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Absolutely Worthless

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  • Originally posted by Nomad9026 View Post
    And that actually means that during the whole existanse of Racoon City the only child that lived there was Shery Sensore sometimes makes the games look ilogic. I don't belive that during the terible outbreak in Racoon, were 500000 of people were turned in zombies or worse, there were no child zombies and only one black zombie (Marvin). But the game haven't sufered from it at all IMO.
    There are black zombies and fat zombies in RE3. And no child zombies doesn't mean sherry was the only child. It means that they died instead of becoming zombies. Its dark but its better than them becoming monsters.


    • Well the Shery thing i posted was just a joke. Yeah I remember that in RE3 there were many tipes of zombies, but aperently I forgot about black zombies. And you are right it's better to be dead than a zombie.
      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


      • Originally posted by Nomad9026
        But atleast they should have been shown somehow
        Censors won't take it, look what happened to Silent Hill's creatures.
        The grey children used to be naked babies that could walk and attack you by hugging, censors said it was WAAAAY too violent, and disturbing.
        It would be more logical, but I doubt they'd add it in for logic anyway.

        Originally posted by korg
        out of sight out of mind
        "Out of sight, out of mind
        Out of time to decide
        Do we run? should I hide
        For the rest of my life

        Can we fly? do we stay?
        We could lose we could fail
        And the moment it takes
        To make plans, or mistakes"

        30 Minutes, t.A.T.u. <3
        Sorry, you just reminded me of that song.
        I love t.A.T.u.
        Last edited by Gradon; 07-31-2008, 10:12 AM.


        • Well it was a mid western american town, I suppose thats how they possibly got around only having one black zombie and one asian character?

          Thought Raccoon city's population was the 100-200,000 mark anyway?


          • Originally posted by Nomad9026 View Post
            But atleast they should have been shown somehow, if not in gameplay (yeah I understand that it would be too hardcore, but zombie is a zombie no matter how old is it, it is not a human anymore) than atleast in a cinematic of some sort, a good example is a RE3 intro. Atleast one sceen would be enough for people to understand that there are a child zombies.
            Well, the child violence line is very clear in videogames. The only game I can think of that includes it is Bioshock which was pretty much assaulted by newspapers and TV shows. Since the violence wasn't shown though, they could just shake it off and keep walking.

            Originally posted by Nomad9026 View Post
            Yeah they could, actually they used this explanation in RE4 for why there were no kids.But why then rats and roaches didn't die because of virus? Ah.. Its a dark forest and I don't want to get lost there
            They didn't die of the virus because there was no virus. There was a parasite. Too large and probably too intelligent to try to infect rats n' roaches.


            • No I ment about infected rats and roaches in Racoon not the animals in RE4. And yeah sencores made a loy of job on SH1, though I think it would be scarier to fight with naked girl looking creatures that kills by huging you than with a green hell-knows what with a knife in its paws. And corect me if I'am wrong, but wasn't RE apocalipse PG-13 rated, but it had a child zombies?
              "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


              • It did. And it's one of the hundred and one reasons to hate Anderson. I have no idea what it's rating is though. I think it's a 15 in the UK.


                • Originally posted by Nomad9026 View Post
                  No I ment about infected rats and roaches in Racoon not the animals in RE4. And yeah sencores made a loy of job on SH1, though I think it would be scarier to fight with naked girl looking creatures that kills by huging you than with a green hell-knows what with a knife in its paws. And corect me if I'am wrong, but wasn't RE apocalipse PG-13 rated, but it had a child zombies?
                  Oh. Well. Then I'm not in the discussion. What are you talking about anyways? With zombo-kids in the movie, doesn't that kind of confirm that there are zombie children in the Resident Evil universe even if they are not in the games (as blowing them apart with a grenade launcher would be a bit hardcore)?


                  • No. The games and the movies are completely seperate entities. Nothing from the movies is canon in the games until it's confirmed in a game, such as a man named Matt being a Nemesis. It's possible but unlikely given how long Umbrella was developing Nemesis.

                    I do reckon there are xombie kids, but they'd be rare as being attacked would do so much damage they're ulikely to reanimate. And in a zombie horde they'll be near the back. Shorter legs so they won't move as fast. Hence why you never see them in the RE games.


