHOOT 50 ENEMIES, phew, done it".
And Cerberus...
Well, Resident Evil 4 have got realistic acrobatics - at least possible by the laws of nature. Resident Evil 5 is just silly.
In Resident Evil 4 you jump through a window, possible, you land and you roll, very possible. That you can jump from the second floor of a building and roll? Possible. Other than that you can kick enemies, possible, jump over fences, possible, crouch, possible and jump over small spaces, possible. As far as I remember all Ada does is a sumersault kick, which looks kinda silly but is very possible.
The laser grid part is obviously overdone. In case you hadn't noticed laser beams doesn't even exist in real life. I can't remember how he does it at the moment, but doesn't he at first just jump through it, then jump a backflip and then run up a wall? Only the backflip that is impossible there.
From what I remember from the trailers, Sheva stands in a normal idle position, then suddenly flies up into the air and does a backroll mid-air while kicking a zombie (or not-zombie) in the face. The second time Chris aids her to jump over between rooftops and she not only jumps over but rolls mid-air once more. That jump looks freaky, like a monkey. And is impossible.
RE4 was the culmination in ridiculous, IMO. The laser corridor scene (and, yes, laser beams do exist in real life, just maybe not the kind that turn into grids and cut people into tiny chunks) was beyond stupid. Jumping from a second storey window and landing in a perfect roll is well, maybe possible, but I doubt it. Think about it...you are diving head-first from about 12-15 feet off the ground (the hard, flat ground) and trying to land in a roll to reduce the impact. Riiggghhhttt. In Assignment Ada, Ada does some sort of handstand that vaults her up onto a higher level. What else...when Leon's outrunning the Salazaar stone statue (quite possibly the most unintentionally hilarious RE scene ever) he leaps across the chasm (after the bridge collapses) and catches onto the other side. And finally, after a trap door is activated, Leon plummets toward the spiked floor only to save himself by accessing his batman utility belt to dispense his grappling hook...ugh.
REUC continued the acrobatic crap with Billy's midair dropkick (which he regained form from rather impossibly), the Chris & Jill laser corridor scene (why didn't they just run back out into the hallway they entered from...the door was still open), and all of Wesker's scenes.
RE5 has shown us some ridiculous things so far...Chris's hook punch that knocks multiple people down, Sheva's "Guile" flashkick, etc. I guess what I am trying to say is that we should just expect that crap...we're in the Matrix, Kill Bill generation. (As for the Sheva assisted jump across the buildings...I honestly don't find it THAT ridiculous - the flip she does is necessary to propel her body across the distance.)Last edited by Jill's Boob; 07-25-2008, 01:04 PM.
People need to srsly stop bitching at RE5 when it hasnt eve come out yet, Boob is right RE5 is recycling what RE4 made a huge success off of, and he is completly right about the past games, they alwyas recycled what was used in the games before them, RECV had the same hunter sounds from previous RE games, no one remembers this because theve made their mark on history, whatever, i think the only reason you guys are bing such butthurts is because the new stuff doesnt have the original camera angles, the lack of puzzles in RE4 and RE5, the lack of exploration and the same AI for the basic enemy's, and you dont know that they are doign completly the same thing in this game anyways, it hasnt been released for all we know the game could have the exploration back that we want, for all we know what they are showing in the trailers is just worst parts of it, for all we know the rest of the game, whitch hasnt been shown, could be better than any of the the other RE franchise out there,but anyways back to the othere subject. zombies always did the same thing in every game, slowed down first then ran at you grabbed and ate, but no one complains about this no, people need to see that RE4 nd RE5 are going to have alot of similarity's because the developers are doing the same thing that the previous developers are doing for the original RE games, they are taking what the previous game did to make a great success and making it better. you dont know what is going to happen with the new RE5 because its obvious that the game is going to be huge, meaning they have put alot of thought into the story and the plot. stop making assumptions about something that hasnt come out yet, the things you want may be coming back but your already trying to bash it in the head just because you see somethign like the new reskin enemys doing the samething that previous enemys did, el gigante, and the reskined lake mosnter/aligator, wait till it comes out then make your opinion
i think thats the longest thing ive ever written........sigpic
Alright, Itashious_boy, riddle me this. What, exactly, are trailers supposed to do?
1 - Are they supposed to make the fanboys of a series go 'Squeee, pretty!'
2 - Are they supposed to give you an idea of what the game may or may not look like, we haven't really decided, might change a whole bunch of stuff...
3 - Attract fans of a series as well as new people into getting excited enough to go out and buy that game, brand new. Maybe even pre-order the special edition.
I was always under the impression it was 3, although given Capcom's track record 2 is also a valid answer.
Guys, I'm failing to understand this. I'm not supposed to form an opinion based on the videos Capcom are revealing to show how the game is played? What, exactly, am I supposed to do with these videos? Look at them and then say, 'Huh. Maybe the game shall be nothing like this so I shall form no opinion whatsoever.' Of course, I notice there are no complaints when people say it'll be awesome...