                    • Zombified children will never be shown in the game, much less parasite-infected children. It is taboo in today's politically-correct (though the world and societal view points are changing, rapidly; especially compared to pre-internet days) society for a child or elderly person to be maimed or killed in a video game. I think I read somewhere (though don't always believe what you read, kids) that GTA3 programmers had to remove children & elderly pedestrians from the carnage since "watchdog" groups like those that harped on the release of "Manhunt 2" would have $#!* a squirrel had GTA3 included them. If you think the hack journalists that had a field day with RE5 and racism are bad, imagine the fiasco that would occur if an infected child was included in an RE game.

                      Personally, I don't think it's a big deal to include children zombies in a game world where children would be present: Raccoon City, Spanish village, African village. They'd be there in real life...Children, however, would likely not be present in RE1 or RECV (or the "Fall of Umbrella" scenario).
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 08-01-2008, 07:08 PM.


                      • A child enemy wouldn't be bad if it was a monster like a g-type or licker.

                        It just wouldn't be allowed to look human or innocent


                        • I love the game. I just wish they wouldn't have called it Resident Evil 4. I don't recall any numbered sequels being such gigantic departure from the previous games in the series. It should have been given a separate title. Like Resident Evil: The Super Secret Agent Leon Man of Justice Chronicles. Calling it Resident Evil 4 makes just as much sense as calling Mario Baseball Super Mario World 4.

                          However, it is an incredibly awesome game, and I'm looking forward to Resident Evil 5 as well. Yes, it's just Resident Evil 4 with coop. So? Resident Evil 2 was just Resident evil in a police station. Resident Evil 3 was just Resident Evil 2 in a city. Code Veronica was just Resident Evil 3 on an island. REmake was just Resident Evil... period. Resident Evil 0 was just REmake with two characters at the same time.

                          Honestly, coop is a far greater addition than most sequels tend to get. ESPECIALLY online coop.

                          Also: I love the original games on the same level as RE4. They're both good fun.

                          Funny thing is: if they ever make classic-style Resident Evil games again, they'll have to be labeled differently as Resident Evil 4 should have been in the first place. How wacky is that?


                          • Resident Evil 2 did a lot of things different to RE1, and it made sense for some elements to remain the same. It's the same virus, ergo some of the same enemies. But only two enemies remained the same between the two games. It can be argued MR X's final form is the same as the first tyrant, but that's another matter. It also added in the second scenarios and the Hunk and Tofu minigames.

                            No doubt the same will be true about RE4 and RE5...but so far all they've shown is the same game with an AI controlled gun next to you and that's not impressive. They've got at least two enemies returning, as things are, since the Ganados (Which given that this isn't Las Plagas is odd) are back and El Gigante has returned. The new building destruction should be interesting, as should some of the elements that have been promised but not delivered.

                            But my main problem with RE5 is still, 'Look, more shooty killy stuff!' For a series built on horror, explroation and puzzles it certainly seems to be lacking in those elements, which is really what I wasn't hoping for. I was hoping at least horror would make a return.


                            • I think naming Resident Evil 4 with a 4 was a good choice, as all main titles so far have been great games. Resident Evil is, well, Resident Evil. Resident Evil 2 was where the virus was taken outside the old quite random mansion and broke out in Racoon City. Resident Evil 3 I havn't played a lot, but fromm what I heard it's more action-oriented and had the constant fear of Nemesis chasing you around.


                              • Originally posted by Cerberus View Post
                                I think naming Resident Evil 4 with a 4 was a good choice, as all main titles so far have been great games. Resident Evil is, well, Resident Evil. Resident Evil 2 was where the virus was taken outside the old quite random mansion and broke out in Racoon City. Resident Evil 3 I havn't played a lot, but fromm what I heard it's more action-oriented and had the constant fear of Nemesis chasing you around.
                                What about Code: Veronica then? That was definitely a main title....and considering it actually had something to do with the main plot, had three of the series's returning characters....techinically that should have been one of the ones with a number. RE3 still had the subtitle of Nemesis, so it would have worked fine.
                                Are you tired, Rebecca?