I have, repeatedly, pointed out that I would love for this to go back to survival horror. I'm not asking for zombies. I'm not asking for the old camera system and controls. I'm asking for it be scary. And to have exploration. And, of course, puzzles. And, yes, they may have this...but there is no evidence of them yet in the videos Capcom themselves have released. The videos, instead, focus on killing and so it's not too big a stretch to assume the game, too, shall focus on this.
This, however, is my opinion. Please, feel free to disagree...but don't try and deny me it. I'm vocal and polite and therefore cannot be stopped by anything short of anti-tank weapons.
That's it people. You guys complain on Resident Evil 5 a lot, but you know what I see? I see meaningless complaints from people that have no clue about how game developing works.
First, some Resident Evil 4 whining:
You Resident Evil hardcores out there don't seem to realize that Resident Evil was about to be completely abandoned. Sure, most people know what Resident Evil is, but only as "the first survival horror game". 2004 people didn't care about Resident Evil. The series had limped their way out from the All-time Toplists and the casual gamers considered it being too slow, having too complex puzzles and not actually being much fun providing few to no scares or adreaneline rushes. Resident Evil was this close to being forgotten. The fans still knew what it was, but the casual gamers were forgetting after several games not turning out as promised.
Resident Evil 4 has rejuvinated the series. Sure, it is more action-based but it is exactly what the public wants. The game haven't got a single major flaw, was praised by everyone and once again made Resident Evil series known to everyone. It is the original Resident Evil all over again.
Resident Evil 4 do have connections, do have puzzles and do have a story. Just as much as the other games, in fact, I have a hard time realizing why some people can't realize that.
Originally posted by Gradon View PostThe animations, the enemies, the weapons, EVERYTHINGS the same, just reskinned, and please don't tell me it's Placeholders, THE GAMES BEEN IN WORKS FOR 3 YEARS.
Also, El Gigante is in a trailer cutscene, he can't be a placeholder.
When making a great videogame it takes way more time preparing, getting a crew, writing the storyline, drawing concept art and creating the engine than actually making the game. Not to mention balancing.
Ever heard of the movie 300? Can't remember exactly now, but it took about one year to shoot and spend two-three years in post production. That's how it goes with videogames, but with pre production instead.
The game have probably not been actually worked on for as long as you think at all - and in over six months (It releases March next year, correct?) games can change a lot.
Don't worry about animations being recycled - it will no doubt be fixed.
The other things you complain on is wrong. For one the enemies are not recycled, sure they are similar to the Ganados but they will no doubt have differences - but didn't the previous 10 or so Resident Evil games all include zombies? The Plaga-likes are probably being recycled because the Las Plagas are still involved in Resident Evil 5, probably cross-bred with the T or Progenitor viruses. The weapons have not been recycled, from what I saw in the trailers not a single one. It is possible that the handgun is an USP or whatever, I'm not good with many handguns. But the sniper rifle is not the same model as in Resident Evil 4, and the AK-47 is completely new. The shotgun did look similar to Resident Evil 4. And those are four weapons - Resident Evil 5 will probably have more weapons than Resident Evil 4. Just imagine the new magnums and special weapons.
Don't worry. It is a new game and Capcom aren't known for their idiocy.
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostMy opinion is that RE5 is disappointing to me, so far, with the recycled animations, lame enemy AI, el gigante, etc.
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostHaha. You make me laugh. No offense, but if you think RE4 had realistic acrobatics, you are nuts.
In fact landing in a roll is the best way to land a fall from high distances, it's not unrealistic or anything. Flat ground is even better than bumpy ground. The chasm and the laser room are both tension scenes, like action movies.
I don't see any problem with the grappling hook, professional climbers use them all the time. If it did manage to latch onto something I bet that rock is as hard as any - and the grappling hooks purpose is to latch onto stuff in just that manner, perhaps not while falling, but lacthing onto cliffs or depressions in general. Nowadays there is thread just a few micrometers thick that can carry people, so he being able to hold on isn't wierd either.
I havn't played Umbrella Chronicles yet, so I don't know what you're talking about there but midair kicks doesn't sound so strange to me.
My conclusion of what you write is that you're american.
Let's all discuss our ideas in a humane manner. We're all here for the discussion anyway; it's not like we have direct control over what Capcom makes.
Keep it civil, but have fun. Argue and counter-argue. That's what it is all about.
Jill's BoobLast edited by Jill's Boob; 07-25-2008, 01:29 PM.
Another thing, the most common misconception about Resident Evil 5.
It won't be about shooting only. You won't be able to kill all the enemies. It's about running and using smart tactics escape the enemies or kill them by luring them into traps.
From what I heard about a guy who luckily got to play the game, he didn't manage to kill all the enemies even once in the slums.
That's interesting, but not something I've seen yet. It would certainly make things a bit more interesting, but if you're being beaten by pure weight of numbers then it won't really be all that impressive. Improved AI along with this might make for some tense game play though.
Capcom really need to show some elements other than combat though. Maybe showing Chris and Sheva forced to fall back and run away, being ambushed and pursued all the while. Or, of course, a puzzle. I like puzzles. I'll settle for him picking up a chess key.